Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 27 September 2017 Favoriting | Leg Smoothies For All of My Friends

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Label Year Images New Approx. start time
Travis Wammack  It's Karate Time   Favoriting Sounds of the Unexpected     
John Carpenter  The Duke Arrives/Barricade   Favoriting Escape from New York Soundtrack     
  0:02:21 (Pop-up)
John Murphy  Taxi (Ave Maria) Jackknife Lee Remix   Favoriting 28 Days Later Soundtrack     
  0:06:06 (Pop-up)
LCD Soundsystem  How Do You Sleep   Favoriting American Dream     
  0:10:18 (Pop-up)
John Lennon  How Do You Sleep?   Favoriting Imagine     
  0:16:14 (Pop-up)
Sebadoh  The Freed Pig   Favoriting sebadoh lll     
  0:20:32 (Pop-up)
Harry Nilsson  He Needs Me (extended demo)   Favoriting Popeye: Deluxe Edition     
  0:28:22 (Pop-up)
Harrison Williams Warwick  The River   Favoriting ENOugh: Garbage Time's 2017 Marathon Premium     
  0:37:33 (Pop-up)
Carl Finch  Mall Muzak   Favoriting True Stories     
  0:41:05 (Pop-up)
Hyperbubble  Rhinestone Cowboy   Favoriting Western Ware     
  0:46:48 (Pop-up)
Porter Wagoner  Waldo the Weirdo   Favoriting What Ain't To Be Just Might Happen     
  0:51:13 (Pop-up)
Andre Williams  Bury Me Deep   Favoriting Don't Ever Give Up  Bloodshot Records  2016 
  0:55:40 (Pop-up)
Brix and the Extricated  Moonrise Kingdom   Favoriting Part 2     
*   1:03:06 (Pop-up)
Meat Puppets  Up On The Sun   Favoriting Title Track     
  1:06:35 (Pop-up)
Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile  Over Everything   Favoriting      
  1:10:11 (Pop-up)
Mikey Mike  Doin' Me (FCC Renix)   Favoriting      
  1:16:25 (Pop-up)
Chipmunks at 16 rpm  Institutionalized   Favoriting      
  1:19:41 (Pop-up)
King Missile  America Kicks Ass (FCC Edit)   Favoriting      
  1:24:49 (Pop-up)
Cuca & Youth Brigade  El Son Del Dolor   Favoriting Silencio = Muerte     
  1:35:13 (Pop-up)
The Tornadoes  Hot Potato   Favoriting Sounds of the Unexpected     
*   1:39:56 (Pop-up)
Scott Walker  Next   Favoriting Scott 2     
  1:43:16 (Pop-up)
Ute Lemper & Neil Hannon  Tango Ballad   Favoriting Punishing Kiss     
  1:46:45 (Pop-up)
Jacques Brel  Au Suivant   Favoriting      
  1:51:05 (Pop-up)
Roxy Music  In Every Dreamhome a Heartache   Favoriting For Your Pleasure     
  1:54:19 (Pop-up)
Eddie Noack  Psycho   Favoriting      
  1:58:08 (Pop-up)
Rockabye Baby  Smells Like Teen Spirit   Favoriting           2:07:59 (Pop-up)
Neil Cicierga  Bills Like Jean Spirit   Favoriting      
  2:09:08 (Pop-up)
Barry Adamson  They Walk Among Us   Favoriting Title Track     
*   2:13:43 (Pop-up)
Plax  Boring Story   Favoriting Clean Feeling        *   2:18:37 (Pop-up)
Destroy All Monsters  Bored   Favoriting      
  2:20:42 (Pop-up)
Brix and the Extricated  Hollywood   Favoriting Part 2     
  2:24:18 (Pop-up)
Neil Young  Revolution Blues   Favoriting On The Beach     
  2:30:22 (Pop-up)
Eagles of Death Metal  Bad Dream Mama   Favoriting           2:35:36 (Pop-up)
Wire  Lowdown   Favoriting On Returning (1977-1979)          2:42:22 (Pop-up)
Tom Waits  Goin Out West   Favoriting Glitter And Doom Live     
  2:45:04 (Pop-up)
T. Rex  Bang a Gong (Get it On)   Favoriting           2:48:58 (Pop-up)
Peter Perrett  Hard to Say No   Favoriting How the West Was Won     
  2:53:53 (Pop-up)
BBC Shipping Forecast Orchestra  Sailing By   Favoriting      
  2:56:15 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar 6:19am Snortley:

This where them GIFs is at?
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 6:22am -Ken:

Yep! Give me just a minute..
  7:23am fѺfѺ (:

Good morning, Kommissar Ken, Snortley!
Avatar 7:27am Wild Neil:

PEACE All. Wednesday mornings I always check out your GIFS like going to an art gallery opening in Manhattan and sometimes I take a GIF "home" by favoriting it so it goes on my WFMU about me page.
Avatar 7:29am Wild Neil:

It makes me recall that animation could go so far beyond actual human or animal shapes but it chooses not too....could somebody actually make a GIF of triangles, for example, that actually get me to feel empathy for them? Or simple fields of color?
  7:55am fѺfѺ (:

I agree, Wild Neil. I also feel no empathy for biangles and diangles. They just like to go upside down, inside up and down and back and round and up and up and down and up and around and up that down and double into that down LIKE A CIRCLE!
Avatar 7:58am cory:

mornin' all
  8:05am Listener Robert:

Neil, Damon Lindelof as a young teen (or maybe pre-teen) made a music video to go with REM's "Triangle Man". Might make you sympathetic to THAT triangle.
  8:05am Listener Robert:

I should've explained that Lindelof's was all animated drawings of geometric figures.
  8:14am Listener Robert:

Then again, there was Chuck Jones''s Oscar-winning impossible animation of the impossible book, "The Dot and The Line".
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:25am -Ken:

It is getting more and more difficult to find GIFs these days.. tumblr changed their rules which more or less destroyed the GIF scene there.. and while there are still amazing GIFs to be found, they are generally too large (file size wise) these days.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:26am -Ken:

Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:28am -Ken:

I just posted a sympathetic triangle GIF
Avatar 8:29am Bjarne:

Good morning Ken, and good morning to all of you wfmu loving folks. I'd love to try one of those skydiving wind tunnel things. Looks fun.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:30am -Ken:

Bjarne! Did you get the painting back to Norway in one piece?
Avatar 8:32am cory:

how about some John Carpenter?
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:34am -Ken:

Which soundtrack Cory?
Avatar 8:35am cory:

man, they're all so good. escape from new york?
  8:37am fѺfѺ (:

- Saint Black (formerly known as 'Saint Black Alex')
- Liminanas (something from Malamore)
- Sparks (if only if they have a better song than Edith Piaf)

- R.E.M.
- Bands that sound like R.E.M.
  8:42am fѺfѺ (:

Addendum to my list of requests:
- Barry Adamson (any other killer song out there besides Love Sick Dick?)
Avatar 8:43am Bjarne:

@Ken - the box was damaged, but luckily the painting was not!
On my way back home from work at the moment. Kim and Sleestak will be on my wall tomorrow. I'll send you a picture of it when it's done.
Avatar 8:48am Wild Neil:

King Crimson! The Creator Has a Master Plan?
Avatar 8:49am Bjarne:

Doris - you never come closer
Elephant9 - Black hole
Paul McCartney - temporary secretary
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:50am Ken From Hyde Park:

Aaahhh! Hazmat! Run!
Hi, Bjarne!
Avatar 8:53am Bjarne:

I agree with fѺfѺ. No R.E.M
Hey Ken from Hyde Park
Avatar 9:00am Davee:

Good morning!
  9:02am Listener Bop Monroe:

Ken: greetings from Mercury City.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am Fuzzy:

Slo-mo Moonie is kinda hypnotic.
Avatar 9:03am cory:

groovy, thanks
Avatar 9:04am Readie Righteous:

Love this JC right now, whoa
Avatar 9:04am Thwacko:

Love John Carpenter soundtrack stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am melinda:

Morning Ken and crowd!
Avatar 9:04am Number Six:

John Carpenter! YES!
  9:05am Listener Bop Monroe:

whiplash from that nose
Avatar 9:05am Thwacko:

Escape from New York is probably one of the best movies ever made by humans.
Avatar 9:05am pierre:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am Polyus:

So I guess John Carpenter is coming to my neck of the woods pretty soon, but it's at a hellhole club way out in the 'burbs. I remain undecided on going for now.
  9:08am Listener Bop Monroe:

28 days later is the 'holed up in the apartment one'? liked the first better but this music rules.
  9:09am Listener Bop Monroe:

only if he brings Kurt Russel with him.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am Polyus:

28 Days is the first one. And yeah, great soundtrack. I ran out and bought it the next day.
  9:10am Listener Bop Monroe:

or rowdy roddy piper
  9:12am morphe:

Waiting for Ken - me -in a different time zone
Waiting for Godot, Guffman too
Wading through Ken - that is not sexual -
not even un-sub-consciously...
though I am a wee bit excited (cerebral and emotional
but not downstairs) because I almost only get the archives, almost never live- but.. the archives are probably the suitable place for a geezer like me. Thanks ken & everyone (slaves included) at FMU. I would say "with love" but it would, again, sound way too sexual, so I say: Gracias y pan, tierra, [musica] y libertad!
Morphe y Simon y Arnan
  9:12am Listener Bop Monroe:

ooops sorry, no Roddy. my bad
Avatar 9:13am Thwacko:

Yeah, unfortunately Roddy Piper isn't available.
Avatar 9:13am pierre:

is it bad to say that I don't like LCD Soundsystem ?
  9:14am fѺfѺ (:

Sacreblue, pierre!
  9:14am Listener Bop Monroe:

i like this better than Lennon's and i liked Lennon's.
  9:15am Listener Bop Monroe:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am geoff mcq:

Afternoon all. And in answer to the question posed by the last two songs, erratically.
Avatar 9:16am Nick S.:

Irony. Those freaks were wrong.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am dale:

can i die at carousel?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am bnowb:

This LCD track relaxes me, its Fn beautiful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am The Oscar:

Morning all! Every time Escape from New York is on TV I'm blown away by HOW DAMN AMAZING that cast is. HDS really was a treasure.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:18am Threemoons:

Hey Ken, gotta run out the door, but CAN WE PLEASE HAVE SOME MORE WFMU WOOF MOO T SHIRTS ALREADY? I could use a Men's L or a Women's 3X because they cut the ladies' stuff for freaking Barbie dolls.
  9:18am Listener Bop Monroe:

i buried paul.
Avatar 9:19am pierre:

I know FOFO :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am bnowb:

my sisters orders the mens sizes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am bnowb:

  9:20am Listener Bop Monroe:

9S, is that a realsize?
  9:21am Bobby:

I love this song.
  9:23am judy from croton:

I love this song too.
  9:23am Alex:

Great resentment set!
Avatar 9:24am northguineahills:

Haven't heard this Sebadoh album in decades.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am steveo:

Ken. First time caller; I love the show. Will today's State of the Station address be archived? 6pm is a tough time but I would like to hear it.
  9:24am fѺfѺ (:

<encrypted>But between you and me, pierre, I have to confess I also don't like LCD System.</encrypted>
  9:25am Kerbo:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am melinda:

I'd love a woof moo shirt too. I remember getting the woof moo bumper sticker after pledging for the first or maybe second time and thinking it was the cleverest piece of swag I'd seen. There's been great swag since then but it helped clue me in to FMU's specialness when I was still only listening to one show and not paying close attention.
  9:25am fѺfѺ (:


I've sent you an encrypted message. Only you can read it.
  9:25am Earthling:

Bright font on black background appreciation comment
Avatar 9:26am bobdoesthings:

good morning
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:26am Threemoons:

Wait, what was the cremation/prison clip from again? Missed that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am dale:

tonight is the state of the station? is it in a solid state or a gaseous state?
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:28am Threemoons:

Dale--I think it is in a constant colloidal state. And can someone please help me with that movie clip?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am steveo:

people always tell me be careful who you love
  9:30am Brendan:

Rockabye Billie Jean. A song for babies about a guy denying that a baby is his.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:30am -Ken:

Good news Melinda and Threemoons - we have the October fundraiser beginning this weekend, and guess what T-shirt we are reprinting?! Woof Moo on Black!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:30am -Ken:

@steveo, yes it will be archived - everything is archived. Just about
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:31am Webhamster Henry:

I think I need to get this demo.
Avatar 9:31am Okasa:

Guten morgen, Kommissar Ken! And a peaceful Odin's Day to the massed Kenophiles.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am steveo:

Rhianna, Beiber, Nilsson. Awesome, thank you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am Dominick:

This is so great
  9:31am John in Bklyn:

Morning, Ken! Maybe another tune from the new Brix?
  9:32am judy from croton:

Impossible song to sing! He Needs Me. Glad it's not only me that finds this to be so.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am dale:

was the popeye movie during the bluto or brutus years?
  9:32am John in Bklyn:

@dale FMU is in a Garden State.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:34am -Ken:

@John - Im gonna play Moonrise Kingdom again.. LOVE that song
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:34am Threemoons:

Ken--GREAT! WOOP WOOP! Um, can you please tell me what the Cremation Prison Train clip was from? I am wracking my brains and I missed the announcement...thanks!
Avatar 9:34am Okasa:

The mouth trumpet in the background rules!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:35am Threemoons:

Also know that I can tune in to the fundraiser on Sunday--Friday night into Saturday night is Yom Kippur...
  9:35am judy from croton:

Shelley Duvall!!!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:36am -Ken:

@Thremoons it was from Escape From New York
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am steveo:

clicky star for judy (thanks, was wondering)
  9:36am John in Bklyn:

@Ken Thanks!! I can listen to the whole show today without worrying about getting in to work.
  9:37am fѺfѺ (:

This demo song is superb but, c'mon! "Popeye: Deluxe Edition"?!? Really? What else is included in the album? Spinach?!
  9:37am jess:

I guess he needs her
Avatar 9:37am Nick S.:

This makes me want to hold Shelley, again.
  9:37am ?:

Aha! Thanks judy, NOT Blossom Dearie.
  9:37am Listener Bop Monroe:

it comes with a letter of apology from Robert Altman
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:37am Threemoons:

Ken--THANK YOU! I guess that serves as a reminder that I need to watch it again. Saw it back in the day in the theaters...showing my age...
Avatar 9:38am Nick S.:

Eno song.
  9:38am Listener Bop Monroe:

i DO love that film. never heard the demos. cool to hear Harry & Shelly together
  9:40am Brendan:

Ken. Glad to hear. My Woof Moo black and white is getting pretty dingy . A paler shade of white. Thought of bleaching it, but thought better. Me and that tee have been through so much.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am melinda:

Great news re: woof moo shirts! I was wondering what the design would be for the October fundraiser.
  9:42am fѺfѺ (:


Is it possible to donate to William Berger show?
Avatar 9:42am pierre:

  9:42am judy from croton:

Gee thanks Steveo. Never earned a clicky star before!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:43am -Ken:

f0f0, great idea, I will make it so..
  9:45am John in Bklyn:

@pierre It's OK not to like LCD. Their alleged break up and then comeback like 3 years later came off as a cheap stunt to rake in a lot of do-re-mi from "final" tour shows. A lot of bands seem to do that now. I did like Murphy's idea for subway turnstile sounds, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am steveo:

such free formosity! (that's a compliment)
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:45am Krys O.:

Ooh, this reminds me of Karaoke Ice by Marina Zurkow.
  9:47am Brendan:

Mall muzak reminds of the creepy guy in the Wurlitzer store
Avatar 9:48am pierre:

@John in Bklyn: thanks. It's not always easy to manage to explain the why of things, specially in another language.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:48am Krys O.:
Avatar 9:50am pierre:

this sounds like Stereo Total had an internship in a ranch.
  9:51am John in Bklyn:

@pierre I hope they didn't break up because someone in the band had cancer or something. I'll feel awful.
Avatar 9:52am BronwynB:

shut up, waldo
Avatar 9:52am BronwynB:

also, hello ken and everyone
  9:53am Listener Bop Monroe:

a priest, a soldier and a cowboy walk into a bar...
  9:53am Brendan:

Where’s Wierdo?
  9:54am Listener Bop Monroe:

We miss the sportsy!!!!!!!!
Avatar 9:54am Nick S.:

Goddamn, Waldo WAS a weirdo.
  9:54am Sam:

That priest on the left is Stephen Colbert
  9:55am John in Bklyn:

Waldo makes me think of that Van Halen video. @Ken, can you play some VH on super slow speed?
  9:55am Listener Bop Monroe:

why, yes, yes he is!
Avatar 9:55am duke:

They found Waldo!
Avatar 9:55am Davee:

Does he wear a striped shirt?
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:55am Ken From Hyde Park:

Where went Waldo?
  9:56am Listener Bop Monroe:

at walmart of course.
  9:57am Listener Bop Monroe:

in this purple graveyard
Avatar 9:57am A Better Me:

Think I need to start walking around with a will in my pocket. Thanks Waldo
  9:58am Listener Bop Monroe:

crouching behind the white stone. see his sleeve?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am melinda:

Porter really liked those sermonizing talky songs.
Avatar 9:58am Davee:

This is a cool song . . . .
Avatar 10:00am (Murakami Whywolf))):

Mash-up of "Rhinestone Cowboy" and "Sloop John B.".
  10:00am John in Bklyn:

Is that cemetery GIF a scene from the colorized Night of the Living Dead? Damn you, Turner Classic Movies!!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:01am Krys O.:

Waldo was cold and it was the Endless Sleep.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:01am Ken From Hyde Park:

Asleep = Taking a dirt nap
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am Planet Tyler:

Station needs more dingo reports
  10:03am cat:

he probably was just put to sleep
  10:04am Listener Bop Monroe:

update on her injured tail, please.
  10:04am John in Bklyn:

Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:06am Ken From Hyde Park:

Now that the billboard fund has exceeded $10k, is the next goal to fund "WFMU welcomes you to NJ" signs on the bridges entering the state?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am Planet Tyler:

Update if amputated tail grew another dog
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:07am listener jeff:

Hi Ken, isn't it time to break out Hippy Chick again?
  10:07am John in Bklyn:

The Puppets finest moment. Thanks, Ken! Haven't heard this in ages.
  10:07am Listener Bop Monroe:

we already know that didn't work. the tail clone.
Avatar 10:07am Wilson K:

I am going to listen to the Wake and Bake archive from today and comment here as though this were Clay's comments board.
Avatar 10:08am (Murakami Whywolf))):

It is NOT bad to say you don't like LCD Soundsystem.
(It IS bad not to like them.) (On Earth '1 for 2' is doing pretty well.)
  10:08am Listener Bop Monroe:

can we clone dekenslutz?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am Planet Tyler:

@Bop - I dont know that. it's when you throw the moldy tail away all innocent like in the garbage that strange things start to happen...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am bnowb:

TY Ken I forgot how amazing this song was. Ill bike to this all day darn-it :)
Avatar 10:09am Nacho:

Hehehe! Love that dog! She's awesome. Hola a todos!
  10:09am Listener Bop Monroe:

boogie boogie boogie!
Avatar 10:09am Wilson K:

Joke's on me, it's not archived yet. FUCK EVERYTHING
  10:09am Brendan:

Update any movement on any movement on the proposed naked deejaying initiative
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am bnowb:

up on the sun :)
  10:09am judy from croton:

Meat Puppets; what a sound.
Avatar 10:11am (((Murakami Whywolf):

Maybe I can't stand Mr Pigeon due to prejudicial exposure to the voices of Hugh Hefner and Milo Miles making me unfairly assume I'm going to be sleazed- and B.S.d-at.
  10:11am judy from croton:

Silky smooth segue, ken.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am MD:

To Quote Joe Franklin..."HELLO MY FRIENDS!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am Fuzzy:

Kurt Kirkwood Lookalike Hour on WFMU!
  10:12am Listener Bop Monroe:

Dog: that'll be enough ofTHAT.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am Planet Tyler:

This Courtney & Kurt works well
  10:13am John in Bklyn:

Mary Woronov!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13am MD:

Avatar 10:14am (Murakami Whywolf))):

I heard the intro and felt the world's most beautiful asthma attack coming-on. I thinks she's clever cos she writes brilliant songs that save people's lives.
  10:14am Listener Bop Monroe:

another K & C, who'd a thought?
at least this one won't paint the back of the garage.

Ramones light the way.
  10:15am Listener Bop Monroe:

kate bush from below?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am Planet Tyler:

@Bop - 'zactely
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am geoff mcq:

I'm fucking obsessed with that Courtney and KV song just now. I love it to bits.
Avatar 10:17am (((Murakami Whywolf):

TuneIn just crashed because I'm running-out of storage—animated .gif files TOO BIG. (…to be fair, on top of Gb after Gb of other stuff.)
  10:17am Listener Bop Monroe:

all i wanted was a pepsi
Avatar 10:17am Roberto:

Just one Pepsi.
Avatar 10:17am Wilson K:

@geoff — all of WFMU is obsessed with that track
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:18am -Ken:

I got a pair of tickets for Courtney and Kurt at The Lowes in Jersey City Nov 6.. details next time I talk on air.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am Planet Tyler:

Yeah, one can tune in any time and hear the C & KV track!
Avatar 10:18am (((Murakami Whywolf):

I thought this was another version of "Institutionalized". 'I don' t want to be comfortable/I want a PEPSI!!!'.
  10:18am Eliyah:

this track is goood
Avatar 10:19am cory:

someone go to work for me
  10:19am Listener Bop Monroe:

it follows the same trajectory
  10:20am Listener Bop Monroe:

ok, here we go...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am Planet Tyler:

Avatar 10:20am (Murakami Whywolf))):

This sounds like our President's theme-song, except this guy has friends and doesn't consider revenge life's greatest pleasure.
Avatar 10:21am Roberto:

Fez and Hyde yassss!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:21am Rich in Washington:

King Missile sure sounds weird now.
  10:22am Listener Bop Monroe:

Hyde shoulda got the redhead.
  10:22am Sam:

Wascally wabbits
Avatar 10:23am (((Murakami Whywolf):

John in Bklyn:
The cemetery might be from "Return of the Living Dead".
Avatar 10:23am Roberto:

He's on acorns!
  10:23am Sam:

They should make a spinoff show all about Hyde's life
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am Planet Tyler:

Ken, remember "Acorn" for the next What're You On SSD
  10:24am Eliyah:

my brain feels a little more empty after listening to it
  10:24am Sam:

Cemeteries are full of acorns. That's why so much crazy shit goes on in those places.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am steveo:

chipmunks >> van halen
  10:25am Mandy:

wow that was a trip never doing acorns again
Avatar 10:25am Wilson K:

Great callback to last week's show
  10:25am woj:

i think this institutionalized just changed my life
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:25am Rich in Washington:

Avatar 10:25am Roberto:

I remember that episode. Hyde showed Fez how to conceal cool records inside square covers. Like Alice Cooper in a Pat Boone cover.
Avatar 10:25am (Murakami Whywolf))):

Patton Oswalt has a great bit about listening the Chipmunks sings at this speed…Dave sounds like a Black Metal devil.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:26am Rich in Washington:

Play it at 16 RPM, Ken!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am The Oscar:

Man, I remember this album came out right around when I started doing college radio. I don't think we had the edit, though, and it was SO HARD not to play this one!
Avatar 10:27am duke:

WTF is going on in that gif?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am steveo:

i would kick ass at the neti pot olympics
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am MD:

  10:28am Bob:

OMG, it's the Hygiene Olympics!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am MD:

Ask the Romans...Ask the Greeks...Ask the British...
  10:29am Sam:

What we'll have to do is turn God and the space aliens against each other, let them fight, and we'll get the crumbs of what's left.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am MD:

I know Ted! He hates the UN!!!
  10:30am Earthling:

Given how much general weirdness is broadcast by WFMU, it's strange and kind of cute in some way that you are forced to bleep all these innocent curse words
Avatar 10:31am (Murakami Whywolf))):

Really, the Right have an huge case of '60s Envy. What is the Lout Rampage but a Leader who lets it all hang out and tells his followers to be proud of their Real Selves—blinkered, petty, vindictive, bigots—and Reality is what they say were real.

Sudden flash of a Freak Brothers cartoon in which Norbert the Narc salivates over 'them […] hippie chicks'.
  10:32am Sam:

It's perfectly fine to say "You can be the buns and I can be the burger, girl". But no naughty toilet words.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am MD:

Thank You Ken...I finally learned the words!!!
  10:34am John in Bklyn:

The PATH station at Journal Square looks like a set from the original Return to the Planet of the Apes.
Avatar 10:34am (((Murakami Whywolf):

The Greeks, Romans, and British at their most arrogant couldn't decide to just destroy everything rather than decline. My my, hey hey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am steveo:

Which reminds me -- I keep forgetting to listen to the "In Real Life" archive about the Loews -- apparently the pipe organ is featured prominently. Also Kimzilla and Emily are excellent.
Avatar 10:36am Roberto:

Me encanta esta cancion!
Avatar 10:36am (Murakami Whywolf))):

Hey, aren't all THREE of those guys Stephen Colbert?
Avatar 10:37am Okasa:

That cowboy on the right is Phil Hartman.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am steveo:

Son cubano is a genre of music and dance that originated in the highlands of eastern Cuba during the late 19th century. It is a syncretic genre that amalgamates elements of Spanish and African origin
  10:37am Sam:

Journal Square could be so nice, if they rebuilt that horrible PATH station into a park over the street so you could walk through there without all the traffic and horrible architecture.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am MD:

That Jerk-off who is Squatting in the White House would have us do without this...Not while I am alive my friends!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am steveo:

was going to make a terrorists /Port Authority /JSQ joke but still too soon
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am MD:

Thank You Ken!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am MD:

"Because you are Men...and where there are men there can be no Peace..."
Avatar 10:41am (((Murakami Whywolf):

Where's Pablo Picasso on this Planet of the Apes?
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:41am Ken From Hyde Park:

Wait, what? Was that Clay Pigeon's "No!" guy?
  10:42am John in Bklyn:

@Ken Yes, I was thinking the same thing! That "NO!" sounds like the 'NO!' Clay uses.
  10:43am John in Bklyn:

Pablo Picasso was never called an a**hole. Not even by apes.
Avatar 10:43am BronwynB:

Avatar 10:44am BronwynB:

one of my favorite walker-brel covers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am bnowb:

next next....
  10:45am MONEYBAG$:

Was so happy to discover this Scott Walker album in the late 90s, it made me see that math rock was not the answer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am bnowb:

Love this classic track; its been awhile.
Avatar 10:47am (Murakami Whywolf))):

For a low-rent, Firesign/Crumb-influenced variant on "THX-1138", see Doug Smith's "Let's Visit the World of the Future!":
Avatar 10:48am fleep:

Kurt Weill action, nice.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:48am Webhamster Henry:

Ute's part in this song is really good!
Avatar 10:48am (((Murakami Whywolf):

Raul Julia's version is scarier.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:49am -Ken:

Raul Julia's version of which song?
  10:50am John in Bklyn:

Sounds like Frippertronics in the background.
Avatar 10:50am Jeff:

Just recently when I mentioned to someone that Ute Lemper had been on Seven Second Delay, at first he thought I was lying.
Avatar 10:51am pierre:

Is it too late to ask for LEM "if you steal my sunshine" ?
Avatar 10:51am pierre:

…or any version of this song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am steveo:

from kurt vile to kurt weill
Avatar 10:51am BronwynB:

Avatar 10:51am pierre:

ok but I imagine it wouldn't go well with Brel though
  10:52am Tweak:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52am geoff mcq:

This is a nice version but Alex Harvey (R.I.P.) owns this song.
Avatar 10:52am BronwynB:

Scott's Brel covers get played a lot on FMU but I'm always happy to hear the originals get some love. He was just so friggin intense. Please, everyone, check out this live performance of this song, I implore you:
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:53am Webhamster Henry:

We don't get a lot of Brel-sings-Brel heard on this station! He was a big fan of Man Of La Mancha and produced (and starred ) inthe French version!
Avatar 10:53am (Murakami Whywolf))):

Bitte sehr, „Das Lied von der unzulänglichkeit des menschlichen Strebens“, a.k.a. "Song of the Uselessness of All Human Endeavour", a.k.a. "Song of Futility"…s'il vous plaît.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am The Oscar:

It's funny how much more sense the "chorus" of this song makes in French, from a rhythmic point of view.
  10:54am fѺfѺ (:

Scott Walker completely destroyed Jacques Brel's Jackie translation. Did the same thing happens here, pierre?
Avatar 10:54am BronwynB:

Alex Harvey's version is cool too. In college I directed an updated version of Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and had the kid doing that song emulate the Alex Harvey version.
  10:55am Thelma:

Great to hear you playing Brel's original. Everybody should check out the live performance on Youtube.
  10:55am LCBD:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am The Oscar:

Also learning about Brel's original version makes me look at "Seasons in the Sun" in a COMPLETELY different way.
Avatar 10:55am pierre:

I love Scott Walker, but I prefer Brel sung by Brel.
  10:56am Dean:

Did Ferry ever cover Brel? "Ne Me Quitte Pas" seems fitting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am Hughie Considine:

[Curly voice] "Oh, a snobbist, eh?"
  10:57am Thelma:

You want to hea Le Moribond, the original of Seasons in the Sun. Check DailyMotion if it isn't on YouTube.
Avatar 10:57am BronwynB:

@The Oscar: Rod McKuen's Brel translations (like that one, and If You Go Away) are...not good. I love Nirvana's cover of seasons in the sun because young Dave Grohl bore a striking resemblance to Brel...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am steveo:

so much heartache
  10:58am Dean: little dreamhome.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am Stanley:

Roxy not coming back?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am The Oscar:

Psycho!! One of my favorite songs of all time (though I prefer Jack Kittel's version by a hair).
  10:59am Thelma:

McKuen is hardly mentioned in the French bios, but as poete mineur. (minor poet) but he claims to have been a great friend of Brel's.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am Stanley:

Oh, stream dropped
  11:00am fѺfѺ (:

What's going on with the sound?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am Passaic River Blues:

The Beasts of Bourbon cover of this is really good.
Avatar 11:00am (Murakami Whywolf))):

«Suivant» also means 'following', so I get a double-meaning of despair at having your entire life just been part of the commanded crowd.

(Great, next I'll start using the word 'sheeple' like all those people gunning to be shepherds.)
Avatar 11:00am

"psycho"?! Will Rigby once said that writer, Leon Payne(?), demanded that no one record the song while he was still alive. i wonder if that's true.
Avatar 11:01am Fox:

I'm listening via radio and it's gone fuzzy, muffled, and quiet.
  11:01am fѺfѺ (:

Something is wrong with my stream. The internet stream, that is. You can bearly hear Pyscho..
  11:01am Dean:

Stream's same
Avatar 11:02am Fox:

I guess it was just the track then.
Avatar 11:02am Okasa:

My stream was fine the entire time. No problems.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am Stanley:

Batteries ran out in my hearing aid!
Avatar 11:03am Jeff:

Stream's sounding swell to me...
  11:03am fѺfѺ (:

Oh. Yup. It was the track.
  11:03am John in Bklyn:

I wonder if the 80s yupsters who loved 'More Than This' even knew that the other Roxy existed!

FMU radio signal konked out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am Irwin:

Sounded like an out-of-phase recording.
  11:05am Sam:

When life gives you legs, make a leg smoothie.
  11:05am John in Bklyn:

Oops! Radio was just out for a sec.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06am The Oscar:

@Ken It was, but I don't think Payne ever recorded it. To the best of my knowledge, Noack's version was the first, with Kittel's a few years later.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07am steveo:

Un jour je m’ferai cul-de-jatte ou bonne sœur ou pendu

cul-de-jatte m, f (plural culs-de-jatte)
legless cripple, someone with both legs amputated
Avatar 11:07am Jeff:

Ah. A recording with L and R out of phase with each other would sound extra bad if anyone's listening on the extra-crappy 32k mono stream. Anyone having to do that here?
Avatar 11:07am (((Murakami Whywolf):

The original, he just is saying he's half-hoping he'll become (in his mind) effectively sexless, an amputee, a hanged man, or a nun, and so be out of the mugg's game sex is for him.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 11:07am -Ken:

Was 91.1fm down for a second? How long?
  11:08am Thelma:

He says he would become a legless cripple or do anything not to be next:
Avatar 11:08am pierre:

well he says :
"Un jour je m'ferai cul-de-jatte ou bonne sœur ou pendu
Enfin un d'ces machins où je n'serai jamais plus
Le suivant, le suivant"

Which can translate to :
"One of those days i'll make myself legless or nun or hangman
well one of those things, and i'll never be
the Next one, the next one"
Avatar 11:08am (((Murakami Whywolf):

Yup, mono stream by default, and I'm using a mono speaker anyway.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 11:08am Webhamster Henry:

The nun part is subtle.
  11:08am ?:

Stream is so low! (sorry if i'm being a broken record)
Avatar 11:09am BronwynB:

murakami, thats really interesting. in the english translation it sounds like the whole ordeal was so traumatizing he wants to commit suicide, which always seemed off to me. the idea that he wants to castrate himself following a cold, violating sexual experience makes more sense.
  11:09am Dean:

Ken @11:07 Just speculation that the Noack record is defective, maybe out of phase. All better after that record.
Avatar 11:09am Wilson K:

I am on mobile app and levels have been consistent
  11:09am Thelma:

people avoiding the draft in the Viet Nam year did similar things to themselves to avoid the army.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 11:10am -Ken:

Oh damn, Leon Payne was out of phase?? IT SHALL BE DESTROYED! thanks for letting me know.
Avatar 11:10am Wilson K:

maybe you're all just slowly LOSING YOUR MINDS
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 11:10am -Ken:

  11:11am Dean:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11am steveo:

could you also destroy this abomination of a mashup? parts of it are out of sync (or is that just me?)
  11:12am Thelma:

another performance, my translation copied into someone else's account:
  11:12am fѺfѺ (:

Talking about psychos...Have you read the news this week about the study about predicting psychopathy based on on musical taste? The leading researcher commenting on the results didn't mention which ones were the songs that better predicted who is a psychopath (although he gave two examples: a couple of raps songs) but he said if you like 'My Sharona' you have zero psychopathic tendencies.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 11:13am -Ken:

Thats what makes it so good steveo JAYSUSS
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13am steveo:

some people sheesh :)
  11:14am John in Bklyn:

@Ken My radio signal in Bklyn went out for a minute or two.
It's fine now.
  11:14am Dean:

What if you like "Psycho Killer"? Hmm? What then?
Avatar 11:15am pierre:

Have i done my translation job correctly KEN ?
Avatar 11:16am Davee:

I don't like My Sharona
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16am steveo:


Composé de cul*, de* et jatte* soit parce que l'infirmité rendait l'extrémité du corps de ces personnes semblables à une jatte, soit p. allus. à l'appareil en forme de jatte dont se servaient les estropiés pour se déplacer

Composed of "ass", and "bowl/jug" either because infirmity rendered the extremity of the body of these persons similar to a bowl, or possible allusion to the jug-like apparatus used by the crippled to move

(from with google translation)
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 11:17am -Ken:

I dont understand - he's saying that he might end up legless, or become a nun, or become a hangman? Like a monk maybe? a male nun?
  11:17am fѺfѺ (:


I listen to the 32K signal. But I don't fully understand what you say but that might explain why everytime Ken plays Brian's Eno's "Dead Finks DOn't Talk" you can hear some production errors. See whoever doubted me last time i mentioned it!? That might prove my theory!
  11:17am Thelma:

Pierre, doesn't pendu mean hanged man rather than hangman? Hangman is the one who does the hanging. Hanged me is the fellow in the noose.
Avatar 11:17am Davee:

A male nun? We'll have none of that!
Avatar 11:18am Carmichael:

Good morning Kenneth and peoples of the universes. I currently have both legs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20am steveo:

he wants to "be one of those things where I won't ever be 'the next one' again" (in the brothel)
  11:20am Thelma:

Ken , he says he is going to f--k himself up to get out of the army. Become a legless cripple , a nun or a hanged man. Just like people who had to go before the draft board did in the VietNam days.
Avatar 11:21am pierre:

well he more saying that one day he will (he will make himself) become legless, or nun, or hanged man (thank you Thelma)… so that he is not tempted to have intercourse with anybody, because of the trauma of this horrible whorehouse experience.

The nun here, I think, is an emphasis on the fact that they're famous for living away from any "temptations" as well as monks you can tell me, yes, but so is Jacques Brel's poetry. :)
  11:22am Dean:

Brel fought in Vietnam?
Avatar 11:22am BronwynB:

He actually was already in the army. That's where the whole "next" thing happened. I think he wants to become those various things because they can't have sex. He doesn't want to have sex anymore after being introduced to it in such a horrible way.
Avatar 11:24am pierre:

@Dean : nah, but he lived during WWII in Belgium though.
  11:24am Thelma:

No , Brel was not in the Army. He did some easy time in the Air Force where he developed his love of aviation, eventually learned to fly, and had his own plain. This is a protest fantasy.
Avatar 11:24am pierre:

@BronwynB : Exactly !
Avatar 11:24am (((Murakami Whywolf):

Similar and worse stunts were pulled to avoid the Imperial Russian Army, which was supposed to take Jewish boys at 11 or 12 in an attempt at cultural destruction, the same reason we (and the Canadians) took children away to Indian Schools. Russian Army service was supposed to last 25 years, and started with extreme brutality (as it still does, though not at 12, and maybe with a little less rape).
  11:25am Dean:

[I know. Failed attempt at dry humor. Can't win 'em all. Or even most of 'em.]
Avatar 11:25am Davee:

I wish I was bored
  11:26am Thelma:

He also wrote La Colombe covered by Judy Collins which was sparked by the Algerian War.
Avatar 11:27am pierre:

"number 2 looked what you do, you've ruined everything for me and youuu" …

is this person talking about poop ?

… sorry
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am bnowb:

Ken must have a magical land of gifs he visits. Love your gifs ken. hehe
  11:30am fѺfѺ (:

Anyway, so Scott Walker once again 'destroyed' the original Brel song via a bad translation. But I think that's on purpose. If my memory serves me right I once read he or whoever produced his albums had to change the lyrics to comply with TV or radio regulations in the UK.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am BnowB:

And you play the best damn Neil Young tracks! dang !! awesome !
  11:32am JakeGould:

@FoFo: Rap music as a predictor of psychopathy? Was that a study by white people at the “Institute for the Solidification of White People?” The ISWP?
  11:33am JakeGould:

Was is a study connected to that white guy at Google?
Avatar 11:35am (((Murakami Whywolf):

My Légionnaire relatives are dead, so I can't ask them if «Au suivant» rings true with them. I can't say whether they were damaged in that way, they just showed normal P.T.S.D. and in one case a single missing leg. They quite possibly had a pretty good time when not being shot-at or imprisoned and worked as slaves—a young man away from a pretty puritanical and deprived environment given three squares and a ration of wine, and occasional access to women most likely in a brothel better established than Brel's Mobile Army Sex Unit….
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:35am Sem Chumbo:

So, meat really is a jail cell with an open door.
  11:35am JakeGould:

Read up on “Mgtow” putzes.
  11:35am fѺfѺ (:

Oh. Very interesting you mentioned that, JakeGould. One of the two psycho-predictor rap songs the researcher gave as an example was/is from Eminem. Now I wonder why he won't say which songs are the best predictors.
  11:36am JakeGould:

“No eyebrows are going to rise if a woman heads up fashion. But we’re talking about women staffing positions — things like autos — where it cannot be explained other than manipulation.” ACTUAL QUOTE!
Avatar 11:37am BronwynB:

@fofo: scott didn't change the brel lyrics himself. most of them were translated by mort shuman and eric blau for the musical Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris. If You Go Away and Seasons in the Sun were translated/rewritten/butchered by Rod McKuen.
  11:38am Dean:

No, not the ultimate Charles Manson song. Neil Young alludes to Laurel Canyon. Manson's tribe did their dirty work in Benedict Canyon.
Avatar 11:39am (((Murakami Whywolf):

Sorry to be a downer today: anti-depressants raise my blood pressure, blood pressure drugs depress me…it's complicated, sometimes I wonder why I ever decided on Depression as a career choice, they must gave had a really spiffy booth.
  11:39am fѺfѺ (:

Good to know, BrownwynB. My respect for Scott Walker is still intact.
Avatar 11:39am

sorry, i'm not paying attention to the show or the chatboard. but i see word RAP on latter, and it reminds me of this, fyi -
  11:40am Brendan:

Hemay have included the middle leg
Avatar 11:41am Bjarne:

@Ken - Still taking requests? if so, could you play The Honeymoons with The Formula of Silence
  11:41am cat:

even in the movie clerks a dead guy has sex. meow
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 11:41am Webhamster Henry:

Scott Walker is singing the adapted version of "Next" done by Mort Shuman got Jacque Brel is Alive and Well...
  11:41am JakeGould:

@F0F0: “The beauty of this idea is you can use it as a screening test without consent, cooperation or maybe even the knowledge of the people involved.” GIVE ME A BREAK!!!
Avatar 11:41am (Murakami Whywolf))):

You can get sex with no legs, but it can be a good excuse not to try.
  11:43am Thelma:

This doesn't have anything to do with his not having sex, but rather, avoiding military service. He does mention being traumatized by the cry Next which affects his sexual performance but doesn't say it makes him impotent.
  11:43am JakeGould:

Sex with no legs is like a burger without the bun.
Avatar 11:44am pierre:

oh—oh the stream just cut.
  11:44am Dean:

For that matter, sex without the bun is like a burger without the bun, too.
Avatar 11:44am pierre:

ah non… back again.
Avatar 11:44am

how about the scene when GARP is conceived, in "the world according to garp"?
Avatar 11:45am (Murakami Whywolf))):

St Janor Hypercleets used to talk a lot about cutting-off legs; he also referred to a Grandma Face Sandwich which, I'll speculate, would go pretty well with a Legs Smoothie.
  11:45am Dean:

Never took to Irving, but the conception of Tristram Shandy is a good one, albeit not legless.
  11:46am fѺfѺ (:


Yes. Can't wait for law enforcements agencies to start mining people's Spotify's playlists looking for troublemakers.
  11:46am Brendan:

People with non functional legs cannot have sex? Au contraire Jaques Brel :
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46am doctorjazz:

Do I detect Bang a gong, Get it On in here...?
  11:47am WFMU listerner WWIII:

Sooooo boring. Let's talk politics
  11:47am Thelma:

It isn't Scott Walker's translation of Next, but Mort Shuman /Eric Blau Jacques Brel is Alive and Well , the off Broadway show. This is all most anglos know of Brel. It's better than nothing but Brel said in interview "Ce n'est pas moi, c'est autre chose." He disowned the adaptations but they got him into Broadway.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:47am BnowB:

This is the voice of Big Jilm.
  11:48am JakeGould:

Don’t gimme no love and keep your hands to yourself!
  11:49am WFMU listerner WWIII:

PUERTO Rico is dyin'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49am doctorjazz:

Here it is!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49am Uncle Michael:

My wife and I traveled to St. Louis for Glitter & Doom. I worried she'd hate it. She loved it.
Avatar 11:49am Carmichael:

Thanks, Ken! I was just now thinking of getting it on!
  11:50am fѺfѺ (:

After everything I have read today in the comment section I think I'm ready for the Jacques Brel's World Championship Trivia Competition happening next year somewhere in Belgium.
  11:50am queems:

so good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am Sem Chumbo:

hahaha, Carmichael.
  11:51am Dean:

Eater, "Jeepster"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51am The Oscar:

Has anyone made a definitive list of Marc Bolan lyrics about having sex with cars?
  11:52am Dean:

Continuing from yesterday, @UM. I have no patience, but Tom Waits.
Avatar 11:52am BronwynB:

@fofo: i feel like i could definitely be a contender in that competition
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53am The Oscar:

(Though, to be fair, I suppose this one's more about having sex with someone because they LOOK like a car)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53am Uncle Michael:

Tom and tide...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am BnowB:

His name looks so familiar. Im sad i don't know his music but glad to hear it. This is an amazing song."hard to say no"
  11:55am morphe:

Why is LOWES
[lows] in jc
[lowEEEEESSSS] in Bklyn?
Avatar 11:56am (Murakami Whywolf))):

Tom Waits developed for Sony a portable record player…haven't you ever heard Tom Waits' Phonoman?
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 11:56am Ken From Hyde Park:

Looking forward to tonight's state of the station statement.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am BnowB:

Peter Perrett :) thank you ken!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am steveo:

bye ken thanks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am geoff mcq:

Ah, Sailing By is like Valium for the ears.
Avatar 11:57am (Murakami Whywolf))):

And at the car-wash, they scream 'Next!'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am BnowB:

That Gif is funny on giants player...
Avatar 11:58am pierre:

@FOFO : enjoy the Fries and beer !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am steveo:

nooooo!!!!! hand my my leg-cutting saw, Whywolf
Avatar 11:58am Listening Out There:

Thx, Uber Ken...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am BnowB:

bye bye ken we love you!
  11:58am fѺfѺ (:

Before everybody leaves I would like to know who won the battle between the frog and the fly!
  11:59am fѺfѺ (:

Oh, well. Thanks a lot Ken, people! Till next episode and remember: Be happy!

  11:59am morphe:

The old lady of course
  12:00pm Brendan:

Thanks Ken. The deli guy in the lunch line says ‘Next’ I swear I’m walking out
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