Favoriting Techtonic with Mark Hurst: Playlist from March 22, 2021 Favoriting

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Conversations with creators and thinkers who are charting the way forward in a tech-saturated society. In our shift to a digital future, we need alternatives to Big Tech. Homepage: techtonic.fm

Monday 6 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 22, 2021: Paul Kingsnorth, author, "Alexandria"

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Tonight: Paul Kingsnorth, author, "Alexandria"


Alexandria: A Novel, by Paul Kingsnorth

paulkingsnorth.net, Paul's official website

Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist, an essay by Paul Kingsnorth in Orion Magazine (2012)

Dark Ecology, an essay by Paul Kingsnorth in Orion Magazine (2012)

'We imagine how it feels to be a character, why can't we imagine how the land feels?', Paul Kingsnorth writing about books in The Guardian (2016) - mentioning authors Robert Graves (The White Goddess), Thomas Hardy, Emily Bronte, Ursula Le Guin, DH Lawrence (The Plumed Serpent), Ben Myers, Daisy Johnson, and poet Robinson Jeffers - as well as Golding and Garner, listed below

Life Versus the Machine, an essay by Paul Kingsnorth in Orion Magazine (2018), mentioning Aldo Leopold and his book A Sand County Almanac

Short video documentary on Paul Kingsnorth (2018)

The Myth of Progress: An Interview with Paul Kingsnorth (Emergence Magazine, Aug 22, 2018)

Rod Dreher interviews Paul Kingsnorth about Alexandria (The American Conservative, Oct 23, 2020), which prompted this this followup piece (Oct 27, 2020)

The black-pilled laureate of modern Britain (review of Alexandria by Aris Roussinos in The Washington Examiner, Nov 12, 2020)

The Dark Mountain Project, which Paul co-founded, most recently writing Four Lessons from the Garden (Dec 2, 2020)

Authors mentioned in Paul's Techtonic interview:

Ivan Illich, author of Tools for Conviviality

Leopold Kohr (see Paul's mention of Kohr in this 2011 Guardian piece)

E.F. Schumacher, author of Small is Beautiful

Jacques Ellul, author of The Technological Society

Lewis Mumford, author of Technics and Civilization

Neil Postman, author, Technopoly

Jerry Mander, author, In the Absence of the Sacred

William Golding, author of Pincher Martin (though of course Golding is better known for Lord of the Flies)

Alan Garner. Kingsnorth recommends Garner's Strandloper (apparently based on a true story of an ancestor of Garner's who went to Australia and lived with aboriginal people there), his young adult novel The Owl Service, or his children's novel The Weirdstone of Brisingamen.

Closing words from Lawrence Ferlinghetti (1919-2021)

I am signaling you through the flames.

The North Pole is not where it used to be.

Manifest Destiny is no longer manifest.

Civilization self-destructs.

Nemesis is knocking at the door.

What are poets for, in such an age?

What is the use of poetry?

...(from "Poetry as Insurgent Art [I am signaling you through the flames]"). Ferlinghetti, who died last month, founded San Francisco's City Lights bookstore.)

- - -

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Artist Track Images Approx. start time
  Paul Kingsnorth discusses his new book, "Alexandria."
Tomaš Dvořák  Game Boy Tune   Favoriting
  Mark's intro  
  Interview with Paul Kingsnorth  
0:05:32 (Pop-up)
  Mark's comments  
0:50:18 (Pop-up)
Caetano Veloso  [Nothing But] Flowers   Favoriting
0:56:16 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

David in London:

Evening Technoids. Howdy Mark and assembled groovemongers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
listener james from westwood:

Evening, Mark, Techtonic fans, various spy satellites!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Mark Hurst! Mark Hurst! Mark Hurst!
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Mark! Techtoniillenarians!
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Will the Sound Guy:

Mark Hurst rules!
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Will the Sound Guy:

Mark your perfomance was epic
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I'm plugged in and charged up
wenzo llc.:

you berned down the house!
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Baja Joe:

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself, "Well... how did I get here?"... Great job Mark
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Congrats on making the goal, Mark and WFMU!
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Webhamster Henry:

Yes it was over nice 'n' early this year - much less guilt inducing and stressful!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Mark - I saw this in yesterday's Seattle Times and thought it was pretty spot on: www.seattletimes.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm

Mark reminded me of a Yes Men vibe...so clean cut looking
Avatar 6:05pm

thanks for saying thanks
((((((◍ ◍))))))
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Hello, Mark and folks! Still trying to find myself.

Mark’s sunglasses and background last night were great. Video archive of last nights we stream is coming soon.
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Bas NL:

Jay Mark! My favorite Talking Head!
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Playlist worthy meme I saw yesterday twitter.com...
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Webhamster Henry:

Mark could totally do the Yes Man Thing: Putting out press releases and videos pretending to be corporate evildoers declaring that they are reforming, this forcing hte real corporations to disclaim those benevolent actions.
Avatar 6:07pm

Hello Hello - Rain rain, nothing but rain for the last two weeks .... looking forward to the show.
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chris in the redwoods:

hi, Mark and folks!

thanks, Ken. was hopeful a link for us slackers who missed it would be forthcoming...

Praised be to God for Kingsnorth's recent conversion and baptism.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
Mark Hurst:

Hi all, thanks for joining in this evening!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

Goooood eveninngggg, WFMU land! Hooray for WFMU!!!
Avatar 6:10pm

An environmental perspective? And from a novelist? Yeah!! (Aside- I work for Lower East Side Ecology Center. We collect food scraps and e-waste. And while mark has read 1000s of pages, we’ve collected 1000s of 1000s of pounds, of both)
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tim from champaign (now washington):

The setting of far into the future and dealing with environmental fallout reminds me a bit of Russell Hoban's Walker.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm

Bucky Fuller helped to answer that question! (Added to it) How we got to this point and where we r going...

Livingry, as opposed to, Killingry
Avatar 6:12pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

H.G. Wells - TimeMachine ...Morlocks & Eloi...
Glistener MW:

This sounds great!! — the new one and the loose-trilogy as a whole. I love the time-distance between all three.
Avatar 6:13pm

yeah, this sounds right up my alley
Glistener MW:

I’ll try to track down physical copies in my local shops ASAP
Avatar 6:13pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

H.G. Wells writing Outline of History - & continuing into the Future...
David in London:

Tim, Ridley Walker is a huge favourite of mine, too.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

I meant to write "Riddley Walker"
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Webhamster Henry:

I studied Old English in College. Maybe I should check this out.
Avatar 6:14pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Brave New World...
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Mark Hurst:

The pseudo old English is a little strange at first but it really works. The first book in the trilogy (The Wake) and the third (Alexandria) are written in that style.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Tolkien, Orwell, MacLuhan, Burroughs on Language...
Avatar 6:15pm

Hello Mark. Never heard of this writer.
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Webhamster Henry:

I speak Nadsat at home real horrorshow, me droogies.
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Mark Hurst:

@TDK60 glad to introduce you to him. It's worth your time to explore the links at left, in the "Links" section
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

Oh, so this is one of those SF books with “frell you, go eat a bag of mivonks” kind of language eh? ;^}
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tim from champaign (now washington):

I drank Olde English in college. It'll mess you up!
Avatar 6:18pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Theme I keep coming back to with this Program is that Cyberspace is a Territory - in which we do now of course Live. Just like that.
Glistener MW:

I just now realized how much I probably looked like a stealth-marketer by praising the book before he started describing the plot, but, I was reading about it online at the same time as the interview was starting. XD
Glistener MW:

“I love this product so much, I’d buy it even if I WASN’T a stealth-marketer!”
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Mark Hurst:

"If you don't thank the place you're in, it won't give you what you need." (Again: thanks to WFMU!)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The USA of course has a certain kind of Neophilia...
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A lot of this is making me think of Cloud Atlas (the novel, particularly), the connections over time, the emphasis on language.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@DiL - I read Ridley Walker because it was referenced in England's Hidden Reverse. I can't remember if it was an influence on Stephen Stapleton or David Tibet.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

The Mars Rover coming to a store near you! www.timesnownews.com...
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I already like refusing to categorize his book as that stereotypical almost trope of "dystopic sci-fi"
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Mark Hurst:

@Avirilinmay Paul was right to correct me on that point. He's definitely not offering sci-fi tropes.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Another theme : Our human evolutionary crossroads NOW intersect all the Tech issues for certain...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yes! Like Karma for Colonialism. Now we're the Indians & Tech the Invaders...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...click here to agree to selling Manhattan...
Glistener MW:

This is very much reminding me of the non-fiction books by the great Bruce Pascoe, early-human chronicler
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Excellent, my local library has Th Wake, Beast and Alexandria.
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Mark Hurst:

@RevRabbit In my interview with Shoshana Zuboff ("Age of Surveillance Capitalism") she talks about the Spanish "requirimento" now transforming into the terms & conditions document. Fascinating and terrifying.
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Webhamster Henry:

John Cleese will sell you an NFT of the Brooklyn Bridge. www.msn.com...
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Mark Hurst:

@Tim you'll enjoy them. If you want to start with the book most pertinent to Techtonic, start with "Alexandria." (I read that first, then The Wake, then Beast)
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I quite like this long term thinking ... the 1000 years. .. or even 10,000 years.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

Psyched to be catching this episode of Techtonic live. Thanks Mark and all involved!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

Yes Rev Rabbit
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Mark Hurst:

@Birdman welcome! And thanks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

Depressing show about recycling on John Oliver's Last Week Tonight last night, speaking of environmental dashed hopes
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@Mark Hurst it comes only from a sentiment of exasperation with marketing in the literary field, that defeats the point of much of the writing itself with using shallow labels left and right, certainly not with you whom I thank for inviting people like Paul Kingsnorth :)
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Good old Douglas Rushkoff was also optimistic, ... and listening to TEAM HUMAN now there is a tone of ... "we thought it was going to work" ... we need to Find the Others ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
Mark Hurst:

@Rolando yes - Douglas is great. Past guest and a longtime friend.
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@ultadamno Just caught that. My wife teaches environmental science at the HS level and recently informed me about the plastics situation. Those numbers make me so mad.
wenzo llc.:

the end is nigh!! hmmm... guess Ill keep breathing anyway why not...
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Mark Hurst:

(and past WFMU host, too!)
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@tim, i'm in the middle of Riddley Walker! it was definitely a big influence on David Tibet. i think he quotes it in a few songs
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also, England's Hidden Reverse was great
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Greenwashing' ...But I'm also wary of RightWing &/or Corporate interests trying to dissuade people from Environmentalism !
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Mark Hurst:

@Birdman @ultradamno we're going to be diving further into plastics & garbage on an upcoming Techtonic. Stay tuned...
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@Mark Hurst, how important is it to read the series in order? I'm guessing not very?
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Mark Hurst:

"You can't sing to the forest with an algorithm." Love that phrase.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Crypto an eminent example - turns out it burns crazy energy...
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Mark Hurst:

@nathan not important at all, I'd say (Paul also says this earlier in the interview)
Avatar 6:35pm

oh cool, thanks! (i'm sort of half listening as i work)
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chris in the redwoods:

isn't it very pragmatic to believe that global societies are not going to change (i.e stop burning fossil fuels) overnight, so technology (renewable energy and CO2 scrubbers) are *the* way to mitigate climate change?
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@nathan - very cool. It's funny that Hoban primarily is known for his Frances the Badger kids books. I think about that every time I read a Frances books to my daughter - hahaha.
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Webhamster Henry:

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Webhamster Henry:

Stewart Brand is big on the Tech Fix.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Some minor hope in that people I think are becoming more aware of Big Tech deception & the costs - of climate impact - of Oligarchy - &tc. ...
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@tim ha, is he? i hadn't really heard of him until a few months ago when a friend recommended Riddley to me. I guess technically i'd heard about it earlier from EHR, but it didn't register
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Webhamster Henry:

Lawns are pretty much an offense to the Earth.
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@Rabbit @6:32 I’m wondering, how much U selling Manhattan for?
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Constance De Witt:

Lawns and parking lots, WHenry. for sure.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& even some mainstream media discussing the values of 'growth @ all costs'...
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Webhamster Henry:

I love shoveling and raking leaves, but now I'm in an apartment 8^(
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or you can just leave the leaf there
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

& in the pandemic...
We must get Back to 'NORMAL'...
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I've gotten ads for a smart pill dispenser that needs an Internet connection in order to operate. Hmm...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Huxley - BraveNewWorld yup...
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NYC’s son, Neil Postman, wrote about this!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Agriculture is Seasonal...
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Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology” book by Neil Postman published 1992
Erin in TO:

I got asked "do you want to live in a cave" so often in my 20s that by my 30s I'd just stopped trying to engage with people about tech
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Peek a boo
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when i was a teenager and started washing my own clothes my mother forbid me from hanging my clothes on the line (that previous tenants had left) because she considered it "an eyesore"
(so i did it when she wasn't home)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm
Mark Hurst:

@Erin :(
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Webhamster Henry:

People didn't ever live in caves; they lived in the forest. The Cave Man is a Straw Man.
Erin in TO:

That was another discussion I got tired of having Henry haha

The thing we loose most is that we trap our children into the same sorts of lies, ... and we ought be teaching and helping them escape from this path .. or at least work together to understand these issues.

“Big ideas are part of the problem”
Avatar 6:46pm

re-code FB and social media sites to stop using us as "the product". Also, there has to be some agreed upon facts. (re-watched) The social dilemma; there is so much info there. "at least turn off notifications"

Great interview!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
tim from champaign (now washington):

I'm reading WFMU's own Jesse Jarnow's "Heads". There's some interesting writing about how head culture intersected with early internet development.
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm

God damn, I love you WFMU
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Thinking much about the Temporary Autonomous Zone concept. We're forced to be Gypsies that can't set roots w/in the Landlord's territory...
Erin in TO:

Fantastic interview Mark, I've requested Alexandria from my local library already!

Jerry Mander: highly recommended
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm
Mark Hurst:

@Erin and @Dano thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm
dave miss:

Great interview
Avatar 6:49pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

BNowB I finally landed on the need for a Digital Bill of Rights - since Cyber is a Place where we live... But the idea here is we shouldn't live there @ all probly...
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Webhamster Henry:

Jerry Mander: Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television, back when TV was a thing.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Bill of Digital Rights...
David in London:

There was a film version of Alan Garner’s Red Shift made in about 1980. It’s well worth watching, a serious old Albion trip.
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Mike W:

i just deleted instuhgram and it feels fn great

tim from champagne: if you enjoyed “Heads”, keep an eye out for John Markhoff’s forthcoming biography of Stewart Brand
Avatar 6:52pm

Gosh, I'm so pleased @Mark Hurst has introduced us to Paul. - Just Wow!! Tx.
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Revolution - They are correct, people really shouldn't go there anymore. Its sad they sold the internet but we know a man already sold the world.
Avatar 6:53pm

I must be a luddite. I have never used twitter or instagram, and facebook only very occasionally. Happy luddite.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

I'll keep my eyes peeled, P-90. Thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm


@Carm: in no way do those choices make you a “Luddite”
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Paraphrasing Postman -The technology of the clock changed us into time savers and time keepers...displacing the ultimate as man’s (time) reference
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dave miss:

Available at Powell's books:
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i've always smiled a genuine smile when someone has mockingly called me a luddite
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Civilizations pattern themselves after their conceptions of the Cosmos.
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Mennlinn Rebarts:

The conversation on Transhumanism as being authored by silicon valley made me think of this Lorn video:
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Thanks Mark! That was a great conversation.
Erin in TO:

Now I've placed holds on The Wake and Beast too haha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

Thank you Paul Kingsnorth
Mark Hurst performed awesomely
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chris in the redwoods:

good stuff. thanks, Mark! and thanks, Mr. Kingsnorth.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Mark and Paul. Today is UN's annual World Water Day.
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Bas NL:

Thanks Mark! Never stop making sense!
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David in London:

The font in my native village church was dug up in a nearby field in the 60s, where it had buried in 1066 to protect it from the Normans. It old and simple and beautiful.
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Mark Hurst:

Thanks, everyone! Appreciate the good comments.
David in London:

Thanks Mark.
Avatar 6:58pm

Battle of Hastings, David.
Joe McG:

Excellent conversation, Mark, thanks!

Thanks, Mark “Singing Head” Hurst!
Avatar 6:59pm

thanks! love how much effort you put into redeeming David Byrne after the attacks on Olivia's board, haha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Mark Hurst:

@Joe! Thanks!
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Webhamster Henry:

Not signing off with your Hoof 'n' Mouth? Oh well.
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Mark Hurst:

@Webham I felt this was more apropos for the show this evening
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Mark Hurst:

@nathan :)
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Webhamster Henry:

I'm sure we'll get it for an appropriate show.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I read in the news that the Chinese military doesn't want Tesla vehicles on their bases, lest they get spied on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm
Mark Hurst:

Apparently Elon reassured the Chinese officials that he would never share their data with the US gov't.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I guess that settles that, then. Heh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm

Thanks Mark and Paul Kingsnorth
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 2:19pm

I just listened to this Techtonic episode for the first time this week. Very interesting! Especially since I've been listening to The History of English Podcast historyofenglishpodcast.com, and I've just reached the episodes of that podcast around the Norman Invasion.

I note that the first two books in Paul Kingsnorth's trilogy are available as audiobooks from my favorite independent audiobook seller Libro.fm, where I just bought The Wake:


But it appears Alexandria is not yet available as an audiobook or ebook (except Kindle, ptui!). Do you have a way to ask Kingsnorth whether it will be?

My eyesight is no longer up to reading books in print form. It's wonderful that audiobooks are so easily available now!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 9:38am

I emailed Paul Kingsnorth's agent to ask whether Alexandria will be available as an audiobook, and she replied quickly: Not yet, but there will be "for sure." Yay!

The Wake and Beast audiobooks are from Tantor Media, read by Simon Vance, one of my favorite narrators. It'll be cool if they can get Simon Vance for the third book.
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