Favoriting This Is The Modern World with Trouble: Playlist from April 1, 2014 Favoriting

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A viking ship appears on the horizon, a likeness of Alice Coltrane carved into its bow. Rare birds flock together to sing Francoise Hardy as soul hits. A sunset of blips and bleeps fills the air.

Thursday 9am - Noon (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting April 1, 2014: while i'm waiting for you

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Artist Track Album Label New Approx. start time
charley patton  stone pony blues   Favoriting founder of the delta blues      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
marissa nadler  drive   Favoriting july  sacred bones  *   0:02:20 (Pop-up)
Ibibio Sound Machine  voice of the bird   Favoriting ibibio sound machine  soundway  *   0:07:52 (Pop-up)
nat cole trio  early morning blues   Favoriting big band bounce & boogie      0:09:17 (Pop-up)
gene russell  get down   Favoriting talk to my lady  black jazz  *   0:12:06 (Pop-up)
billy paul  am i black enough for you   Favoriting 360 Degrees of Billy Paul      0:16:07 (Pop-up)
carla bozulich  danceland   Favoriting boy  constellation  *   0:21:11 (Pop-up)
emerald web  voices of the sage   Favoriting the stargate tapes 1979-82  B-music  *   0:26:02 (Pop-up)
krzysztof Komeda  shagal leaving, to the cellar   Favoriting Dance of the Vampires Original Soundtrack  series aphonos  *   0:31:56 (Pop-up)
the pattersonaires  how great thou art   Favoriting book of the seven seals      0:32:19 (Pop-up)
L voag  toilet   Favoriting way out      0:35:47 (Pop-up)
laurence vanay  le bateau   Favoriting galaxies  Societe Francaise  *   0:46:47 (Pop-up)
stevie wonder  tree/finale   Favoriting the secret life of plants      0:51:41 (Pop-up)
orange juice  consolation prize   Favoriting The Glasgow School      1:04:16 (Pop-up)
cate lebon  no god   Favoriting mug museum    *   1:06:55 (Pop-up)
aztec camera  the back door to heaven   Favoriting knife      1:11:09 (Pop-up)
elis regina  andanca   Favoriting the voice of brazil  el    1:17:41 (Pop-up)
erika spring  hidden   Favoriting erika spring      1:20:11 (Pop-up)
Abbey Lincoln  that's him   Favoriting that's him!      1:33:39 (Pop-up)
san antonio  j'aime ou j'emm   Favoriting Wizzz! French Psychorama 1966-1970 Vol. 2      1:36:15 (Pop-up)
suzanne ciani  clean room itt tv spot/almay eclipse tv spot   Favoriting Lixiviation - Ciani / Mucia Inc.: 1969-1985      1:38:34 (Pop-up)
Dva  surfi   Favoriting nipomo  label home table  *   1:40:07 (Pop-up)
debbie skhow ( screech owls)  he watched television   Favoriting       1:43:05 (Pop-up)
electroscope  cathode follower output   Favoriting noises from the sound cupboard v/a      1:44:34 (Pop-up)
tiny ruins  me at the museum you in the wintergardens   Favoriting brightly painted one  bella unions  *   1:47:48 (Pop-up)
ben watt  spring   Favoriting hendra    *   1:50:04 (Pop-up)
billie holiday  getting some fun out of life   Favoriting       1:53:57 (Pop-up)
the tower recordings  braille metronome   Favoriting Furniture Music for Evening Shuttles      1:57:32 (Pop-up)
joao gilberto  voce e eu   Favoriting the legendary joao gilberto      1:59:44 (Pop-up)
tom johnson  seventh bell   Favoriting nine bells      2:10:21 (Pop-up)
sun ra  disc one # 2/3   Favoriting the eternal myth revealed vol one  transparency    2:13:33 (Pop-up)
roland young  so very easy   Favoriting hearsay I-land  palto flats  *   2:16:32 (Pop-up)
john holt  in the springtime   Favoriting bunny lee & friends  king spinna  *   2:22:44 (Pop-up)
louis chachere  the hen part 1   Favoriting Eccentric Soul: the Forte Label (V/A)  numero group  *   2:27:03 (Pop-up)
Eddie Palmieri  seeds of life   Favoriting harlem river drive      2:27:33 (Pop-up)
Digital Primitives (Assif Tsahar, Cooper-Moore, Chad Taylor)  lipsomuch   Favoriting lipsomuch/soul searchin'  hopscotch  *   2:32:32 (Pop-up)
coleman hawkins with the red garland trio  i want to be loved   Favoriting coleman hawkins with the red garland trio      2:37:11 (Pop-up)
durutti column  sketch for dawn (2)   Favoriting LC      2:47:35 (Pop-up)
josephine foster  how happy is the little stone   Favoriting graphic as a star      2:51:51 (Pop-up)
the slits  fm   Favoriting the john peel sessions      2:52:49 (Pop-up)
janelle monae  sir greendown   Favoriting the archandroid      2:56:03 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am

mornin trouble. everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am

Trouble, common, all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am

Happy - finally feels like Spring - Trouble & Kiddles !!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am
Guido from Cologne:

Hello Trouble!
Avatar 9:03am

Happy Day of Foolishness!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am

good morning sunny ones
Avatar 9:07am
v k:

Marissa Nadler track - can't get enough
Avatar 9:09am

morning, Trouble!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am

bom dia!
Avatar 9:22am

Good morning! Finally finished "The Goldfinch" yesterday.
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Fernando M P:

Bom dia, Trouble, Doca and all!
Avatar 9:23am

morning all
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Avatar 9:28am

Aquamarine skies over the isthmus today. A balmy 75 degrees, with a light breeze. Flocks of bluebirds swirl overhead. The City is handing out free mangoes today. Bonjour.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am

good for you priscilla! that one is still on my to do list. yesterday i finished ‘Breakfast With Lucian,’ by Geordie Greig. freaky ass! lucian freud was a hot mess, but handed off as a genius so all of his indiscretions were excused
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am

ha ha brian, i see today's date has affected you greatly
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Great, I need a new book!
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@Fernando: Hi! You're my Brazilian colleague, right?
@Troube: Who's today's artist?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am

no priscilla i have the book for you: boy snow bird by helen oyeyemi! just finished that, it was sooooooo great!
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is that a pig?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am
Adrian in London:

Just tuned in to hear some French geezer yakking on about seagulls or something: I'm in the right place! Morning all!
Avatar 9:40am

:-D Wait, isn't that Opposite Day?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am
Brian in UK:

Hello trouble & folks.
National Stationery Week here. No really.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Hellraiser 2024 Swag For Life Member 9:41am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Temperatures not freezing is very welcome.
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Chris from DC:

I'm with you. I can be a fool any day.
Avatar 9:45am

OK thanks! I will read it!
Avatar 9:47am

Hi Trouble: I love how you are always repping for the public library. Thanks. Also, might I recommend "Americanah" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It's super engaging and written with such brilliant confidence.
Avatar 9:48am
Fernando M P:

@Doca: Sim, I'm from São Paulo. Sometimes I think I'm the only WFMU listener in SP. Are you from here too?
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

.....................eh, what it is?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50am

americanah! it's on the table by my bed right now!! i adore chimamanda ngozi adiche!!! good suggestion
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@Fernando: I'm from Porto Alegre and I'm pretty sure that if I'm not the only WFMU listener here I'm the first one. I've converted some of my friends, but none took WFMU so seriously as me
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I'm reading the first book on Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy, if anyone is interested on a sci-fi suggestion
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53am

full confession kwhitehead: my husband is a public librarian. BUT that said i adored my local library before and after i met/married him. i can't afford to buy all the books i read, and I don't want to own them all afterwards. best of all is discovering things by just browsing the stacks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am
Marcel M:

I'm the opposite, I always buy books and I keep them on my shelves and take them down and gaze at them and re read passages and caress them lovingly.
Avatar 9:55am

I like how WFMU is fond of public libraries, there three or four listeners to whom I've already spoke who work on them
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Ha, so nice to hear that.
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hi troubles.
give it to me, stevie, give it to me.
Avatar 9:57am

Vive les bibliothèquaires !
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my friends always laugh at me when i say my dream work would be somewhere between gardener & librarian. pff.
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Van in DC:

Good morning Trouble
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weirdly this sounds a little like ryuichi sakamoto to me. what a collaboration that could be!
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Librarian/doggie daycare = ideal job
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am

interview b/w zadie smith & chimamanda ngozi adiche: i posted this of the FB page, but for those who aren't on that godawful thang: new.livestream.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am
Guido from Cologne:

I used to work in a radio Station's sound/music library in the 90ies. Weird but comfortable years. And I could carry away a lot of stuff from the poison bins.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am
Andrew Waterloo:

This Stevie Wonder track is very Wow.. and Wow in many different ways.
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Man, I love that self deprecating line Edwyn Collins lays down at the end of this song "I'll never be man enough for you." Us librarian's can relate.
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yes, librarian doesnt look like a very manly job, that's why being half time gardener helps.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am
Brian in UK:

@trouble totally with you on book ownership. Used to work in a bookshop years ago. Libraries rool.
Elias Canetti who wrote 'Auto da Fe' and won the Nobel Prize for Lit was a librarian. Just saying.
Avatar 10:08am

"Us librarians?" I think you failed the shibboleth test, yo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am
Guido from Cologne:

Edwyn Collins had this massive hit right when i was working in the archives ...
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Borges was a librarian, too.
Avatar 10:09am

Touche' Brian.
Avatar 10:09am

there s some stereolab in this lebon, i love it.
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of course i would hear blasphemy on this listener supported heathen radio station
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am
Brian in UK:

What was that Bette Midler line about ...'I'm a librarian really'
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Chris from DC:

@doca, big Borges fan myself.
Avatar This Is The Modern World with Trouble Hellraiser 2024 Swag For Life Member 10:14am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Cheers for public libraries. Here, it's nice in that the libraries in a four or five county area are connected online. You can order a book (or DVD, tape, etc.) that any of them have and in a couple days, it appears at your local library for pick-up.
Avatar 10:15am
dc pat:

waitwaitwaitwait! Can we redo the first set again?? There's a bunch of good stuff in there I missed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am
Greg from Bloomfield:

Morning Trouble + all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21am
Sem Chumbo:

No foolin', Trouble, pleasing selection of spins again this am:)
Good morning, all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am
Adrian in London:

I've been having a book purge lately. I've gone through the ones that have been sitting on my shelves for years and decided whetherI'd read them again or whether I even liked the author any more; your tastes change, after all. John irving didn't survive the cull; Anne Tyler did. I just reread A Patchwork Planet and it is pretty much perfect.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am
Greg from Bloomfield:

bccls.org all the way!

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No. it IS a sad saga. What would a library benefit from not joining the consortium?

I've never had the experience of going to a library and thinking there weren't enough books and that I need one from some other library.
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I have a pretty good library system. There are a couple of libraries in the system that seem to carry everything, and I am extra lucky that my home library does not charge for ordering/holds. (Ok, a quarter the other libraries charge is a good deal, too.)
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Van in DC:

I see Sharon will be in studio a little later in the month. Will she be singing at all or just spinning records & talking?
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Some of the libraries I got too have used bookshops. I am sort of annoyed that one has a sign saying "Donations: No books older than 5 years! No records!" I mean, I get why, but booooo.
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When you said John Lurie my ovaries jumped.
Avatar 10:33am

hi Trouble and listeners! i work at the Hoboken library, which i love!
and i know what you mean, WEIRD how Jersey City (and also Union City and West New York, both of which have FANTASTIC libraries themselves!) are not part of the network :(
perhaps you can contact the new Mayor of Jersey City? he seems to be wanting to make a lot of POSITIVE changes! :)
Avatar 10:35am

I have to donate some books soon. I have so many :(
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@ sugarwolf -- old books are TREASURES -- i have a bunch from the 1940s (some older, some newer) that belonged to my Mom -- she took such good care of them! numbered them too :)
i have to donate too -- does anyone know of places that DO take donations? oddly enough, a lot of libraries do NOT take donations!
Avatar 10:42am

Thanks for playing Dva!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am
Guido from Cologne:

Is it better to get the clear vinyl or the CD with 19 Piostcards?

The Oceanside Friends of the Library takes donations of all kinds. I've found books printed in 1880's for sale. I doubt you would want to pay shipping to California though.
Avatar 10:48am

DVA vinyl buyers from the northern half of the world: don't buy them all! leave some for the inhabitants of your brother hemisphere. I'm waiting a little bit to buy it
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@ blee --- THANK YOU!!!! you are right, shipping costs would kill me! BUT i am SO GLAD to know that there ARE places out there that still take book donations!!! :)
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Chris from DC:

Have to dig out that Electroscope album sometime. Great stuff.
Avatar 10:54am

frankie knuckles died.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am
Guido from Cologne:

Buying Angel Olsens debut EP was an argument against vinyl:
Mint copy crackling like mad for € 15,-

Hi Trouble - thank you for such a wonderful, wonderful programme!!! This is the kind of radio I've always wanted! Recently discovered you by way of my oldest friend in Newcastle, I am in West Yorkshire. Just wanted to say how disappointed I was to hear that Cate Le Bon's 'People' are so useless. Like you I am a massive fan and would've loved to hear her on your show. Hard to fathom these folk sometimes. Always keep the books you love I say.Thanks again for the music you play and this fantastic station!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am
Guido from Cologne:

billie - tower -joao :
daring mix, but works!

Sing Sing prison is not in Rockland County! It is in the village of Ossining in Westchester County.
Pete the Flcker:

Sing-Sing is in Westchester County (Ossining I believe) Rockland Psychiatric Hospital is an equally scary place, is in Rockland

@slugluv You are most welcome. The Friends of the Library is interesting. They are not part of the library. They get some old semi damaged books from the actual city library, but most are from public donation. Old LPs, Vhs, tapes and CDs are also accepted and sold.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07am
Brian in UK:

@trouble you mentioned prisons and books. Well over here this government knows how to deal with that sort of thing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am

Tiny Ruins is a kiwi. Born in the UK though I believe.
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what is the name of that book again?
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i've watched every video of that woman on Youtube and consensus appears to be chee-AH-nee.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am

and do you know that the village of Ossining changed its name to Ossining from Sing Sing in order to distance itself from the prison?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11am
Brian in UK:

The verb Oss means to have the ability to change.
Avatar 11:12am

This is getting to be quite an erudite place. Yesterday, it was philosophy on Liz's show. Today books. Tomorrow, who knows? The large scale structure of the cosmos? Too bad I have to work. I can't keep up with discussions.
Avatar 11:13am

Nevermind: googled "snow, boy, novel" and found it.

My public library just joined www.bccls.org and it took two years and fundraising to make it happen. "1 library card... 75 libraries" is their motto. I get my books much faster now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:15am
Brian in UK:

You ossify in Sing Sing and oscillate in Ossining.
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yep duke, you are right, lets talk multiverse.
or talking renting philosophical books about multiverse.
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@ blee -- WOW! sounds like Heaven! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am

oh oh so love this song !!!
Mike Sin:

Enjoying the show today, Trouble, and that ain't no joke!
Liz B.:

I guess I never thought too hard about Sing Sing vs Ossining! Face in palm...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am

thanks everybody for being such super commenters today, and for all the kind words
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41am

o yeah and sharon van etten is live here on april 29. playing records and chatting
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@mike, i love the way english speakers abuse double negatives.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am

@bibi: a very common feature of French and other Romance languages (je n'ai rien, no tengo nada, etc).
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ad block for chrome yo - helps a bit / no more youtube ads
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re: FB. i started to spend more time on tumblr. it's much more likely you'll read interesting, thoughtful stuff there than on FB. and it's great for pictures and videos! i can't say i've seen a buzzfeed quiz on there yet, either.
Avatar 11:48am

adblock + noscript + ghostery ad-ons to firefox or chrome.. block it all!!
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Good to know. Now I know how to reduce the amount of advertising everywhere. Thanks everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am

a link to the This is the Modern World facebook page
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noscript takes a bit of finnicking and tech know-how..it blocks javascript from running.. so if you need to use something you need to grant permission.. can be annoying and ghostery is a tracking blocker, keeps trackers off you, but also requires a bit of finesse... unless you just block all (but can get in the way of google features and whatnot..)

The Slits!!!!
Avatar 11:54am

also use duckduckgo for searching instead of google -
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am
Guido from Cologne:

Just my favourite Slits song!

Javascript disfunctioning will defunkt a lot of sites nowadays!
I'm web-developer and i try to avoid unnesscary Javascript.

Have to finish now!
Enjoyed the show!
CU next week!
Avatar 11:56am
Van in DC:

Okay thanks for kind of answering my Sharon question
Avatar 11:57am

wow i thought this was broadcast for a sec. might have to take a closer look at janelle monae...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am
Brian in UK:

Never have I not seen nothing like it. Nice one trouble.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am
Mike East:

I did backline for janelle monae. she puts on a good show

especially awesome show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm

today's art is by anne george! sorry i forgot to do this earlier...
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