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Artists played on WFMU program: Fool's Paradise

Go to Fool's Paradise's playlists!

3 Aces and A Joker
The 3 Friends
The 3 Honeydrops
3-M Machine
The 4 After 5's
The 4 Dots
4 Dueces
The 4 El-Moroccos
The 4 El Morrocos
"4" Pharoahs
4 Pharoahs
The "4" Pharoahs
4 Score
The 4 Students
5,6,7,8's with Bloodsot Bill
The 5 Chavis Brothers
5 Du-Tones
The 5 Du-Tones
5 1/2 Year Old Humorous Dian
The 5 Johns
The 5 Peaks
The "5" Royales
5 Speeds
5 Swans
The 5 Willows
8 year-old Linda Lee Nichols
A.C. Jones & the Atomic Aces
A G.I.
The Aardvarks
Aaron McNeil
Aaron Neville
Abby Lee & the Jesters
Abe Link and his Western Spotlighters
Abe Manuel and His Louisiana Hillbillies
Abe Moore
Abe Moore and Orchestra
Abel and The Starliners Combo
Abel & The Starliners Combo
The A-Bones
The A-Bones w/ The 5,6,7,8s
The A-Bones with The 5,6,7,8's
The Abootays
The Abstracts
The Accents
The Accidentals
"Ace" Dinning Sax with Jeanette
Ace Holder
Ace Oom and the Eons
Ace St. Clair
Acey St. Clair
Acklin Brothers
The Acklin Brothers
Acorn Sisters
The Acorn Sisters
Acorn Sisters (Goldie, Rosemarie and Evelyn)
The Actions
Ada Ray
The Adelphis
The Admirations
Adolph Hofner and his Texans
Adolph Jacobs
Adrian and The Sunsets
Adrian Lloyd
Adrian Lloyd w/ Adrian and the Sunsets
The Adventurers
The Adventures
The Agajanians
The Aggregation
The Aggressors
Agnes Riley
Al Amon
Al and the Untouchables
Al Barke
Al Barkle
Al Barkle with the Dave Rosas Band
Al Browne and the Tune-Toppers
Al Burnette and his Southern Swingsters
Al Casey
Al Casey-
Al Casey and the Bats
Al Casey and the Bats (Screams by "Knobs" Miller)
Al Casey Combo
Al Casey with guitar
Al Catraz & The Bird Men
Al Chase and The Midnites
Al Coker with The Coker Family
Al Collins
Al Davis and The Gunshots
Al Dean
Al Dexter
Al Downing With The Poe Kats
Al (Dr. Horse) Pittman
Al "Dr. Horse" Pittman
Al Elias
Al Erik
Al Ferrier
Al Ferrier & His Boppin' Billies
Al Ferrier and the Boppin' Billies
Al Garris
Al Green and the Terrifics
Al Hartley and the Heartbeats
Al Henderson
Al Hendrix
Al Hendrix with Jolly Jody and his Go-Daddies
Al Herda
Al "Jazzbeau" Collins
Al Johnson
Al Jones
Al Kahole and his Beer Drinkin' Buddies
Al Katraz
Al Katraz and The Break-Outs
Al Kelly w/Leroy Kirkland's Hi-Flyers
Al Kelly w/ Leroy Kirkland's Hi-Flyers
Al Knight & The Y-Dells
Al Prince
Al Prince and His Band
Al Reed
Al Simmons with Slim Green and the Cats from Fresno
Al Simmons with Slim Green & The Cats From Fresno
Al Sims
Al Smith
Al Sweatt with Johnnie Cole and The Valentines
Al Terry
Al Thompson
Al Turnage & The Turnpikes
Al Urban
Al Vance
Al Winkler and The Warren Country Band
The Alabama Kid
The Aladdins
alan & the flames
Alan Barnicoat
Alan Barnicoat and the Bob Freedman Orchestra
Alan Pierce and the Tonekings
Alan Syms & Company
Albert Collins
Albert DeSalvo/ Dick Levitan/ The Bugs
Albert Jones
Albert Williams
The Alberto Combo
Alden Holloway
Aldon & The E.C.'s
Aldon & The ECs
Aldon and the EC's
Aldus Mouton & the Wandering Aces
Aldus Roger
Aldus Rogers
Aldus Rogers & Lafayette Playboys
Alex Spearman
Alexander and The Greats
Alf Newman
Alf Newman (again!)
Alfredo Mendieta
Alfredo Mendieta and Guitar
Alfredo Mendietta
Alice Wonder Land
Alis Lesley
The All-Niters
The All-Stars
The All Stars
Allan and the Flames
Allen Page
Allen Page with The Deltones
Allen Segura with Shorty Fitch and the Rhythm Rockers
Allen Wayne
The Alley Kats
Alley Kats
The Allisons
Alma "The Lollipop Mama" Mondy
Alonzo Scales
Alonzo Stewart
Al's Untouchables
The Altecs
Althea & The Memories
Alton and Jimmy
Alton Joseph & The Jokers
alton lott
The Alvans
Alvin Cash & The Crawlers
Alvin Cash and The Crawlers
Alvin Cash and The Registers
Alvin Christy
Alvin Howard & the Starliners
Alvin Stone
Alvis Wayne
The Ambassadors
The Ambertones
The American Teens
The Americans Teens
Amos Milburn
Amos Milburn and his Aladdin Chicken Shackers
Amos Milburn And His Aladdin Chickenshackers
Amos Millburn
And we're back!!
Andre (Bacon Fat) Williams with The Inspirations
Andre "Mr Rhythm" Williams
Andre "Mr. Rhythm" Williams
Andre "Mr Rhythm" Williams w/The Don Juans
Andre "Mr Rhythm" Williams w/ Gino Parks
Andre Williams???
Andre Williams
Andre Williams "Mr. Bacon Fat"
Andre Williams (Mr. Rhythm)
Andre Williams (Mr Rhythm)
Andre Williams (Mr. Rhythm) & his New Group
Andre Williams (Mr Rhythm) and his New Group
Andre Williams (Mr Rhythm) and the Don Juans
Andre Williams (Mr. Rhythm) w/Ted Walker Orchestra
Andre Williams (Mr Rhythm) w/ Charlie Morris Orchestra
Andre Williams (Mr Rhythm) with the Don Juans
Andre Williams with The Don Juans
Andy and the Classics
Andy and the Gig
Andy and the Gigolos
Andy and the Manhattans
Andy & The Marglows
Andy and the Marglows
Andy Anderson and the Dawnbreakers
Andy Charles and The Blues Kings
Andy Corey
Andy Cory
Andy Dio
Andy Dio and the Hi-Waves
Andy Ditto
Andy Doll
Andy Perry and The Pin Boys
Andy Starr
Andy Starr and the Casinos
Andy Thomas
Andy Wilson
Angel and the Divines
The Angels
Angie and the Citations
Angie & The Citations
Angie and The Monocos
Angie And The Monoco's
Angie and the Morrocos
The Anglo-Saxons
Animal Jack
Anita Allen
Anita Carter
Anita Veal
Ann Castle
Ann Clark
Ann Cole
Ann Faith
Ann Hendley
Ann Jones
Anna Mae Rogers
Annet Hesterman
Annisteen Allen
The Antennas
The Apaches
The Ape Quartet
The Apollos
The Apparitions
The Aquanauts
The Aquatones
The Arabians
Arbee Stidham
Arbis Hanyel
Arch Hall Jr.
Arch Hall Jr
Arch Hall, Jr.
Arch Hall Jr. And The Archers
Archie Liseo And The Cinaways
Archie Pier & The Rhythm Aires
Archie Pier and The Rhythm Aires
Archie Poe
The Ardells
The Argoes
The Argons
The Argyles
The Arkades
Arkey Blue
Arkey Blue and The Blue Cowboys
Arkie Shibley and The Mountain Dew Boys
Arkie Shibley & The Mountain Dew Boys
Arlando King and the Earthquakes
Arlen Sanders
Arlie Duff
Arlie Neaville
Arnett Cobb
Arnie & His Soul Brothers
Arnie Ginsberg and 3-Ds
Arnie "woo Woo" Ginsberg
Arnie "Woo Woo" Ginsberg with the 3-D's
Arnold Bennett
Arnold Broussard
Arnold Dover
Arnold Stang
Arnold Stang with The Sunshine Kids
The Arondies
The Arrogants
The Arrows
The Arrows Featuring Davie Allan
The Arrows Featuring Davie Allen
Art Adams
Art Adams and the Rhythm Knights
Art Erickson
Art Foster
Art Grayson
Art Grayson & The Graysettes
Art Lassiter
Art Neville
Art Nevillle
Art Pettibone
Art Roberts
Art Wight
Art Young and the Country Gentlemen
Artamer James
The Artesians
Arthur and the Corvets
Arthur Griswold and The Organics
Arthur Griswold & The Organics
Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith
Arthur Gunter
Arthur Lee Maye and The Crowns
Arthur Noiel
Arthur Smith and His Cracker Jacks
Artie & The Supremes
Artie Dillon
Artie Wilson
Arty & The Supremes
Arty and the Supremes
Arvee Allens
The Ascots
Ashton Savoy
Ashton Savoy and his Combo
Assorted Crap
The Astro-Jets
The Astronauts
Athur Smith vocal: Carol Honeycutt
Atilla & the Huns
Atilla and the Huns
The Atlantics
Attila and The Huns
Aubrey A Gass and The Hel-Cats
Aubrey Bradford
Aubrey Cagle
Aubry Twins
Audrey Howell
Augie Garcia
Augie Meyers
Austin Pitre and The Evangeline Playboys
Autry Inman
The Avalons
The Avanties
The Avantis
Avery Mote
Avis and Chuck Thompson and Combo
Avon & the Rave-Ons
The Azaleas
B.B. Brown
B.B, King
B.B. King
B Brock and his Vibratos
B. Brock and his Vibratos
B. Goode & Band
B.Goode and Band
B.J. and the Pine Kones
B.J. Berg
B.W. and the Emeralds
Ba Ba Thomas
Babe Pier
Babe Wayne
Babe Wayne with Carl LaRue & His Crew
Babs and Floyd
Babs Gonzales
Babs Gonzalez
Baby Boy Warren
The Baby Bugs
Baby Bugs
Baby Cortez
Baby Dorman Jean (age 6 years old)
Baby Jean
Baby Lloyd
Baby Ray And The Ferns
Baby Ray & The Ferns
Baby Sticks & The Kingtones
Baby Washington
Bachelor Peeping Tom Trailer
The Bad Boys
"Bad News" Jerry Lawler "The KIng Of Memphis"
The Bad Seed
Bailey's Nervous Cats
Bailey's Nervous Cats feat. Herb Kliebe
Bailey's Nervous Kats feat. Herb Kliebe
Baker Knight and the Knightmares
Baker Knight & the Knightmares
The Ballads
The Ban-Lons
The Band Masters
The Banditos
The Bandmasters
The Bangers
The Banshees
Barbara Allen
Barbara & The Boys
Barbara and The Boys
Barbara Bennett & The Hi-Lites
Barbara Feldon
Barbara Lee Mac
Barbara Lynn
Barbara Peel
Barbara Pittman
Barbara Tennant
The Barbarians
The Barker Brothers (Monty and Fredy)
The Barker Brothers with Monty and Fredy
Barney and the Googles
Barney Hughes
Barney Kessel
Barney Kessel with the Blossoms
Baron Daemon and the Vampires
Baron Daemon & the Vampires
The Barons
The Baroque Brothers
Barrel House Blott
Barrence Whitfield and The Savages
Barrence Whitfield & the Savages
Barry and the Highlights
Barry & The Highlights
Barry & The In-Group
Barry and the "In" Group
Barry Darvell
Barry Etris
Barry Petri
Barry Ray
Barry Raye
Barry Tiffin
Barry Weaver
Barry Wilson
Barry Wilson and The Camelots
Bart Matson
Bart Mattson
The Bartlett Brothers & The Country Paupers
Bashful Bobby Wooten
Basil McLaughlin and The Hacksaws
The Batmen with the Phantom Band
The Bats
"Batty" Betty Lavette
The Baymen
The Bayou Boys
Bayou Boys
The Beach Bums
The Beach-Niks
The Beards
The Beas
The Beau-Jives
The Beau-Marks
Beau Marks
Beauregarde and the Poppers
"Beautiful" Bobby George
Beaver & the Trappers
Beaver and The Trappers
Beck Brothers
Becki Bluefield
Becky Durnning and The Ardees
Becky Lee Beck
The Bedwells
Bee Bee Carn
Beep Beep & The Roadrunners
Bel Aires
The Bel-Aires
The Bel-Airs
The Bel-Tones
Bela La Goldstein
The Belgians
The Bell - Notes
The Bell Notes
Bell Notes
The Bell-Tones
The Belles
The Bells
The Belltones
Ben & Bill and the Arkansas Travelers
Ben Colder
Ben Harper
Ben Harper and the Penetrators
Ben Hewitt
Ben Hinds
Ben Hughes
Ben Joe Zeppa
Ben Joe Zeppa with the Hot Notes
Ben Krass
Ben Leonard & The Fury's
Ben Light and Surf Club Boys
Ben Morris & The Imperials
Ben Sandmel
Ben Sharon
Ben Took and the Investors
Benn Joe Zeppa
The Bennie Boys
Bennie Hess
Bennie Turner and the Armorettes
Benny and the Hitties
Benny Barnes
Benny Barnes with The Echoes
Benny Bloom and his Sidemen
Benny Cliff
Benny Cliff & the Benny Cliff Trio
Benny England
Benny Ingram's Sidewinders
Benny Johnson
Benny Joy
Benny Leaders and the Western Rangers
Benny Martin
Benny (Mother-In-Law) Spellman
Benny Sharp & His Orchestra
Benny Sigler
Benny Spellman
Bent Forcep and the Patients
Bernando Blanco Orchestra w. vocal? by Pupi Giupi
Bernardo Blanco Orchestra
Bernie Berns
Bernie Walden
Bernie Waldon
Bert Bradley and his Louisiana Cajuns
Bert Convy
Bert Miller and the Swing Kings
Bertha Breadsacker
Berthe Tribert et Yetty Lambert
Beth Moore
Bethea and the Cap-Tans
Bethea & The Cap-Tans
Bethel King
Bette Renee & the Thrillettes
Bette Renne & the Thrillettes
Betty Amos with Judy and Jean
Betty Brown
Betty Dickson
Betty James
Betty Jean Morris
Betty Jo
Betty Jo & Johnny Starr
Betty Jo Bangs
Betty Lavett
Betty Logan
Betty McQuade
Betty McQuaid
Betty Renne
Betty Renne and the Thrillettes
Betty Smith with Johnny Maxwell and the RhythmMasters
Betty Spears
Betty Taylor
Bettye Jean Washington
Beverly Garland
Bey Ireland
"Big" Al Downing
Big Bertha
Big Bill Hill
Big Bo and The Arrow feat. Little Smitty
Big Bo and the Arrows
Big Bob
Big Bob Dougherty
"Big Bob" Dougherty
Big Bob Dougherty and his Campus Cats
Big Bob Taylor
Big Boomer
Big Boy Groves
Big Boy Groves & Band
Big Boy Groves And Band
Big Boy Myles
Big Boy Myles and the Shaw-Wees
Big Boy Myles and the Shaw-Weez
Big Brown with The Gamblers
Big Bud
Big Buddy K
Big Buddy Lucas
Big C/Galaxies
Big Charles Green w/ Lil Dusty Fletcher and his Front Page Clefs
Big Chenier
Big Chuck Wood & The Woodchuckers
Big Daddy
Big Daddy G
Big Dady & His Boys
Big Danny Oliver
Big Dolly
Big Duke Henderson
Big Fat Mike & The Fat Heads
The Big Four
The Big Guys
big inners
Big Jack Reynolds
Big Jack Reynolds and his Blues Men
Big Jay Bush & the House Rockers
Big Jay Bush and The House Rockers
Big Jay McNeely
Big Jeff and The Radio Playboys
Big Jim DeNoone "The Giant of Western Swing"
Big Jim Wynn
Big Joe Turner
Big John
Big John and the Buzzards
Big John & the Buzzards
Big John Greer and his Rhtyhm Rockers
Big John Greer & The Rhythm Rockers
Big John Taylor
The Big Kanuku
The Big Loser (and Friends)
Big Mama Thornton
Big Mama Thorton & The Hi-Tones
Big Maybelle
Big Maybelle with Leroy Kirkland and His Orchestra
Big Maybelle w/ Rose Marie McCoy
Big Maybelle (with Rose Marie McCoy)
Big Mike
Big Moose
Big Moose and the Jams
Big Moose McDowell and his Tornadoes
Big Moose Walker (steel guitar: Freddie Roulette)
Big Ralph & The Gigolos
Big Red and the Commancheros
Big Richard and his Gang
Big Rock & Tadpole
The Big Rocker
Big Ron and The Rhythm 4
Big Ron & The Rhythm 4
Big Ron & The Rhythm "4"
Big Shorty and the Pile-Drivers
Big Sunny Jim and the Southern Sounds
Big Syl Barnes
Big "T" Tyler
The Big Three
The Big Timers
Big Timers
Big Tiny Kennedy
Big Tiny Kennedy and His Orchestra
Big Walter
Big Walter and his Combo
Big Walter and his Thunder Birds
Big Walter And His Thunderbirds
Big Walter & the Thunderbirds
The Big Whopper
Big Will Stephens
Biil Curtis and the Jays
Biily Mure's Supersonic Guitars
The Bikinis
Bill Allan and The Fugitives
Bill Allen and The Back Beats
Bill Allen and The Fugitives
Bill & Don Hart
Bill & Ray "Country Jazz Masters"
Bill & Will
Bill Anderson
Bill Anson
Bill "Bass" Gordon and his Colonials
Bill Beach
Bill Bell and the 4 Unknowns
Bill Black Combo
Bill Blevins
Bill Blevins Westlanders
Bill Bohannnon
Bill Boswell
Bill Bowen and the Rockets
Bill Boyd And His Cowboy Ramblers
Bill Boyd, the Cowboy Rambler
Bill Boyd "The Cowboy Rambler"
Bill Boyd The Cowboy Rambler
Bill Boyd's Cowboy Ramblers
Bill Browning
Bill Browning and His Echo Valley Boys
Bill Cardille
Bill Carlisle and the Carlisles
Bill Carter
Bill Carter & The Rovin' Gamblers
Bill Carter with the Cooper Brothers
Bill Chappell
Bill Curtis and the Blue Jays
Bill Doggett feat Bily Butler on guitar
Bill Dudley
Bill Friel and The Fabulous Furies
Bill Garland
Bill Haley
Bill Haley and Haley's Comets
Bill Haley & His Comets
Bill Haley and His Comets
Bill Haney, Ken Meggs and the Dixie Buddies
Bill Harris
bill heyman
Bill James and the Hex-O-Tones
Bill Johnson and the Four Steps of Rhythm
Bill Kent and the Country Playboys
Bill Kimbrough
Bill Lancaster
Bill Landon & The Landowners
Bill Lathem
Bill Laudy
Bill Laundy
Bill Lawrence
Bill Lehman and the Rock-Its
Bill Lillipop
Bill Mack
Bill Matt
Bill Matte
Bill Morrison
Bill Mounce
Bill Mundy
Bill Nettles
Bill Nettles and The Dixie Blue Boys
Bill Nobles
Bill Parker
Bill Parker and his Band
Bill Parker and his Orchestra
Bill Parker & His Showboat Band
Bill Perry
Bill Peyton
Bill Pinkney
Bill Pinky and The Turks
Bill Rase w/ Ivon Gregory & The Blue Notes
Bill Reeder
Bill Robinson & The Quails
Bill Robinson and The Quails
Bill Royal
Bill Sherrell
Bill Sherrell with The Dell Tones
Bill Sims and The Wits
Bill Sims and The Wits End Players
Bill Smith Combo
Bill Spiller with Joe Little's Band
Bill Starr and the Rock Brooks
Bill Tutt
Bill Walker
Bill Watkins
Bill White
Bill (Winehead Willie) Murray & George (Sweet Lucy) Copeland
Bill Woods
Billie and Mark
Billie Jo Spears
Billie Jo Spears with Pete Drake and the Mavericks
Billty Barton
Billy Adams
Billy Adams & The Rock-A-Teers
Billy Adams and The Rock-A-Teers
Billy And Don Hart
Billy & Don Hart
Billy & Don Hart w/ The Downbeats
Billy and Mickey
Billy & Mickey
Billy & Ray (Country Jazz Masters)
Billy and Ricky
Billy and The Fabulous Echoes
Billy And The Fabulous Echoes With The Mac-Etts
Billy And The Kids
Billy Barnette and the Searchers
Billy Barrix
Billy Barton
Billy Bee
Billy Bland
Billy Bo & The Arrows
Billy Bonny
Billy Boy
Billy Brown
Billy Brown "The Country Gentleman"
Billy Brown with The Country Gentlemen
Billy David
Billy Deaton
Billy Dukes and the Dukes
Billy Emerson
Billy Etheridge and the Fire Balls
Billy Ford
Billy Gales
Billy Garner
Billy Gayle
Billy Gayles
Billy Gayles With Ike Turner's Kings Of Rhythm
Billy Graddock
Billy Guy
Billy Hall
Billy Hall and the Arabs
Billy Hamlin
Billy Harlan
Billy Himes
Billy Hines
Billy Hogan and the Twilighters
Billy Huhn and the Casuals
Billy J. Burnette
Billy Jack Hale
Billy Jack Wills & His Western Swing Band
Billy Joe & The Checkmates
Billy Joe And The Checkmates
Billy John and the Continentals
Billy John & The Continentals
Billy Joyce
Billy Joyce Combo
Billy La Mont
Billy Lamont
Billy Land
Billy Ledbetter
Billy Lee Riley
Billy Lee Riley and His Little Green Men
Billy Lee Riley & His Little Green Men
Billy Lethrem
Billy Mack
Billy Match & The Starfires
Billy Miranda
Billy Mize
Billy Murlan
Billy Nash
Billy Nelson with the Five Wings
Billy Nightengale
Billy Nightingale
Billy Patch and The Pirates
Billy Peek
Billy Pitcock and the People
Billy Pitcock & the People
Billy Prager & The Caravans
Billy Rat and the Finks
Billy "Red" Love
Billy Riley
Billy Riley and The Little Green Men
Billy Rufus
Billy Smith
Billy Smith and the Jive Kings
Billy Starr
Billy Stephens
Billy Stewart
Billy Tate
Billy Taylor and the Tear Drops
Billy (the Kid) Emerson
Billy The Kid Emerson
Billy "The Kid" Emerson
Billy Thurston Trio
Billy Walker
Billy Wallace and The Bama Drifters
Billy Ward and His Dominoes
Billy Ward and the Dominoes
Billy Wayne
Billy with the Fabulous Echoes
Billy Wright
Billy Wright "The Prince Of The Blues"
Billy Wright, the Prince of the Blues
Bily Snel
Bing Day
Bink Burns
Bip and Bop
Bip and Bop with Johnny's Combo
Bird Rollins
Bird Rollins & The New Jersey Burners
Bird Rollins feat. the New Jersey Burners
Bird Rollins (Featuring the New Jersey Burners)
The Birdwatchers
Birmingham Junior & His Lover Boys
Bishop and the Deacons
BJ Berg
The Black Albinos
Black Vale
Blackie Crawford
Blackie Crawford and the Western Cherokees
Blaine Smith and Greg Novik with The Resumes
Blanche Thomas
blaze fury
The Blazers
The Blazers with Li'l Ray Armstrong
The Bleach Boys
The Bleaters
The Blenders
The Blentones
Blind Billy Tate
The Blind Troubadour
Blinky Allen
The Blisters
Bll Landon & The Landonaires
The Blockbusters
Bloodshot Bill
Blow Top Lynn
The Blue Angels
Blue Beards
Blue Charlie
The Blue Chips
The Blue Diamonds
The Blue Dots
Blue Echoes
The Blue Echoes
Blue Ervin
Blue Jays
The Blue Jays
Blue Knights
The Blue Knights
Blue Knigts
the blue tempos
The Bluejays
The Blues Benders
The Blues Blenders
The Blues Express Orch
Blues Rockers
Bo Allen
Bo Diddley!!!!!!!!!!
Bo Diddley
Bo Diddley!!!
Bo Diddley!!!!!!
Bo Dud & Johnny Twist
Bo Dudley
Bo Is King!!
Bob and Earl
Bob & Earl
Bob & Joe
Bob and Larry
Bob and Ray
Bob and The Showmen
Bob Blum
Bob Busso
Bob Buster
Bob Cady
Bob Callaway and the Chicks
Bob Camp & His Pixies
Bob Cass and his Corvettes
The Bob-Chords
Bob Corso
Bob Doss
Bob Dunn's Vagabonds
Bob Eubanks and The Nicko Teens
Bob Ferguson
Bob Fryfogle
Bob Gaddy
Bob Gaddy feat Larry Dale on guitar!
Bob Gallion
Bob Hayes
Bob Helgerson
Bob Hoban and the Midnighters
Bob Hood and the Rhythmaires
Bob Hooks and the Kool Kats
Bob Jefferies and the Marcels
Bob King
Bob Knight
Bob Landers with Willie Joe and his Unitar
Bob Lee
Bob Leeds
Bob Leers
Bob Luman
Bob Mackey
Bob McFadden
Bob Millsap and the Millmen
Bob Mooney
Bob Morris
Bob Munson
Bob Necaise & 'Lil' Gary D with the Delta Sho-Men
Bob Newkirk
Bob Newman
Bob "Nighthawk" Terry on WOL Washington, DC
Bob Norris
Bob Rayford
Bob Rayford w/ Landis Brady and his Tel-Stars
Bob Reed "The Flying Hillbilly" From Alabama
Bob Ridgely
Bob Ridgley
Bob Riley
Bob Skelton
Bob Smith
Bob Steffek & The Falcons
Bob Strauss
Bob Taylor
Bob Taylor and the Counts
Bob Vaught
Bob Vaught & The Renegades
Bob Vaught and The Renegades
Bob Vaught and the Renegaids
Bob Vegas
Bob Vidone
Bob Vidone and The Rhythm Rockers
Bob Wagner & His Countdowns
Bob Williams
Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys
Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys with Tommy Duncan
Bobbby Dean and The Amazons
The Bobbettes
Bobbi and the Beaus
Bobbie and Boobie
Bobbie & Boobie
Bobby Adano
Bobby Allen and the Southern Comforts
Bobby Allison & The Dawns
Bobby and Boobie
Bobby & Boobie
Bobby and Buddy
Bobby and Sylvia
Bobby & Sylvia
Bobby & Terry Caraway and The Rockats
Bobby and the Belmonts
Bobby & The Belmonts
Bobby and the Bengals
Bobby & The Blue Denims
Bobby and the Bright-Lites
Bobby and the Counts
Bobby & The Demons
Bobby and the Demons
Bobby and the Expressions
Bobby and The Fifths
Bobby & The Fifths
Bobby & The Heavyweights
Bobby & The Rhythm Rockers
Bobby and the Tempos
Bobby and the Temps
Bobby Angel
Bobby Angel and the Hillsiders
Bobby Bare
Bobby Barnes
Bobby Barnett
Bobby Borda Five
The Bobby Borda Five
Bobby Boyle
Bobby Braddock
Bobby Brown
Bobby Brown and the Curios
Bobby Bryant
Bobby Bunny and the Jackrabbits
Bobby Charles
Bobby Christian
Bobby Christian with The Allen Sisters
Bobby Clanton & The Citations
Bobby Colquitt and String Bean
Bobby Comstock and the Counts
Bobby Crawford
Bobby "D" and the Trinidads
Bobby Davis
Bobby Davis and the Rhythm Rockers
Bobby Dee and the Crestliners
Bobby Everhart
Bobby Freeman
Bobby Fry and Troupe
Bobby Fuller
Bobby Fuller & the Fanatics
Bobby Fuller And The Fanatics
Bobby Fuller Four
Bobby Garrett
Bobby Gay and the Sparkle Tones
Bobby Gibson and the Voyagers
Bobby Good
Bobby Gray
Bobby Gregory and the Lazy Rhythm Band
Bobby Gregory with His Cactus Cowboys
Bobby Grove
Bobby Guajardo Y Su Orquesta
Bobby Guitar
Bobby Hatfield
Bobby Helms
Bobby Hendricks
Bobby Hodge
Bobby Jackson
Bobby James
Bobby James & The Dristells
Bobby Jameson
Bobby Jay
Bobby Jenkins
Bobby Jenkins and the Jades
Bobby John
Bobby Lawrence and the Angelenos
Bobby Lawson
Bobby Lee
Bobby Lee Trammel
Bobby Lee Trammell
Bobby Lee Trammell "The First American Beetle"
Bobby Lewis
Bobby Lollar with Pete Beaver's Band
Bobby Long
Bobby Long & His Satellites
Bobby Lord
Bobby Louis
Bobby Machan
Bobby Marchan
Bobby Marchan and the Clowns
Bobby Marchan & the Clowns
Bobby Marchan and the Tick Tocks
Bobby Martin
Bobby Mitchell & The Topper
Bobby Mitchell and The Toppers
Bobby Mitchell & The Toppers
Bobby Mizell
Bobby "Mr Blues" Merrell
Bobby O'Brown
Bobby Page
Bobby Parker
Bobby Parker with the Paul Williams Orchestra
Bobby Parks with the Paul Williams Orchestra
Bobby Peak's Imperials
Bobby Peterson
Bobby Peterson Quintet
Bobby Pierce
Bobby Please And The Pleasers
Bobby Poore
Bobby Price and The New Dynamics
Bobby Price & The New Dynamics
Bobby Rambo
Bobby Rhines and the Rogues
Bobby Roberts and The Bad Habits
Bobby Roberts and The Raveons with Sunny
Bobby Roberts and The Ravons
Bobby Roberts with Highpockets Delta Rockets
Bobby Roberts with The Bad Habits
Bobby Runnel's Faux Pas
Bobby Russell and the Beagles
Bobby Sisco
Bobby Sisco "The Singing Farm Boy"
Bobby Smith
Bobby Smith and the Spinners
Bobby Smith Orchestra
Bobby Stanton Sextet
Bobby Starr
Bobby Sue and The Freeloaders
Bobby Summers
Bobby Swanson and His Sonics
Bobby Taylor
Bobby Tidwell & The Kiamichi My. Boys
Bobby Tuggle
Bobby Vee and The Shadows
Bobby Verne
Bobby Wall with Howard Biggs and Band
Bobby Wallin with The Monitors
Bobby Warren and the Rebellettes
Bobby Warren & The Rebellettes
Bobby Wayne
Bobby Wayne and the Swing Trainers
Bobby Wayne and The Warriors
Bobby Williams
Bobby Williams and his Nightlifters
Bobby Wright
Bobby Yorey
Bobby Zehm
Bobo Jenkins
Boby Lee
Boby Lollar
Bolean Barry
The Bonnavilles
The Bonnevilles
Bonnie Fussell and the Jives
Bonnie Graham and "Fats" Gaines
The Bonnievilles
Boobis & Bobby
Boogaloo and his Gallant Crew
Boogaloo & His Gallant Crew
Boogaloo & The Gallant Crew
Boogie Jake
The Boogie Kings
The Boogie Kings feat Jerry "Count" Jackson
The Boogie Kings feat Jerry LeCroix
The Boogie Ramblers
Booker Lee, Jr.
Booker Lee, Jr
The Bootmen
Boots Brown and his Blockbusters
Boots Collins
Boots Walker
Boots Walker (a.k.a. Ernie Maresca)
Bop Kats
The Bop-Kats
Boppers and Bob
The Boppin Billies
The Bossmen
The Bosstones
The Boulevards
Bounding Billy Carlisle
The Bounty Hunters
Bowlegs and His Band
Box and The Bleacher Society
Boyd Bennett
Boyd Peterson
The Boys
The Boys Next Door
The Boys The Next Door
Bozo Darnell
Bozo Ratliff
Bracey Everett
Brad Berwick
Bradley Mundy and his Orchestra
The Brassettes
The Braves
The Break-Outs
The Breakers
Brenda Allen
Brenda Carter
Brenda Keefe
Brenda Keefer
Brenda Lee
Brendan Hanlon and the Bat Men
Brendan Hanlon & The Batmen
Briant Holland and the band
Brice Coefield
The Bridge Brothers
Bristow Hooper
Brita Borg
Brock Williams
Broken Arrow and the Tomahawks
Brooks and Brown
The Bros
Brother Bill
Brother Claude Ely
Brother Woodman & The Chanters Featuring Ethel Brown
Brother Woodman & The Chanters Featuring Gene Ford
Brother Zee and The Decades
Brother Zee and The Decades with The Mike Metko Combo
The Brothers
Brothers Two Trio
Brownie McGhee and his House Rockers
Browning Sisters
The Browning Sisters
Bruce Channel
Bruce Culver
Bruce Hackney
Bruce Marvello and the Red Coats
Bruce Morrow with the Dave "Baby" Cortez Band
Bruno Lomas
Bryan "Legs" Walker
Bryan "Legs" Walker with his Walkin' Talkin' Sax
Bryan Lindsey
Bubba Feathers Interview
Bubba Holland and The Jades
Bubba Littrell
Bubi and Bob
The Bucaneers
The Buccaneers
Buchanan and Goodman
Buchanan & Goodman
Buchanan And Greenfield
Buck Griffin
Buck Hider and the Nite Riders
Buck Jones
Buck Mouhart "The Flying Cajun"
Buck Owens
Buck Owens and the Buckaroos
Buck Ritchey
Buck Rogers and his Jets
The Buckeye Pals
Bucky and The Dales
Bucky and the Premiers
"Bucky" & The Premiers
Bud and The Dynamics
Bud Chowning
Bud Freeman
Bud Hobbs & His Trail Herders
Bud Hobbs And His Trail Herders
Bud Johnson
Bud Settlemire
The Buddies
Buddy Aldo
Buddy & Citations
Buddy & Ella Johnson
Buddy & The Hearts
Buddy And The Hearts
Buddy Beverly and the Sparkles
Buddy Bow
Buddy Burke and the Canadian Meteors
Buddy Cagle
Buddy Carr
Buddy Covelle
Buddy Gibson and the Vanguards
Buddy Guy
Buddy Guy and his Band
Buddy Holly
Buddy Hunnicutt
Buddy Jones
Buddy Kay and The Casuals
Buddy Kay & The Casuals
Buddy Killen
Buddy Lane
Buddy Lee and the Satellites
Buddy Livingston & His All Girl Band
Buddy Long
Buddy Love
Buddy Lowe
Buddy Lucas
Buddy Lucas and his Band of Tomorrow
Buddy Lucas and his Combo
Buddy Lucas and His Orchestra
Buddy Meredith
Buddy Miller
Buddy Miller and the Rockin' Robins
Buddy Sharpe and The Shakers
Buddy Sharpe & the Shakers
Buddy Starcher
Buddy Starr and the Starliners
Buddy Stewart
Buddy Thompson
Buddy Wilkins
Buddy Woods with the Wampus Cats
The Budget Girls
The Bue-Cotts
Buffalo Johnson and his Herd feat. vocal by Jimmie Ballard
Buffalo Rebels
The Buggs
The Bugs
Bull City Red
Bumps Blackwell
Bumps Blackwell Orch
The Bunch
Bunny Fitz
Bunny Sigler
Bunny Sigler and the Cardells
Bunny Sigler (Mr. Emotion)
Burgers, Fries and T. Valentine!!
Burnell Martin
Burrie Manso
Burt Weedon
Buster Doss
Buster Doss & His Arkansas Playboys
Buster Pack & The Lonesome Pine Boys
The Busters
The Butanes
Butch McGhee
Butch Paulson with "The Motations"
Butch Paulson with The Motations
Butch Vaden and The Nite Sounds
Butter Ellis
The Buttondowns
Buzz Martin
Buzz Martin "The Singing Logger"
Byron Gosh Group
The Byron Gosh Group
C.A. Bruce
C.C. Curtiss
C.J. & The Casuals
C.J. and the Casuals
C. Page Orchestra with Ernest Johns
C.S. Dunsford & His Tri-State Travelers
The Cabin Crew
The Cables
Cadaver Quartet
The Cadaver Quartet
The Cadets
Cadillac Baby
The Cadillacs
Cal Hayes
Cal Maddox
Cal Veale with the Howard Reading Trio
The Calendars
Call now - 1.800.989.9368
The Callahan Brothers
The Cals
The Calvaes
The Calvanes
The Calveys Featuring Gino Romano
Calvin and Clarence
Calvin (Bluelight) Ruffin
Calvin Boles
Calvin Boze and His All-Stars
Calvin James and the Haymarket Riot
Calvin Newborn
Calypso Caravan feat King Flash
The Camelots
The Cameos
The Cameos feat. Billy Rome
Camille Howard
The Caminos
The Campers
The Cams
The Canadian Sweethearts
The Canadian V.I.P.'s
Candy Johnson Show
Candy Man and the Candy Bars
Candy Phillips
"Candy" Phillips
The Candymen
Cannibal and the Head Hunters
Cannibal and the Headhunters
The Cannonballs
The Capers
The Capris
The Caps
Captain Darby and The Buccaneers
Car 54, Where Are You? DVD Set
The Caravans
The Caravelles
The Cardinals
Carl Bonafede & The Gem-Tones
Carl Cherry
Carl Dean
Carl Dixon
Carl Greenstreet
Carl Jones
Carl Junior & The Martin-Aires
Carl Junior and the Martinaires
Carl Knight
carl "little rev" lattimore
Carl "Little Rey" Lattimore
Carl Matthews
Carl Miller
Carl Newman
Carl Newman and his Nighthawks
Carl Perkins
Carl Phillips
Carl Ray and The Impacs
Carl Shook
Carl Simpson
Carl Stacey Trio
Carl Stacey Trio feat. El Gassaway!
Carl Stevens
Carl Story
Carl Story and his Rambling Mountaineers
Carl Wheeler
Carla Rowe
The Carlisles
Carlo and Jimmy
Carlo and The Cupids
Carlo & The Cupids
carlo & the secrets
Carlos Casal Jr.
Carman Taylor with "Big Tootin" Buddy Lucas Band
Carmen Taylor
Carmol Taylor
The Carnations
Carol Connors
Carol Fran
Carole Coby
Carolyn Penley & The Shantones
The Carousels
The Carpenter Brothers
The Carpets
Carrol Arnold
The Carroll Brothers
Carroll Brothers
The Carroll County Boys
Carroll County Boys featuring Pee Wee Crayton
Carroll (Wild Red) Pegues
Carroll (Wild Red) Pegues w/ Ray & Red and The Bi-Stones
The Carson Kids
Carson Robinson
Carson Robinson And His Pleasant Valley Boys
Carson Robison and His Pleasant Valley Boys
Carson Willis with Goldie Norris
Carson Wills with Goldie Norris
The Carter Bros.
The Carter Bros
The Carter Brothers
The Carvells
The Carvels
Cary Story
Cary Story and his Rambling Mountaineers
Casanova Jr
Casanova, Jr.
The Casanovas
Casey and the Bats
Casey Clark and the Lazy Ranch Boys
Casey Clark and the Lazy Ranch Boys with vocal by Barefoot Brownie with Quartet
Casey Jones and the Govenors
Casey Jones And The Governors
Cash T. Woodson
The Cashmeres
The Casinos
The Castaways
The Castle-Tones
The Castles
The Castletones
The Casual-Aires
The Casual-Aires feat. Maurice Simon
The Casual Three
The Casualairs
The Casuals
The Cat
The Catalanas
The Catalina Six
The Catalinas
The Cavaliers
The Cave Dwellers
Cave Man Love
The Cavemen
CBS News Christmas '66
Cecil Bowman
Cecil Campbell & His Tennessee Ramblers
Cecil Campbell's Tennesee Ramblers
Cecil McCullough
Cecil McCullough w/the Border Boys
Cecil McCullough with the Border Boys
Cecil McNabb, Jr
Cecil Norman
Cecil Young Quartet
Cecll Caudill and The Downhomers
Cee Pee Johansen
The Celebrities
The Cellos
The Celts
The Central High School Cafeteria Band
The Centuries
The Century Five
The Century's
The Centurys
The Champagnes
Champion Jack Dupree
Champion Jack Dupree with Larry Dale
The Champions
The Champions and Sonny Thompson
The Champs
The Chan-Dells
Chan Romero
Chance Halladay
The Chancellors
The Chandeliers
The Chandelliers
The Channels
The Chanteers
The Chantells
The Chanters
The Chanteurs
The Chants
The Chapparals
The Charades
Charflie Brown and his Cisco Kids
The Charioteers
Charle Brown and the Lazy V-Boys
Charles Berry
Charles (Bud) Dant and his Orchestra
Charles Calhoun/Four Students
Charles Clark and Willie Dixon Band
Charles Dean
Charles Dean and The Rondells
Charles Earland
Charles Epps
Charles Henderson
Charles "Hungry" Williams
Charles LaVerne
Charles "Mad Dog" Sheffield
Charles McCullough and the Silks
Charles Mills with the Kings Of Swing
Charles Mitchell and Orchestra
Charles Page
Charles Page & The Rockin' Aces
Charles Page and The Rockin' Aces
Charles Plymell Interview
Charles Ross
Charles Ross and His Boys From Paris
Charles Senns
Charles Sheffield
Charles Sheffield with BIg Sambo
Charles Simmons and The Royal Imperials
Charles Sims
Charles Sims with Earl Palmer and Band
Charles Vickors
Charles Walker
Charles Walker and band
Charles Walton and the Kool Kats
Charles White
Charles Williams
Charles Williams with Paul Gayten Orch
Charley Maybee
Charlie Adams
Charlie Aldrich and the Way -Outers
Charlie and Bill
Charlie & Chan
Charlie & Clyde
Charlie and The Infinites
Charlie & The Jives
Charlie Baker
Charlie Booker
Charlie Dee The Missourian
Charlie Feathers
Charlie Feathers Interview Pt. 1
Charlie Feathers With Jody And Jerry
Charlie Gaffe
Charlie Gonzales
Charlie Gore
Charlie Gore and Louis Innis
Charlie Gracie
Charlie Huff with Jay Franks and his Rockets of Rhythm
Charlie J. and the Woolfmen
Charlie J and the Woolfmen
Charlie Jester and the Team Mates
Charlie Maybee
Charlie Moore & Bill Napier
Charlie Pack
Charlie Pack and the Originals
Charlie Rich
Charlie Ryan and The Timberline Riders
Charlie Singleton
Charlie Stewart
Charlie Twonley and the Jersey Pickers
Charlie Walker
Charlie White
Charlie White Eagle
The Charmers
The Charms
The Charts
Chase Canfil
The Chavis Brothers
The Cheap Suit Serenaders
Cheap Suit Serenaders
The Check Mates
The Checkers
The Checkmates
Cheek-O Vass and The Sola-Tears
The Chell-Mars
The Chellos
The Cherokees
Chess and Checker
The Chessmen
Chester Lester
The Chestnuts
Chet Atkins
Chet Avery
Chet Cory
Chet Oliver
Chet Oliver w/ Joe Weaver and his Blue Note Band
Chet Orr and the Rumblers
Chet Orr and the Rumbles
The Chevelles
The Chevrons
Chick and his Hot Rods
Chick and His Hot Rods backed up with Reno and Smiley
Chick Willis
Chico Booth and the Upsetters
Chico Chism and His Jetanairs
Chico Chism with Jerry and Garland
Chico Leverett
The Chiefs
The Chieftones
The Children Of Darkness
The Chimes
"Chip" Nelson
Chip Nelson
The Chips
Chiyo & The Crescents
Chiyo and The Crescents
Chocker Campbell
The Chocolateers
The Choir
Choker Campbell and his band Feat Harold Young
The Chord 'R Notes
The Chord'R Notes
The Chosen Ones
Chris Allen
Chris Cerf
Chris Cherokee
Chris Clay and his West Virginia Buckle Busters
Chris Homer
Chris Kenner
Chris Kevin
Chris Marshon
Chris Montez
Chris Montez and the Invincibles
Chris Powell and His Five Blue Flames
Chris Powell and The Blue Flames
Chris Powell And The Five Blue Flames
Chris Tyler
Christine Claus
Christine Jorgensen
Christine Kittrell
Christopher and The Souls
Christy Burroughs
Chubby Martin
The Chuck-A-Lucks
Chuck Akin
Chuck Alaimo Quartet
Chuck & Bill
Chuck & Bill (The Kentuckians)
Chuck & Gene
Chuck & Jackie
Chuck and Oneda Harding
Chuck and the Chuckles
Chuck Barr and The Playboys
Chuck Barr & The Rock-A-Billys
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry And His Combo
Chuck Bowers
Chuck Bradford
Chuck Brooks
Chuck Brooks and The Sharpies
"Chuck" Brown
Chuck Comer
Chuck Daniels and The Classics
Chuck Daniels & The Classics
Chuck Dockery
Chuck Edwards
Chuck Forest
Chuck Gallegos and The Fabulous Cyclones
Chuck Gray With Sandy Stanton's Panics
Chuck Greene II
Chuck Grey & Sandy Stanton & the Panics
Chuck Grey with Sandy Stanton and the Panics
Chuck Harrod and The Anteaters
Chuck Hatfield and the Treble-Aires
Chuck Henderson
Chuck Higggins
Chuck Higgins
Chuck Higgins and his Band vocal by Frank Dunn
Chuck Higgins and his Band vocal by Geechie Howard
Chuck Higgins and His Joy Boys
Chuck Higgins and His Joy Boys with Daddy Cleanhead
Chuck Higgins and his Mellotones
Chuck Higgins and his Mellotones feat Johnny "Guitar" Watson
Chuck Higgins & His Orchestra
Chuck Higgins and the Mellotones
Chuck Hix and the Count Downs
Chuck Howard
Chuck Lovett
Chuck Mann
Chuck Manning & The Rhythm Ranch Boys
Chuck Martin
Chuck Mayfield
Chuck Mooney
Chuck Murphy
Chuck Ranado and The Electronaires
Chuck Rando
Chuck Reed
Chuck Rhubarb
Chuck Rhubarb and his Sergeants
Chuck Rhubarb and the Sergeants
Chuck Rio
Chuck Rio and the Individuals
Chuck Rio and The Originals
Chuck Rives
Chuck Rives, bend - Ter-Drops
Chuck Robins
Chuck Sargeant and the Ambassadors
Chuck Slaughter
Chuck Slaughter & The Shamrocks
Chuck Slaughter with Buddy Kay & The Shamrocks
Chuck Stacy
Chuck Taylor
Chuck Tyler
Chuck Vedder
Chuck Velvet
Chuck Wayne w/Black Jack Wayne and his Bar 10 Boys
Chuck Wells
Chuck Wheeler
Chuck Wiley
Chuck Willis
Chuck Wood
The Church Keys
Church Of Lord Jesus, Jolo, West Virginia
Churchill and The Raiders
The Chy Guys
Chy Guys
Ci-Tations 7
The Ci-Tations 7
Cile Turner
'Cile Turner
The Citations
Citations 7
City Surfers
Clarence & Calvin
Clarence Ashe and Glenda Dove
Clarence "Bad Boy" Palmer and the Jive Bombers
Clarence "Bon Ton" Garlow
Clarence "Bon-Ton" Garlow
Clarence Brown
Clarence "Frog Man" Henry
Clarence "Frogman" Henry
Clarence Garlow
Clarence Gatemouth Brown
Clarence Green
Clarence Green and The Rhythmaires
Clarence Henry
Clarence Henry (Frogman)
Clarence LaVelle
Clarence Samuels
Clarence Samuels & Orchestra
Clarence Stacy
Clarence W Samuels
Clarence W Samuels and the Blazers
Clarence Walton and the Walton Brothers Band
The Classicals
The Classics
The Classics and Mr Raccoon
The Classics and Mr. Raccoon
The Classics and the Rocket Band
The Classics feat. Moe "The Mouth"
Classie Ballou
Classie Ballou & His Tempo Kings
Classie Ballou & The Tempo KIngs Orch
Claud Allen
Claude and the Hightones
Claude Casey & The Pine State Playboys
Claude Cloud and his Thunderclaps
Claude Gray
Claude King
Claude McLin
Claude Robinson
Claudine Clark
Clayton Love
Clayton Love Orchestra
Clayton Watson & the Silhouettes
Clear Water
Clear Waters
Cledus Harrison
The Clefs
The Cleftones
Cleve Jackson and his Hound Dogs
Cleveland Crochet
Cleveland Crochet & All the Sugar Bees [vocal: Jay Stutes]
Cleveland Crochet and his band of Sugar Bees
The Clever's
Clif Nash - The Rockaways
Cliff Butler
Cliff Chambers
Cliff Jackson and Jellean Delk
Cliff Jackson and Jellean Delk with the Naturals
Cliff Japhet with Carol Co.
Cliff Johnson
Cliff Nash
Cliff Nash & The Rockaways
Cliff Nash - The Rockaways
Cliff Richard/Drifters
Cliff Waldon and his Westeraires
Cliffie Stone's Orchestra with Bob Roubian
Clifford Curry w/ Dewey Guy & The Fabulous Six
Cliffy and Jerry
Clifton Chenier
Clifton White & the Royal Knights
Clint Cross
Clint West with the Boogie Kings
Clinton O'Neal and the Country Drifters
The Clouds
The Cloudwalkers
The Clovers
The Clowns
Clyde Arnold
Clyde Hart's All-Stars (w/ Rubberlegs Williams)
Clyde King
Clyde Laskey
Clyde Lasley & the Cadillac Baby Specials
Clyde Law and The Lawmen
Clyde Moody
Clyde Owens and the Tunesters
Clyde Stacy
Clyde Stacy and The Nitecaps
Clyde Stacy & The Nitecaps
The Coachmen
The Coasters
The Coastliners
The Cobras
The Cobras IV
Coco Taylor
The Cocoas
Cody Brennan & The Temptations
The Coeds
The Cohorts
Coke Willis
Cokie & The Ty Rones
Cokie and the Ty-Rones
The Col-Lee-Jets
Coleman O'Neal
Collay and the Satellites
The Collegians
The Collegiates
The Collins Kids
Collins Kids
Colman O'Neal
The Combinations
The Combo Kings
Commonwealrh Jones
Commonwealth Jones
The Composers
The Concepts
The Condas
The Confederates
The Confidentials
The Confiners of Mississippi State Penitentiary
The Congo Kid
Connie Hall
Connie Moore
Connie Smith
The Connoisseurs
Conny & The Bell Hops
Conny and the Bellhops
The Conquistadors
Conrad and the Van-Dells
The Constellations
The Contenders
The Continental 5
The Continental Five
The Continental Four
The Continentals
The Continentals Four
The Continentals of Lafayette
The Contours
The Contrasts
The Conventionals
The Converters
Conway Twitty
Coo-Coo Rachas
The Cooke Duet - Jeanette and Hubert
Cookie and His Cupcakes
Cookie & His Cupcakes
Cookie and the Cupcakes
Cookie Roberts
The Cookies
Cool Breeze
The Cool-Tones
The Coolbreezers
Cootie Williams
The Copycats featuring KImmo & Sabbe
The Cordells
The Cords
Corky Jones
Cornbread and Biscuits
The Coronados
The Coronets
Cortez Young and the Starlights
The Corvairs
The Corvets
The Corvettes
The Cosmic Rays w/ Sun Ra
Cosmic Rays w/ Sun Ra
Cosmic Tones
The Cosmic Tones
Cosmo and the Carnations
Cosmo and The Counts
Cotton Thompson and the Village Boys
The Coundowns
The Count "5"
Count Baltes and the Egors
Count Bates and the Igors
Count Demon
Count Down "5"
Count Down and the Moonsters
Count Drac
Count Drac (Bobby Saver)
Count Ferrell
The Count Five
Count Sidney & His All-Stars
Count Stephen
The Count Victors
Count Von Shukker
The Countdowns
The Country Boys
The Country Dudes
Country Earl
Country G-I's
The Country Gentlemen
Country Homes
The Country Men
Country Roland Band
The Counts
The Couplings
The Couriers
Cousin Brucie
Cousin Deems Sanders and his Goatherders
Cousin Herbert Henson
(Cousin) Herbert Henson
Cousin Jody
Cousin Leroy
Cousin Tuny
Cowboy Charlie
Cowboy Copas
Cowboy Slim and the Clem Brothers
Coy "Hot Shot" Love
Coy Johnson
Coye Wilcox
Cozy Eggleston
The Cravens featuring Rex Garvin
The Crawford Brothers
Crawford Brothers
Crazy Astronauts
Crazy Rock Boys
The Crazy Rockers
The Crazy Rockers Show
The Crazy Teens
The Cre-Shells
The Creations
The Creators with The Alamos
The Creep
Creeper and the Vi-Dells
The Creepers
The Creeps
The Crenshaws
The Crescendos
The Cresendos
The Crestman
The Crestmen
The Crestones
The Crew
The Crew-Cuts
The Crewnecks
Cris Kevin and the Comics
The Critiques
Crook Jr.
Crook Jr
The Crossfires
The Crowd
The Crows
The Crows with Melino & His Orchestra
The Cruisers
The Crusaders
The Crystals
Cuddles C. Newsome
The Cupids
The Curios
Curlee & Jeep
Curlee & The Preachers
Curley Coldiron and the Circle C Boys
Curley Day
Curley Griffin
Curley Hamner
Curley Jim and The Billey Rocks
Curley Langley
Curley Money
Curley Moore
Curley Moore, Gerri Hall and Benny Spellman
Curley Page and Band
Curley Weaver
Curly Coldiron & Circle C Boys
Curly Gibson and the Sunshine Playboys
Curly Moore
The Currents
Curt and Faye Bartmess
Curt & Faye Bartmess
Curt Block and the Vibrations
Curt Curtis
Curt Gibson
Curt Jensen w/ Don Henze Rhythmaires
Curt Jensen with the Don Henze Rhythmaires
Curtis Carrington
Curtis Gordon
Curtis James and the James Gang
Curtis Johnson
Curtis Johnson & The Wind-Jammers
Curtis Johnson with The Wind-Jammers
Curtis Kirk with Red Hayes' Fiddles
Curtis Knight and The Squires
Curtis Leach
Curtis Long and the Rhythm Rockers
Curtis Wilson
Curtiss Hobock & The Stardusters
The Custom Five
The Customs
The Customs Five
Cuzzin Clem (Dan McNew) & The Country Cousins
The Cyclones
The Cymbals
D.C. Washington
D.D. and the Derelicts
D.D.T. & The Repellents
D.D.T. and the Repellents
D.J. and the Cats
The D'Matics
The D-Notes
D-Y and The Motivators
d.y. and the motivators
Dabis & Jones and the Fenders
Daddy Cleanhead and the Chuck Higgins Band
Daddy Goodloe and His Band
Dale Allen & The Rebel Rousers
Dale and the Uniques
Dale Brooks and the Country Caravans
Dale Davis & His Tomcats
Dale Davis and His Tomcats
Dale Davis with His Tomcats
Dale Goudy and the Blue Sky Trio
Dale Hawkins
Dale Vaughn
dale vaughn & the starnotes
Dale Vaughn and The Starnotes
Dale Wehba and the Ken Kash Kwintet
Dale Wright
Dale Wright & The Wright Gang
Dale Wright with the Rock-Its
Dale Wright with The Wright Guys
Dall Raney and the Umbrellas
Dallas Wilson and his Western Troubadous
The Dalmatians
The Dalmations
Damon Lee and the Diablos
Dan Blanchard
Dan Cavalli and his Don't Care Biys
Dan Kubiak and the Sound Waves
The Dandeliers
The Danderliers
The Dandevilles
Dannny Ezba
Danny & The Del-Aires
Danny and The Demons
Danny and the Galaxies
Danny and The Hit-Makers
Danny & The Hit-Makers
Danny Andrew
Danny Barrett and the Blazers
Danny Bell & the Bell Hops
Danny Bell and The Bell Hops
Danny Boy
Danny Carl
Danny Darren and The Drifting Play Boys
Danny Dell
Danny Dell and the Trends
Danny Dell & The Trends
Danny Diamond & The Rubies
Danny Diaz & The Checkmates
Danny Dill
Danny Ezba
Danny Flores and his 3-D's
Danny Ford and the Rough Riders
Danny Freeman and the Soul Superiors
Danny James
Danny James and His Guitar Band
Danny James and His Palanquin Guitar
Danny Kirkland
Danny Luciano
Danny Navarro & The Corvels
Danny Noie & The Catalinas
Danny Noie and The Catalinas
Danny Overbea
Danny Overbea & His Combo
Danny Ray
Danny Reeves
Danny Roland
Danny Ross
Danny "Run Joe" Taylor
Danny Run Joe Taylor
Danny (Run Joe) Taylor
Danny Steel
Danny Steel with Hank Farrell and his Rhythm Boys
Danny Taylor
Danny Welch
Danny Wheeler
Danny White
Danny Zella and his Zell Rocks
Danny Zella & His Zell Rocks
Danny Zella's Rockers
The Dantes
The Dappers
The Daps
The Dardenelles
The Daringers
Darrel Rhodes
Darrell Glenn
Darrell Rhodes
Darry Weaver
Darryl Vincent
Darryl Vincent and his Flares
The Dartells
The Darts
Darvin Sturgill
Darwin Nelson and The Blaze-Makers
The Darwins
Daryl Petty
Daryl Vincent and his Flares
Dave & The Customs
Dave and the Customs
Dave and the Nite Riders
Dave and The Saints
Dave Atkins & His Off Beats
Dave Atkins and his Off Beats
Dave "Baby" Cortez
Dave Baker
Dave Bartholomew
Dave Bartholomew & His Orchestra
Dave Batholomew
Dave Burgess and Dale Norris
Dave C and the Sharptones
Dave Clark Five
The Dave Clark Five
Dave Collins & The Scrubs
Dave Collins and the Scrubs
Dave Cox And The Sharptones
Dave Diamond & B.B. Brown
Dave Dixon
Dave Dudley
Dave Edge
Dave Edwards and his Alabama Boys
Dave Farley (Your Ole Hillbilly Buddy)
Dave Gardner
Dave Hamilton and His Peppers
Dave Johnson
Dave Kennedy "America's Mister Music"
Dave Kirk and the Candy Men
Dave Lowe
Dave Myers and the Surftones
Dave Osborn
Dave Rich
Dave Russell
Dave S Trio
Dave S. Trio
Dave Scherer and The Castels
Dave Scherer & The Castels
Dave Stogner
Dave Stogner and His Band
Dave Teig
Dave Tieg
Dave Travis
Dave York and The Beachcombers
Davey Day
Davey Dee and the Mudcats
Davey Jones
David and The Boys Next Door
David and The-Boys-Next-Door
david beatty
David Beatty and the Harmonettes
The David Clowney Band
David Dean's Combo
David Dunn
David Hill
David Lamar
David Morrison
David Price
david ray
David Taylor
David Teig
Davie Allan & the Arrows
Davis and Jones and the Fenders
Davis & Jones and the Fenders
The Davis Sisters
The Davis Twins and Sleepy Jeffers
The Dawn Beats
The Dawnbeats
The Dawnbreakers
The Dawnells
The Daybreakers
The Daylighters
The Daywins
The Dazzlers
DDT & the Repellents
The De-Los
The De-Villes
The De Villes
Deacon & Snake
Deacon and The Rock & Rollers
The Deacons
The Deadly Ones
Dean & Jean
Dean Beard
Dean Beard and his Crew-Cats
Dean Morgan
Dean Morgan and Guitar
Deane Hawley
The Deans
deb wood
Debbie & The Darnells
Debbie and the Darnels
Debbie Lynn and the Recording Band
Debbie Stevens
Debbie Weber
Debbie Yates
The Debelaires
The Debonaires
The Debonairs
The Deboniars
Deborah Walley
The Decades
Dee Clark
Dee Dee Sharp
The Dee Jay
Dee Jay and the Runaways
Dee Jayes
Dee Thomas and The Versatiles
Dee Williams Sextette
The Deep River Boys
The Defiant Ones
The Del-Aires
The Del-Chords
The Del Counts
Del Knights
The Del Knights
Del Lavon feat Jimmy Rivers and his Cherokees
Del Mingos
The Del-Prados
The Del-Pris
The Del Pris
Del Ray and The Roamers
The Del-Rays
Del Reeves
The Del-Reys
The Del-Roys
Del Saint and the Devils
The Del-Saints
The Del Saints
The Del Satins
Del Shannon
Del Swade
The Del-Tinos
The Del Tinos
The Del-Tones
The Del-Vetts
The Del Victors
Del Victors
The Del Victors With The Nite Sounds
The Delacardos
The Delancey's
The Delcardos
The Deli-Cados
The Delights
Dell Mack
Dell Mack and his Paleface Indians
Dell Shannon
Dell Stewart
The Dells
The Dellwoods
The Delroys
The Delteens with The Orbits
The Deltones
Deltones feat. The Gypsy
The Deltones featuring The Gypsy
The Deltrons
The DeMires
The Demons
The Demotrons
Dempsey Sims
DeNeille and the Dramatics
The Denels
DeNielle and the Dramatics
The Denims
Denni Alan
Denni Alan accompanied by The Dukes
Dennie Mello
Dennis & The Devins
Dennis and The Devins
Dennis and the Menaces
Dennis Binder
Dennis Coffey
Dennis Herrod
Dennis Herrold
Dennis Roberts
Dennis "The Rocket" feat Webb Foley's Quartet
Denny and Lenny with the Hollywood Ghouls
Denny Bloom and the Sidemen
Denny Ezba
Denny Noie and the Catalinas
The Denones
Denver & Null
Denver Duke and Jeffery Null with The Hardin County Boys
Denver Duke and Jeffrey Null
Deral Clour and Charley Drake
The Derbys
Derek Martin
The DeRons
Derry Weaver
Detroit Junior
The Devilles
The Devotions
The Devrons
Dewain Olby
Dewey Guy & the Fabulous Six
Dewey Phillips
The Diablos
The Diablos featuring Nolan Strong
The Diadems
The Dial Tones
The Dials
Diamond Joe
Diamond Rings
Diamond Uprisers
Diana Darrin
Diana Lee
Dick & Libby Halleman
Dick and Libby Hallerman
Dick Barron
Dick Barton's Rebels
Dick Blackburn Interview
Dick Bush
Dick Cooper
Dick Curless
Dick D'Agostin & the Swingers
Dick D'Agostin and The Swingers
Dick Dale
Dick Dale & His Del-Tones
Dick Dale and His Del-Tones
Dick Dale and the Del-Tones
Dick "Deacon" Martin
Dick Dewayne Combo
Dick Flood
Dick Goodwin
Dick Grass and the Hoppers
Dick Halleman
Dick Hiorns
Dick Holler And The Holidays
Dick Kent
Dick Lord
Dick Miller
Dick Penner
Dick Rich and his Town & Country Boys
Dick Robinson
Dick Robinson & His Makebelievers
Dick Robinson & The Make-Believers
Dick Robinson & The Nite Niks
Dick Ryan
Dick Shearer & The Cavaliers
Dick Summer
Dick Summer w/ Bill Coe and The Escorts
Dick Tacker
Dick Vance with Domino and the Dominoes
Dick Watson & The Crescents
Dick Whittinghill
Dick Woods
Dickie "Bird" Newland
Dickie Dixon
Dickie Garland & The Rialtos
Dickie McBride and the Village Boys
Dickie Treadway
Die Sputniks
The Dimensions
The Diminshuns
Ding Dong Daddies
The Ding Dong Daddies
The Ding Dongs
The Ding-Dongs
Ding Ho Schwartz
Ding Ho Schwartz and the Celestials
Dink Ringo
The Dinks
The Dinks!!!!!!!
The Dinks!!!
Dinky Harris
Dinky Harris and The Spades
Dino Palermo
Dino Palmero with Sir John & The Rocking Four
The Diplomats
Dirty Wurds
The Dissonaires
The Distants
The Distortions
The Dittos
The Divots
The Dixie Cups
Dixie Harmonairs
Dixieland Drifters
Dixon DeVore II
DJs Rex, Dave the Spazz, Gaylord Fields, Mr. Fine Wine
Do Diddley
Doc and the Dolphins
Doc Bagby
Doc Chaffin & Docettes
"Doc" County
Doc County
Doc Palmer
Doc Sooner
Doc Starkes
Doc Starkes and His Nite Riders
Doc Starkes & His Nite Riders
Doc Starkes & The Nite Riders
Doctor Bop
Doctor Gaddy
Doctor Ross
Doctor Ross and The Orbits
Doctor Ross, The Harmonica Boss
Doctor Ross The Harmonica Boss with The Disciples
The Dodgers
Dodi & Dot
Dolly Cooper
Dolly Parton
Dolly Pressley
Dolores Ware
The Dolphins
Don & Bob
Don and Bob
Don and Dewey
Don & Dewey
Don & Earl
Don & Ina Cottrell
Don & Juan
Don and The Galaxies
Don & The Goodtimers
Don and the Goodtimes
Don & The Goodtimes
Don & Tony and the NIghthawks
Don Bailey
Don Baker
Don Barber and the Dukes
Don Bishop
Don Boone & The Indians
Don Boone and The Indians
Don Boots
Don Bowman
Don Burns
Don Carrol
Don Carroll and The Sharpies
Don Carson and the Casuals
Don Carson and The Whirlaways
Don Charles & The Singing Dogs
The Don Clairs
Don Costa & The Frogmen
Don Costa with The Frogmen
Don Covay
Don Crawford
Don Duncan
Don Edwards & The Dukes
Don Edwards and The Dukes
Don Ellis
Don Ellis and The Royal Dukes
Don Force
Don Fowler and the Country Timers
Don Gibson
Don Hagen
Don Hagen & The Country Soul Express
Don Hager and the Hot-Tots
Don Hager and the Hot Tots
Don Hopkins
Don James
Don Jerald
Don Jobe and The Ghosters
Don Johnson
Don Johnston
Don Jones
Don Julian
Don Julian and the Meadow Larks
Don Julian and the Meadowlarks
Don Lewis
Don Love and the Heartbeats
Don Lucas
Don Malone
Don McKinnon
Don Murphy and the Hi-Liters
Don Orr and the Original Rockets
don pearly
Don "Pretty Boy" Covay
Don Ragon
Don Ramon Sr. y Su Orquestra
Don Ray with the High Steppers
Don "Red" Roberts
Don Roberts and the Islanders
Don Ruby
Don Sargent and The Buddies
Don Schraier
Don Snyder
Don Sohl and the Road Runners
Don Terry
Don Thomas
Don Wade
Don Wayne
Don West and Rose Lee with the Sunset Playboys
Don Willis
Don Wilson
Don Windle
Don Woody
Donald Adkins
Donald and the Delighters
Donald & the Delighters
Donald Jacob
Donald Richards
Donald Simpson and The Rockenettes
Donald Woods and the Vel-Aires
Dondee and teh Glades
Dondee and the Glades
Donn Williams
Donna Darlene
Donna Harris
Donna Hightower
Donna Loren
Donna Lou
Donni Jerald
Donnie & Ronnie
Donnie and The Del Chords
Donnie and The Outcasts
Donnie Boyd
Donnie Boyd and his Phantom Guitar
Donnie Brooks
Donnie Carl
Donnie Charles and the Fairlanes
Donnie Dean
Donnie (Dean) Hinson
Donnie Elbert
Donnie Gerald
Donnie Hartman
Donnie Jacobs
Donnie James and The Mighty Joe Houston Orchestra
Donnie Loew
Donnie Martindale and the Star Fires
Donnie Martinsdale and the Star Fires
Donnie Matchett
Donnie Nix
Donnie Owens
Donnie Wiiliams
Donnie Williams
Donnnie Boyd
Donnnie Elbert
Donny Burns
Donny Young
Doodie Woo
Doodle Duncan
Doodles Duncan
Doodles Weaver
The Door Knobs
The Door Nobs
The Dootones
Doreen Davis & Bobby Lyons
Dori Helms
Dorian Burton
Doris Doubleday and His Command Pilots
Doris M. Hubbard
Doris Rainville
Dorothy Ellis
The Dorsals with The Gatormen
Dorse Lewis (The Scared Coal Miner)
The Dorsets
Dorsey Burnette
The Do's And The Don'ts
The Do's and The Dont's
Dossie Terry
Dossie (Thunderbird) Terry
Doug Amerson
Doug Amerson w/ Peck Gregory and his Dude Ranch Cowboys
Doug and Dave
Doug & Dea
Doug Ardoin & The Boogie Kings
Doug Beehler
Doug Bowman and the Road Runners
Doug Charles
Doug Clark and the Hot Nuts
Doug Corby
Doug Cornell and the Hot Rod
Doug Cornell and the Hot Rods
Doug Dickens with The Fireballs
Doug Harden
Doug Harden with the Desert Suns
Doug Hardin
Doug Hardin with The Desert Suns
Doug Johnson and the Outlaws
Doug McGuire
Doug Perez with the Shuffling Orbits
Doug Powell
Doug Sahm
Dougie and the Dudes
Dougie The Dude
The Dovers
Dow Jones
The Down Beats
The Downbeats
Doye O'Dell
Dr. Feelgood and The Interns
Dr Horse
Dr. Horse
Dr Ross
Dr. Shock
Dr. T & The Undertakers
The Drag Kings
Drag Kings
The Drakes
The Dream Girls
The Dreamers
The Dreamlovers
The Dreamtones
Drew Friedman
Drew Friedman Interview
Drits and Dravy
Drits & Dravy
The Drivers
The Drop-Outs
The Dropouts
The Du-Droppers
Du Droppers
The Du Droppers
The Du Mauriers
The Duals
Duane DeSanto (Guitar Man)
Duane Eddy
Dub Beene with the Schemers
Dub Dickerson
Dub Jones
The Ducats
Duck Flowers
The DuDroppers
The Dueces Wild
Dug Finnell & his All-Stars
The Dukays
Duke & Null
Duke and The Ambers
Duke Bowman
Duke Dickson & The Jivin' Five
Duke Draper
Duke Jenkins
Duke Jenkins and his Orchestra with Mr. Jo Jo Spoons
Duke Larson
Duke Lloyd (Harold Lloyd, Jr.)
Duke Mitchell
Duke The Ghetto Prince
The Dukes
The Dukes of Rhythm
Dumas King
The Duprays
Durwood Dagger
Durwood Daly
The Dusters
Dusty Brown
Dusty Lane
Dusty Owens and Donna Darlene with The Rodeo Boys
Dusty Payne and the Rhythm Rockers
Dusty Wilson
The Duvals
Dwain Bell and the Turner Brothers
Dwain Turley and the Tads
Dwight Douglas & The Jayhawkers
Dwight Douglas and The Jayhawks
Dwight DuVoll
Dwight Pullen
Dynamic Del-Aires
The Dynamic Dial Tones
The Dynamic Drifters
The Dynamic Kapers
The Dynamics
The Dynastys
The Dynasty's
The Dyntasys
The E'Lites
E.T. White and His Great Potential Band
E. Themsberry and the Cruisers
The Eagles
Earl Brogan
Earl Brown
Earl Chapman
Earl Connelly King
Earl Craig & The DownBeats
Earl Curry
Earl "Duke" Jenkins and The Roulettes
Earl Epps
Earl "Good Rockin' " Brown
Earl Haynes
Earl Hooker
Earl King
Earl Palmer's Party Rockers with The Jayhawks
Earl Patterson with The Darts
Earl Phillips
Earl Reed
Earl Scott
Earl Vince and the Valiants
Earl Williams
Earl Williams and his Quintette
Earl Wright and the Texas Old-Timers
Earney Vandagriff
The Earthquakes
The Earthquakes w/ The Rhythm Kings
The Earthworms
Easy Deal Wilson
The EBB Tides
The Ebb-Tides
The Ebbtides
The Ebonettes
The Eccentrics
The Echo Men
The Echo Valley Boys
The Echoes
The Echoettes and Johnny with Big Fat Mike and The Fatheads
Echoettes & Johnny w/ Music by Big Fat Mike & Fatheads
The Echomen
The Echomores
The Echos
The Ecuadors
Ed Corey
Ed Faucett
Ed McCurdy
Ed McIlwain and the Travelers
Ed "Nassau Daddy" Cook
Ed O'Melia
Ed Sanders
Ed Turner and Bill and the Nightrockers
Ed Wiley & His After Hours Band
Edd Byrnes with Don Ralke and His Orchestra
Edd "Kookie" Byrnes with Warren Barker orch.
Eddie Alexander & the Greats
Eddie Alston
Eddie & Chuck
Eddie and Gene and The Nitecaps
Eddie & The Starlites
Eddie and the Starlites
Eddie Angel
Eddie Atwood
Eddie Atwood and his Goodies
Eddie Bartell and his Dukes of Rhythm
Eddie Baxter
Eddie Billups
Eddie Bishop
Eddie Blazonczyk and the Twinkletoes
Eddie "Blues Man" Kirkland
Eddie Bo!!
Eddie Bo
Eddie Bond
Eddie Bond and his Stompers
Eddie Bond and The Stompers
Eddie Boyd and his Chessmen
Eddie Burns
Eddie C Campbell
Eddie Carl and the Emblems
Eddie Carmel
Eddie Carrol and the Montclairs
Eddie Cash
Eddie Cash and the Cashiers
Eddie Clearly
Eddie Clearwater
Eddie Cleary
Eddie Cochran
Eddie Con Los Shades
Eddie Curtis
Eddie Daniels
Eddie (Doodie Pickle) Winters and Rythm Rockers
Eddie Dugosh and the Red Tops
Eddie Dugosh & the Red Tops
Eddie Evans and the Kingsmen
Eddie Fontaine
Eddie Gaines and The Rockin' Five
Eddie Hill
Eddie Hope & Mannish Boys
Eddie Hope & The Mannish Boys
Eddie Hudson
Eddie Jones
Eddie Jones (aka "Guitar Slim")
Eddie Kane
Eddie Kirk
Eddie Kirkland
Eddie L Davis
Eddie L. Davis and The Bureaucats
Eddie Lang
Eddie Lawrence
Eddie Marshall and his Trail Dusters
Eddie Miller
Eddie Miller And His Band
Eddie Miller & His Oklahomans
Eddie Mobley and the Country Singers
Eddie Moore
Eddie Noack
Eddie Palace
Eddie Palace and the Herbert Brothers
Eddie Perrell
Eddie Quinteros
Eddie Renae and the Titans
Eddie Reynolds
Eddie Riff
Eddie Ringo
Eddie Seacrist
Eddie Seacrist and The Rolling Rockets
Eddie Seacrist & The Rolling Rockets
eddie shavers
Eddie Silvers & Orchestra
Eddie Snow
Eddie Sovine
Eddie Stapleton
Eddie Vinson
Eddie Ware
Eddie Weldon "The Panting Panther"
Eddie Williams
Eddie Zack and Cousin Richie
Eddie Zack and Cousin Richie feat. The Dude Ranch Sweethearts
Eddie Zack & Cousin Richie w/Dude Ranch Sweethearts
Eddy Beers
Eddy Bell
Eddy Bell and the Bel-Aires
Eddy Bell and The Rock-A-Fellas
Eddy Drake
Eddy Dugosh and the Ah-Ha Playboys
Eddy Lang
Eddy Lennon
Eddy Seacrest
Eddy Seacrest and His Rollin Rockets
Eddy Ware
Eden Rocks
The Eden Rocks
The Eden Rocs
Edgar Blanchard
Edgar Blanchard & his Band
Edgar Blanchard & the Gondoliers
Edgar Blanchard and the Prince Royals
Edgar Hayes & His Stardusters
Edith Massey
The Edmarks
The Edsels
Edward Swint
Edwin & Alvin
Effie Smith
The Egyptians
The Egytians
The El Capris
El Chucho
El Clod
The El Cobras
The El-Derocks
The El Dorados
The El'Dorados
El Pauling
El Pauling And Royal Abbit
El Pauling and The Royal Abbit
El Pauling & The Royalton
El Pauling and the Royalton
El Pauling, Royal Abbit The Royalton
The El Torros
El Vieros
The Eldaros
Elder Beck
Elder Clark
Eldridge Holmes
The Electras
Electric Johnnyand his Skyrockets
The Elgins
The Elite
Elite U.F.O.
The Elite U.F.O.
The Elites
Eller Davis
Eller Davis with Billy Davis & His Red River Boys
Elliot Shavers
Elliot Small
Elliott Small
Elmer Parker & the Light Lighters
Elmo James
Elmo James with DJ Bob "Nighthawk" Terry
Elmon Mickle
Elmore James
Elmore James and His Broom Dusters
Elmore James And His "Broomdusters"
Elmore James with Bob "Nighthawk" Terry
Elmore Nixon
Eloise Carter
Elroy Dietzel and The Rhythm Bandits
Elroy Dietzel & The Rhythm Bandits
Elroy Peace
Elroy "Shadow" Peace
Elton Anderson
Elton Anderson with Sid Lawrence Band
Elvis Carden and the Flint Rivver Boys
Elvis Presley
Elwood James
Elwood Jane
The Emanons
The Emarks
The Embermen
The Embers
The Embraceables
The Emcees
The Emeralds
The Emersons
Emmanuel Laskey
Emmet Davis
Emmett Davis
Emmett Hobson
The Emotions
The Empalas
The Empallas
The Empallos
The Emperor
The Emperors
The Emperor's
The Emperors featuring Frankie Adams
The Empires
The Emporers
The Enchanments featuring Leroy
The Enchanters
The Enchanters 4
The Enchantments
The Endells
The Entertainers
The Epics
The Epics featuring Lynn and Bobby
The Equadors
Eric and the Vikings
Erline Harris w/ The Johnson Bros. Combo
Ernest Ashworth
Ernest Kador
Ernest Tubb
Ernest Tubb And His Texas Troubadours
Ernest Tubb and the Texas Troubadours
Ernest Tucker
Ernie Barton
Ernie Cast & The Honeycones
Ernie Cast and The Honeycones
Ernie Chaffin
Ernie Cook
Ernie Durham
Ernie Fields
Ernie Freeman
Ernie George Quartet
Ernie K-Doe
Ernie K Doe
Ernie K Doe Aircheck
Ernie K-Doe Aircheck
Ernie K-Doe Sermon on WWOZ
Ernie Kelley
Ernie Maresca
Ernie Williams
Ersle Standridge
Ervin (Big Boy) Groves
Ervin Rucker
Ervin Rucker & The Blues Nighthawks
The Escorts
The Escos
Eskew (Esque-Rita) Reeder
The Esquires
Esse and The Showman
The Essex
Etta James
Etta James & Sugar Pie DeSanto
Etta "Miss Peaches" James
Eugene Church
Eugene Fox
Eugene Isom and his Van-Glorians
Eugene Jefferon with the Rolling Bones Band
Eulis Mason with the Martells
Eunice and Eddie
Eunice & Eddie
Eunice Davis
The Euniques
Evan Carroll and the Tempos
Evan Johns & the H-Bombs
Evans Carroll and the Tempos
Evelyn White & The Radio Ranch Boys
The Eventuals
Everett Carpenter
Everett Gates and The Jokers
The Everglades
The Evergreens
The Excels
The Exciters
The Exciting Avanties
The Exciting Sparklers
The Exciting Tempos
The Executioners
The Exotics
The Expressions
The Expresso's
The Expressos
F. Lee Hayslip
The Fables
The Fabulous Bachelors
The Fabulous Chancellors
The Fabulous Chevelles
The Fabulous Continentals
The Fabulous Counts
Fabulous Courdels
The Fabulous Cyclones
The Fabulous Denos
The Fabulous Desires
The Fabulous Four
The Fabulous Gardenias
The Fabulous Penentrations
The Fabulous Penetrations
The Fabulous Pharoahs
The Fabulous Playboys
The Fabulous Rockets
Fabulous Rockets
The Fabulous Six
The Fabulous Spectaculars
The Fabulous Swingtones
Fabulous Tempos
The Fabulous Thunderbolts
The Fabulous Versatones
The Fabulous Wailers
The Fabulous Wanderers
The Fabulous XL's
The Facets
The Faded Blue
The Fading Tribesman
The Fading Tribesmen
The Fairlanes
The Fairviews
The Falcons
The Falcons & Band
Fallen Angels
The Fallen Stars
Falling Stars
The Falling Stars
The Fanatics
Fannom Patrick And The Footnotes
Fannon Patrick and the Foot Notes
The Fantastic Emanons
The Fantastics
The Farmer Boys
Faron Warmer
Faron Young
Farris Garland (The Stranger) and the Lonesome Valley Boys
Farris Hill & The Madison Brothers
The Fascinations
The Fashions
Fat Daddy
Fat Daddy Holmes
Fats Domino
Fats Jr.
"Fats" Junior & The Skyscrapers
Fats Wilson and Eddie and His Fabulous 4 Cousins
fatso theus
"Fatso" Theus
Faye Adams
Faye Reis
The Fearsome Foursome
The Feathers
Felix and his Cats
Felix & His Fabulous Cats
Felix and His Fabulous Cats
Felix And His Guitar
Felix and the Escorts
Felix & The Escorts
Felton Jarvis
The Fender Benders
Fender Benders
The Fenderman featuring Dave & Izzy
The Fendermen
Fention Robinson
Fention Robinson and The Castle Rockers
Fention Robinson w/ The Castle Rockers
The Fenways
Ferlin Huskey
Ferlin Huskey and his Hush Puppies
Ferlin Huskey and The Hush Puppies
Feron Young
The Ferraris
The Ferros w/Nick and the Jaguars
The Ferros w/ Nick and His Jaguars
The Fiestas
Finetones, Inc
Finney-Mo w/ Gabriel and the Dynamics
Finney Mo with Gabriel and the Dynamics
The Fireballs
The Firebirds
The Fireflies
The Five Blacks
Five Blacks
Five Blind Boys of Alabama
The Five Blind Boys of Montana
The Five Blue Notes
The Five Chances
The Five Crystals
The Five Delights
The Five Dollars
The Five Dollars featuing Little Eddie
The Five Dollars featuring Little Eddie
The Five Dollars feat. Little Eddie
The Five Dreams
The Five Du-Tones
The FIve Flames
The Five Fleets
The Five Jades
The Five Jets
The Five Keys
The Five Lords
Five Masters
The Five Owls
The Five Quails
The Five Royales
Five Royales
The Five Satins
The Five Satins featuring Vince Mazetta
Five Scamps
Five Shades
The Five Shades
The Five Sharps
The Five Sounds
The Five Sparks
The Five Stars
The Five Strings
The Flairs
The Flames
The Flamethrowers
The Flamin' Groovies
The Flamin Groovies
Flamin' Groovies
Flamingo Plus
The Flamingos
The Flares
Flash and the Memphis Casuals
Flash Rubino and The Spunkies
Flash Terry
The Flat-Tops
The Flat Tops
The Flattops
The Fleas
Fleet & Freddy
The Fleet-Tones
"Flick" Gipson and The Sliders
Flick Gipson and the Sliders
Flip & The Foreigners
The Flip Tops
Flo Fontana
The Flock Rocker
The Flock Rocker (The Crown Prince Of The Blues)
Florian Monday and His Mondos
Florian Monday & His Mondos
Floyd & the Paramounts
Floyd and the Paramounts
Floyd Compton and his Texas Troubadours
Floyd Dakil Combo
Floyd Dakil Four
Floyd Dixon
Floyd Dixon & His Orch
Floyd Dixon and Mari Jones
Floyd Lee
Floyd Smith and the Montclairs
Floyd Smith with the Montclairs
The Flying Tornadoes
The Fog Cutters
Fonda Wallace (The Teen-Age Thrush) and the Four Pals
The Fool's Paradise Singers
Ford Hopkins
Ford Nix and the Moonshiners
Foreign Intrigue
Forest Green
Forest Green and the Rangers
Forrest Green
Forrest Green and The Rangers
Fort Worth Dougboys
The Fortune Tellers
The Fortunes
Foto-Fi Four
The Four
Four Bits + Tax
Four Bits & Tax
The Four Blazers
The Four Casts
The Four Dimensions
Four Dimensions
The Four Dots
The Four Dots featuring Fletcher Williams
The Four El-Moroccos
The Four Escorts
The Four Flickers
Four Hollidays
The Four Imperials
The Four Jokers
The Four Mints
The Four Pennies
The Four Playboys
The Four Rebels
The Four Rivers
The Four Rogues
Four Roses and A Thorn
The Four Satins
The Four Sharps
Four Sharps
Four Sounds
The Four Sounds
The Four Sparks
The Four Speeds
Four Teens
The Four Unknowns
The Four Wheels
The Fowls
Fox and the Raiders
Fox Hall
Fran & Flo
Frances Burr & The K.J. Trio
Frank and Jack
Frank Brannon
Frank Cathey
Frank Dalton
Frank Dalton and the Dalton Gang
Frank Deaton and the Mad Lads
Frank "Dual Trumpet" Motley
Frank “Dual Trumpet” Motley
Frank "Dual Trumpet" Motley and his Motley Crew
Frank (Dual-Trumpet) Motley and His Motley Crew
Frank Dycus
Frank Evans and the Top-Notchers
Frank "Floor Show" Culley
Frank "Floorshow" Culley
Frank Floyd
Frank Frost
Frank Furter and the Hot Dogs
Frank Gary
Frank Gonzales and the Palisades
Frank Hammac
Frank London
Frank Martin (vocal:Pepper Neely)
Frank Motley
Frank Motley (Dual Trumpet) And His Crew
Frank Motley (Dual Trumpet) & His Crew
Frank Olvera
Frank Rondell and The Chancellors
Frank Scott
Frank Triolo and the Shipmates Orchestra
Frankie and Ernie
Frankie & Johnny
Frankie & Margie
Frankie and The Echoes
Frankie & The Echoes
Frankie and the Teentones
Frankie Brent
Frankie Brunson
Frankie Ervin
Frankie Ford with Huey "Piano" Smith and Orch.
Frankie Hunter
Frankie Lee
Frankie Lee Sim
Frankie Lee Sims
Frankie Manelli
Frankie Marshall
Frankie Miller
Frankie N. Stein And The Abominable Surfmen
Frankie Olvera
Frankie Taro and The Antics
Frankie Taro & The Antics
Frankie Tucker
Franklin Deaton
Franky Preston and The Beachcombers
Franky Preston and the Beachcombs
Frantic Ernie Durham
Frantic Freddie and his Reflections
Frantic Johnny Rogers
The Frantics
The Frantics Four
The Frantics Four vocal by Bobby Shane
The Fraternity Brothers
Fred Blassie
Fred Carter
Fred Clark
Fred Crawford
Fred Farrah with the Hitch Hikers & The Thunder Rocks
Fred Green
Fred Maddox
Fred Mick with The Kingsmen
Fred Milander
Fred Ryan and his Happy Tracks
freddie and the heartaches
Freddie & The Heartaches
Freddie and the Hitch-Hikers
Freddie "Boom Boom" Cannon
Freddie Caddell and The Twirls
Freddie Cannon
Freddie Carpenter
Freddie Clark
Freddie Cole and the Northern Lights
Freddie Fender
Freddie Gomez y sus Dinamicos
Freddie Hall
Freddie Hall and his Aces
Freddie Hart
Freddie King
Freddie Mitchell
Freddie Mitchell And His Orchestra
Freddie Mitchell and His Rockers
Freddie Mitchell Orchestra
Freddie Scott
Freddie Scott with The Chimes
Freddie Vaught
Freddy and the Raven's
Freddy & the Ravens
Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon
Freddy Butler with Roosevelt Fountain's Pens of Rhythm
Freddy Cannon
Freddy Cole and the Northern Lights
Freddy DeBoe
Freddy Fender
Freddy King
Freddy Robinson
Freddy Tieken & His Rockers
Freddy Tino & The Twisting Cyclones
Freddy Vaught
The Free Bees
The Freebees
The Freebes
Friar Tuck and the Merrymen
"Froggy" Landers and the Cough Drops
Froggy Landers & The Cough Drops
The Frontiers
The Fugitives
The Furys
G. "Davey" Crockett
G "Davy" Crockett
G."Davy" Crockett
G.L. Crockett
Gabe Dean and The Moon Men
Gabe Dean with The Moon Men
Gabe Garland and his Rockin' Band
Gabriel (All Nite DJ at KATZ)
Gabriel & His Trumpet
Gabriel and the Angels
Gabriel & The Angels
Gabriel, His Trumpet, And Band Of Angels
The Gadabouts
The Galaxies
The Galaxies (again!)
The Gales
The Gallahads
The Galleons
The Gallows
The Gamblers feat. Big Brown
The Gamblers featuring Big Brown
the Gamma Goochee Himself
Ganimian and his Orientals
The Gants
Garbage (Sonics)
The Gardenias
Garland The Great
Garry Miles
Garry Miles with the Buzzettes
Gary Allen
Gary and Green
Gary & Green
Gary and the Detonators
Gary and the Wombats
Gary Blodgett
Gary Glenn and the Jeweltones
Gary James and The Creations
Gary Miles
Gary Sheldon
Gary Shelton
Gary "Spider" Webb
Gary (U.S.) Bonds
Gary "U. S." Bonds
Gary "U.S." Bonds
Gary U.S. Bonds
Gary Usher
Gary Von Ilg
Gary Walker
Gary Williams
Gate Wesley & Band feat. Billy LaMont
Gator Townsend and the Tuxedo Sleepers
Gay Crosse & His Good Humor Six
The Gay Jays
Gay Meadows
The Gay Nighters
Gay Poppers
The Gay Poppers
The Gaylads
Gaylon Christie & The Downbeats
Gaylon Christie and The Downbeats
Gaylon Wayne
The Gee Cees
Gem Glenn Mooney
Geme Walker
Gemini IV
The Gems
Gene Allison
Gene & Al's Spacemen
Gene & Billy
Gene and Eunice
Gene and Wendell
Gene & Wendell
Gene and Wendell With the Sweethearts
Gene Bland
Gene Brown
Gene Burks
Gene Davis
Gene Goza
Gene Granville and Delresse
Gene Granville with Delresse
Gene Gray and the Stingerays
Gene Gray and the Stingrays
Gene Hall
Gene Henslee
Gene Kennedy
Gene King and his Mecaton Band
Gene King and the Mecaton Band
Gene La Marr and His Blue Flames
Gene La Marr and the Blue Flames
Gene LaMarr
Gene LaMarr & His Blue Flames
Gene Maltais
Gene Maltais and the Gibson String Band
Gene McKown
Gene Moles
Gene Morris and his King Trotters
Gene Morris & The King Trotters
Gene Moss
Gene Nitz
Gene Norman & Rocking Rockets
Gene Parrish
Gene Parson's Band vocal by: Kimble and Wanda Janes
Gene Parsons with the Boys From The Bar Plenty
Gene Phillips & His Rhythm Aces
Gene Ray
Gene Redd and the Globe Trotters
Gene Ross
Gene Satterfield
Gene Savage
Gene (Shake A Hand) Jones
Gene Sikora & The Irrationals
Gene Simmons
Gene Ski and the Troubadors
Gene Ski and the Troubadours
Gene Smith
Gene Sullivan
Gene Summers
Gene Summers & His Rebels
Gene Summers and The Rebels
Gene Summmers
Gene Terry & His Kool Kats
Gene Terry and The Down Beats
Gene Terry & The Down Beats
Gene "The Draggin' King" Moles
Gene The Hat
Gene Vell
Gene Vincent and His Blue Caps
Gene Walker
Gene Wyatt
Geno Lanzi
The Genteels
Gentleman Jim
The Gentlemen
Gentlemen Jim
The Gentry Brothers
The Gentrys
George & Earl
George and Earl
George and Teddy and the Condors
George Bruce & The Manhattans
George Burton
George Coleman "Bongo Joe"
George Cromwell
George Darro and the Vi-Kings
George Elliott
George Finley
George Fleming
George Hamilton IV
George Harmonica Smith
George Jackson and the Unisons
George Jackson and the Vanlons
George James
George Jones
George Jones & Brenda Carter
George Jones and Brenda Carter
George Jones and Melba Montgomery
George Jones & the Jones Boys
George Jones - Birthday Boy
George Kent
George Kirby
George Klein
George Madden
George McCoy
George "Mr Blues" Jackson
George Nixon
George Quarta, Jr
George Ross and Red Tops
George Smith
George Stogner
George Torrence & the Dippers
George Washington and the Cherry Bombs
George Weston
George (Wild Child) Butler
George Younce
George Young
Georgia Jumpers
Georgia Lane with Bobby Richard and his Band
Georgie Auld
Gerg Madden
Gerry Langford
Gerry Maplewood
Gertrude Fiveash
The Gestics
The Gigolo's
Gil & Ray
Gil Bernal
Gilbert Klein Interview
Gin Gillette
Ginger and Jean
Ginger Davis & Snaps
Ginger Davis and the Snaps
Ginger Mae
Ginny Arnell
Ginny Kennedy
GInny Millay
Gino Parks
Gino Washington
The Girls
The Glad Rags
The Gladiolas
Glen Barber
Glen Glenn
Glen Goza
Glen Goza and The Damangos
Glen Pine & The Tall Timber Boys
Glen Reeves
Glen Reeves & His Rockabillys
Glen Reffuse & The Refugees
Glen Thompson
Glen Walp and the Casuals
Glenn and Christy with The Adventures
Glenn & Christy with The Adventures
Glenn and Vivian Watson
Glenn Barber
Glenn Bland
Glenn Douglas
Glenn Glenn
Glenn Honeycutt
Glenn Mooney
Glenn Mooney Ferrari's
Glenn Osser and Orchestra
Glenn Reffuse & The Refugees
Glenn Stuart Chorus
Glenn Walp & The Casuals
Glenn White
Glenn Willings
The Glenntells
The Glentells
The Glitters
Gloria Brown
Gloria Gunter
Gloria Irving
Gloria Wood
The Go-4's
The "Go" Boys
Go Go and The Spotlights
The Go-Rillas
The Gold Dust Twins
The Golden Highlights
The Golden Nuggets
Golden Tones
The Golden Tones
Goldie and the Gingerbreads
The Goldtones
The Gondoliers
Gone All Stars feat. Buddy Lucas
The Gongettes
The Gonzos
Good Buddy
The Good Greefs
The Good Guys
Good Jelly Bess
Good Rockin' Sam with Kid King's Combo
The Goodtimers
The Goofers
The Gooftones
Googie Rene
Gordon and the Starliners
Gordon & The Starliners
Gordon Wayne and the Osceola Braves
Gordon Young
Goree Carter
Goree Carter and his Guitar and His Hepcats
Goree Carter & His Hepcats
Gorgeous George Jr
The Gorillas
The Gotham City Teens
Gotham City Teens
The Goyo Cats
Gracie Dee
Grade "A" Fancy Magazine Interview!
Gradie Joe and the Western Gents
Gradie O'Neal and The Bella Tones
The Grand Prees
Grand prees
Grand Prize!
The Grandisons
Grandpa Jones and Minnie Pearl
Grandpappy Earl Davis
Grandpappy Gibson
Granger Hunt and The Believers
Grant Townsley
The Grasshoppers
The Grave Diggers
The Gravestone Four
Gray Montgomery
The Graytones
The Greasers
The Great Crown Prince
Great Gates
The Great Mark Empris
The Great Sebastian
Gregory Dee & The Avanties
Gregory Dee and the Avanties
Griz Green
Groover Boy
The Groupies
The Guilloteens
The Guise
Guitar Crusher
Guitar Gable
Guitar Gable (w/King Karl)
Guitar Gable With King Karl
Guitar Jeff and the Creoles
Guitar Jr.
Guitar Jr
Guitar Junior
Guitar Red
Guitar Slim
Guitar Slim And His Band
Guitar Slim & His Band
Guitar Tommy Moore
Guitar Tommy Moore & the 5 J's
Guitar Tommy Moore and the 5-J's
The Guitar Twins
Gus Jenkins
Gus Jenkins "The Young Woolf"
Gus Talbert
Gus Talburt
Guy Goodwin
Guys & Dolls
H & H Restaurant Radio Spot
H.B. & The Checkmates
H.B. and the Checkmates
H.B. Barnum
H-Bomb Ferguson
H Bomb Ferguson
H-Bomb Ferguson & His Mad Lads
H.E. Ferrell and his No. 1 Boys
H.E. Ferrell & His No. 1 Boys
H.E, Ferrell and his No. 1 Boys
H.I. & The Storms
H.W. Hartley
Hal and Jean
Hal Blaine (The Drummer Man) and The Young Cougars
Hal Case & The Darts
Hal Case and the Darts
Hal "Cornbread" Singer
Hal Driggers
Hal Ford
Hal Moon's Dynamos
Hal Paige and His Blues Boys
Hal Paige And The Whalers
Hal Singer
Hal Willis
Hale and Hayden
Hale & Hayden
The Hall Brothers
The Hand-Clappers
Handsome Earl
The Hangmen
Hank and The Electras
Hank Ballard
Hank Ballard and the Midnighters
Hank Ballard & The Midnighters
Hank Blackman & The Killers
Hank Brown
Hank Cochran
Hank Davis
Hank Davis and the Electras
Hank England
Hank Harral
Hank Lindsey
Hank Mankin
Hank Mizell
Hank Mizell & His Country Rockers
Hank Moore
Hank Moore & Orchestra
Hank Moore and Orchestra
Hank Paul and the Rainbow Valley Boys
Hank Penny and his Radio Cowboys
Hank Penny (Plain Ole Country Boy)
Hank Riley
Hank Roby
Hank Smith and the Rock-A-Tones
Hank Spurling
Hank Swatley
Hank The Drifter
Hank The Drifter and His Drifting Hillbillies
Hank the Drifter & his hillbilly drifters
Hank the Drifter and his Hillbilly Drifters
Hank Thompson And His Brazos Valley Boys
Hank Thompson and the Brazos Valley Boys
Hank Williams and His Drifting Cowboys
Hank Williams, Jr.
Hanley Johnson
Hannibal and Hanna Savage
Happy Clive
Happy Wilson
The Hard Times
Hardrock and The Rhythm Rockers
Hardrock Gunter
hardrock gunter & roberta lee
Hardrock Gunter and the Rhythm Rockers
The Harlan County Four
Harlan Wolf
The Harlequins
Harley Ford
Harley Gabbard
Harmon Bethea
Harmon Ray with Big Joe
Harmonica Frank
Harmonica Frank Floyd
Harmonica Kid
The Harmonica Kid
Harmonica Slim
Harmonica Slim & Orchestra
Harmony Brothers
Harold & Bob
Harold Burrage
Harold Burrage and Hi Combo
Harold Crosby
Harold Dorman
Harold Jackson
Harold Jackson and the Jackson Brothers
Harold Lee
Harold Montgomery & Bob Martin
Harold (Pop Pop) Rollins
Harold Shutters
Harold Shutters and His Rocats
Harold "Thunderbird" Ward and the Jimmy Hill Combo
Harold Tidwell
Harold Zahner
Harper-Brinson Band
The Harptones
Harrold Burrage
Harry and the Catalinas
Harry Carter
Harry Carter "The Rock & Roll Apache"
Harry Carter the Rock n Roll Apache w/Dixie Rhythmaires
Harry Carter the Rock n Roll Apache with The Dixie Rhythmaires
Harry Choates
Harry Lee
Harry Reasoner
Harry Snyder
Harry Sputnick and the Satellites
Harry Thomas
Hartman's Heartbreakers (vocal: Betty Lou)
Hartman's Heartbreakers with Betty Lou
Harvey & Doc with The Dwellers
Harvey & The Moonglows
Harvey And The Moonglows
Harvey Connell & Joe Parsons
Harvey Fuqua
Harvey Hurt
Harvey Russell and The Rogues
Harvey Russell & The Rogues
Harvey Sputnick and the Satellites
Hasil Adkins
Hasil Adkins and His Happy Guitar
Haskell Sadler w/The Mellowtones Orchestra
Hattie Noel
Hauulea Entertainers
The Hawks
Hawkshaw Hawkins
Hayden Thompson
Hayes Ware
The Heard
The Heart Attacks
The Heathens
Heavy J. Lockett
Heavy J. Lockett w/Frankie White and the Enchanters
Hector & The Eastmen
Hector and the Eastmen
Helen Foster
The Hell's Angels Radio Spot
Hen Gates and His Gaters
The Henchmen
Henri Rene
Henry Briggs
Henry Clement
Henry Clement and the Trojans
Henry Clement & The Trojans
Henry Cording with Big Mike and the Parisian Rockets
Henry Gray
Henry Henry
Henry Houston/Cufflinx
Henry Moore
Henry Moore Featured Orchestra with Hank Ballard and the Midnighters
Henry Shaw-Dah
Henry Strogin
Henry Talbert
Henry The IV
Henry Wilson and the Bluenotes
The Hepsters
Herb & Rex
Herb & Rex with the Harlan County Trio
Herb Dodson
Herb Duncan
Herb Gale
Herb Hardesty
Herb Kliebe w/ Bailey's Nervous Cats
Herb Price and the Darts
Herbie Duncan
Herbie Duncan with Red Wells and his Caravan from St Louis
Herbie Lee III
Herby Remington
Herman Hill and the Jolly Jax
Herman Jones & The Kilts
Herman McFadden
Herman Willis
Hermy Herbert and the Blue Jays
Hershal Garflunkey
Hershel Almond
The Hesitations
The Hi-Fi Guys
The Hi-Fidelities
The Hi-Fi's
The Hi-Fis
The Hi Fives
The Hi-Fives
The Hi-Flyers
The Hi-Liters
The Hi-Lites
The Hi Risers
The Hi-Tombs
The Hi Tones
The Hi-Tones
Hiawatha Brown
The Hide-A-Ways
The Hides
The Highlanders
The Highlighters
The Highminded
Hill Roberts
Hindle Butts & Band
The Hiner Family feat Little Robbie Hiner
Hiner Family featuring Little Robbie Hiner
Hit Parader
The Hitch Hikers
The Hitch-Hikers
The Hitchhikers
The Holidays
Hollis Champion
The Holly Twins
Hollywood All-Stars
The Hollywood Argyles
The Hollywood Chicks
The Hollywood Flames
Hollywood Flames
Hollywood Hurricanes
The Hollywood Hurricanes
Hollywood Jills
The Hollywood Persuaders
Hollywood Saxons
The Hollywood Saxons
The Hollywood Surfers
The Hollywood Tornadoes
The Hollywood Vines
The Hollywoods
Hollywood's Four Flames
Homer & Jethro
Homer and Jethro
Homer Clemons & His Texas Swingbillies
Homer Denison Jr.
Homer Denison Jr
Homer Henderson and the Dalworthington Garden Boys
Homesick Blues (Ltd)
Homesick James
The Hondas
Honey & Sonny (The Davis Twins)
The Honey Bears
Honey Boy Bryant
The Honey-Dews
Honey Welch
Honey Welch and the Shadows
The Hong Kongs
The Honkers
Hoot Gibson
Hop A Long Wong
Hop Wilson And His Blue Steel Guitar
Hop Wilson & His Blue Steel Guitar
Hop Wilson & His Chickens
Hopeless Homer
Horace Cooper and Band
Horace Heller
The Hornets
Horror Of Party Beach Trailer
The Horror Of Party Beach Trailer
Hot Club of America: John Cucci & Johnny Carver
Hot Lips Page
Hot Lips Page & His Orchestra
Hot Rod Hulbert
Hot Shot Love
The Hot Tamales
Houle Bros.
Houle Brothers
Hound Dog Taylor
The Hound Dogs
The House Rockers
Houston (Bob) Mills
Houston Turner and the Dixielanders
How low can the lowbrow go??
Howard Chandler
Howard Crocket
Howard Crockett
Howard Fogg and The Lonesome Valley Boys
Howard Gayles and the Twins
Howard Perkins
Howard Perkins and his Kountry Kinfolk
Howard "Slim" Jacobs
Howie Casey and The Seniors
Howie Casey & The Seniors
Howie Curtis and the Cross-Eyed Pigs
Howie Stange
Howie Thayer & His Psycho-Electronic Happening Sounds
The Howlers
Howlin Wolf
The Howlin' Wolf
Howlin' Wolf
Howling Wolf
Hoyle MIller
Hoyle Nix & His West Texas Cowboys
Hoyt Axton
Hoyt Johnson
Hoyt Webb with the Rainbow Rhythmaires
Hub Brando and the Dreamers
Hub Kapp and the Wheels
Hubert Robinson
Huelyn Duvall
Huey & Curley
Huey and Curley
Huey & Curly
Huey and Jerry
Huey Buxton
Huey P. Meaux
Huey P. Smith & The Clowns
Huey "Piano" Smith & His Clowns
Huey "Piano" Smith and His Clowns
Huey (Piano) Smith and his Clowns
Huey "Piano" Smith & His New Clowns
Huey "Piano" Smith & The Clowns
Huey "Piano" Smith and The Clowns
Huey Piano Smith and the Clowns
Huey "Piano" Smith with his Clowns
Huey Piano Smith with The Clowns
Huey Smith
Huey Smith and His Clowns
Huey Smith And His Rhythm Aces
Huey Smith & the Clowns
Huey Smith & The Pitter Pats
Huey Smith with his Rhythm Aces
Huggie Boy
Hugh and Karl Farr
Hugh & The Madmen
Hugh Barrett & The Victors
Hugh Barrett and The Victors
Hugh Lewis
Hugh Ronnel
Hughie Scott and the Meteors
The Hungry Three
The Hunters
The Huntsmen
Hurrican Harry
Hurricane Harry
Hurricane Marty
The Hurricanes
Hy Tyde
Hylo Brown
I.M. Joe
The I-V-Leaguers
I-V Leaguers
Ichabod and the Cranes
Icky Renrut
The Ideals
The Ideals Combo
The Idols
Igor and the Maniacs
Ike Perry and the Lyrics
Ike Turner
Ike Turner and his Kings of Rhythm
Ike Turner and his Orchestra
Ike Turner & the Kings of Rhythm
Ike Turner's Kings Of Rhythm
The Ikettes
The Illusions
Ilo Kay and his Trio
The Impacs
The Impacts
The Impax
The Imperialites
The Imps
The In Crowd
The Incidentals
The Inconceivables
The Inconcievables
The Incredables
The Incredible Upsetters
The Individuals
Inez Johnson & The Florios
The Infernos
Inflammable Dan & The Igniters
Inflammable Dan with The Igniters
The Influencials
The Influentials
The Initials
Ink Spots
The Inn Crowd
The Ins and Outs
The Instrumentals
The Intensions
The Intentions
The Interiors
The Interpreters
The Intials
Introducing Linda Laurie
The Intruders
The Invaders
The Invaders vocal: Wayne Kent
The Invasion
The Invictas
The Invictors
The Invisible Burgundy Bullfrog
Ira Green
Iriton French with Chuck Thompson & His All-Stars
Irma Thomas
The Irridescents
Irvin Ross
Irvin Russ
Irving Gluck
Irving Gluck w/ Irving Gluck Combo
Irving Gluck X 2 !!!!!!
The Isley Brothers
Isley Brothers
The Itels
The IV Comets
IV Dimensions
Ivan Ward and the Swingsters
The Ivars
The Ivies
Ivory Jackson
Ivory Joe Hunter
The Ivy Tones
J.A. and the Jitterbugs
J.A. D'Jitterbugs
J.B. and His Hawks
J.B. & His Hawks
J.B. Lenoir
J.B. Lenoir & His African Hunch Rhythm
J.B. Lenore
J.C. Atkins & The Dukes
J.C. Clay
J.C. Davis
J.C. Gent and the Keystones
J.C, "Mr. Personality"
J.C. "Mr Personality"
J. C. "Mr Personality"
J.C. Wilson
J.D. & The Impressions
J.D, Edwards
J.D. Rogues
J. Frank Wilson
J Frank Wilson
J. Gale and the Games
J.J. Wallace
J.L. Smith
J. Mashburn and the Blue Notes
J. Mercy Baby
J Mercy Baby
J.P. Hammond and The Versa-Tones
J.P. Hammond and The Versa Tones
J.R. May and the Green Valley Boys
J.T. Ratliff with Shirley and The Swomp Bugs
J.W. Brown
J.W. Stewart and the Nightlighters
Jac & Jay
Jack and Jim
Jack and the Jumpin' Jacks
jack & the knights
Jack and the Knights
Jack and the Ripper Z
Jack Bailey and The Naturals
Jack Barlow
Jack Bartley
Jack Bedient And The Chessmen
Jack "Big Daddy" Jolly
Jack Brown
Jack C Smith
Jack Cardwell
Jack Clement
Jack Cochran
Jack Cook
Jack Cruz
Jack Daniels
Jack Day
Jack Donovan and The Knight Caps
Jack Dupree
Jack Dupree - Mr Bear
Jack E. Lee
Jack E Lee
Jack E. Lee "The Original 'Louie Louie' Man"
Jack E. Leonard with Will Stomp and his Cannoneers
Jack Eden
Jack Eden and The Dimensions
Jack Eden and The Intervals
Jack Elliot
Jack Ford
Jack Franklin and the Rock-Its
Jack Gale And The Medicine Men
Jack Hale Orchestra
Jack Hammer
Jack Harris and the Arabians
Jack Hart and the Hired Hands
Jack Holt
Jack Judge and The Jury
Jack King
Jack Kitchen and the Rock-a-Billies
Jack Kittel
Jack Larson With Luther Brandon & His All American Boys Orchestra
Jack McVea
Jack McVea and his Combo
Jack McVea Orchestra
Jack Moon
Jack Moran
Jack Rhodes & His Lone Star Buddies
Jack Rogers
Jack Ross
Jack Scott
Jack Scott with the Chantones
Jack Southern
Jack the Creeper with the Creeps
Jack Tucker
Jack Tuner and his Granger County Gang
Jack Turner
Jack Turner & His band
Jack Webb
Jack Winston and The Hi Jacks
The Jackasses
Jackie and the Cedrics
Jackie and The Starlites
Jackie & Tut & Big "O"
Jackie Blanchard and The Rockin' Impallas
Jackie Brensten
Jackie Brenston
Jackie Brenston & His Delta Kings
Jackie Brenston with Ike Turner's Kings Of Rhythm
Jackie Brenston with Ike Turner's Orchestra
Jackie Brentson with Ike Turner's Kings Of Rhythm
Jackie Cannon
Jackie Cray
Jackie D Parrish
Jackie Dallas and the Tiaras
Jackie DeShannon
Jackie Dunham
Jackie Gates and the Fanatics
Jackie Gotroe and the Scamps
Jackie Lee
Jackie Lee Cochran
Jackie Lee Cochrane
Jackie Lee with the Jay Brinkley Combo
Jackie Lowell & Astronauts
Jackie Lowell and the Astronauts
Jackie Lowell With Duane Diamond and The Astronauts
Jackie Paine
Jackie Powers
Jackson Brothers Orchestra
Jacoby Bros.
Jadean Davis
The Jades
The Jags
The Jaguars
Jake Kessner
Jake Porter
Jalacy Hawkins
Jam-Up and Honey
Jame Brown
James Austin
James B. Berry and Monroe Tucker's Orchestra
James B Berry with Monroe Tucker's Orchestra
James Barnett
The James Boy
The James Boys
James Brown
James Brown & His Famous Flames
James Brown And The Fabulous Flames
James Brown and the Famous Flames
James Brown & The Famous Flames ‎
James Brown & the Famous Flames
James Brown with the Famous Flames
James Carter and the Sentimentals
James Carter and The Twilights
James Cotton
James D Burhus
James Davis
James "Deacon" Ware
James Duncan
James Freeman and his Rockin' Rhythm
James Gallagher
James Henry & The Olympics
James Luke and The Prophets
James Mask
James McCleese
James O'Gwynn
James Quintet
James Red Holloway
James "Red" Holloway
James Spruill and Band
James Von Streeter & His Wig Poppers
James Washington Lee
James Way
James Wayne
James "Widemouth" Brown
James Wood
Jamie Hurt & The Mariteens
Jamie Ross
Jamie Van Loan
Jammer Bro's
Jan & Dean
Jan and Dean
Jan Miner
Jane Morgan
Janet and Jay
Janet McBride
Janis Martin and her Boyfriends
The Japanese Beatles
Jape Richardson and the Echoes
Jape Richardson and the Japettes
Jason Eddie and The Centremen
Jasper Evans
Jay and The Rebels
Jay Blue
Jay Bonty
Jay Brinkley
Jay Brown and The Jets
Jay Chevalier
Jay Dee Bryant
Jay Epae
Jay Fanning
Jay Gee and his Orchestra
Jay Haggard
Jay Hammond & The D.J.s
Jay Hawkins
The Jay-Hawks
Jay Hodge Ork with Lloyd Rowe
Jay J. Jones
Jay Jay Imus & Freddie Ford
Jay Jay Imus and Freddie Ford
Jay Lee Webb
Jay Man and His Sensations
Jay McNeely with Jesse Belvin and 3 Dot and A Dash
Jay Nelson
Jay Nelson and His Jumpers
Jay Nelson (And The Jumpers)
Jay Nelson and The Jumpers
Jay Randall and the Down Beats
The Jay Randall Group
Jay Richards
Jay Stutes
Jay Stutes and all the Sugar Bees
Jay Stutes and The Swamp Pickers
Jay Stutes (Mr. Sugar Bee) and all the Sugar Bees
Jay Swan
Jaycee Hill
The Jayhawks
Jayne and Audrey Meadows
Jayne Mansfield
The Jaynetts
The Jayos w/Johnny Otis Orch
The Jays
JB Hutto and his Hawks
JB Lenoir
Jean and Gene
Jean Knight
Jean Maness and the C Sharp Band
Jean Shepard
Jean Steakley
Jeanette "Baby" Washington
Jeanne Lee
Jeanne Turnbow with the Common Bug Combo
Jeannie C Riley
Jeannie C. Riley
Jeannie C.Riley
Jeb Stewart
Jeb Stuart
Jeb Stuart with the Soul Masters
The Jeckyls and The Hydes
The Jeckyls & The Hydes
Jeff Barry
Jeff Daniel
Jeff Daniels
Jeff Hughes
Jefferson "Ramblin' Man" County
Jefferson (Ramblin' Man) County
Jeffrey Parnell
Jekyl and Hyde
The Jekyll's and The Hyde's
The Jekylls & The Hydes
Jenks (Tex) Carman
Jennie Jordan
The Jennings Brothers
Jenny Clay
jeri kelly
Jericho Jones
The Jerms
Jerome Kidd
Jerry Alley
Jerry and Brad
Jerry & Brad
Jerry & Mel
Jerry and Mel
Jerry and Reggie
Jerry and The Casuals
Jerry and the Continentals
Jerry and the Del-Rays
Jerry and The Landslides
Jerry and the Night Trains
Jerry and the Pledges
Jerry & The Silvertones
Jerry and the Silvertones
Jerry & The Upbeats
Jerry and the Upbeats
Jerry and Wayne
Jerry & Wayne
Jerry Ann and The Las Vegas Cats
Jerry Arnold
Jerry Arnold and The Rhythm Captains
Jerry Baker
Jerry Bell & The Original Rockets
Jerry Blabber
Jerry "Boogie" McCain
Jerry "Boogie" McCain and his Upstarts
Jerry Bryan
Jerry Byrne
Jerry Cole and His Spacemen
Jerry Coulson and The Jades
Jerry Coulston
Jerry Dalman
Jerry Dean and the Shades
Jerry Demar
Jerry Dodd and the Demons
Jerry Foster
Jerry Glenn
Jerry Grant and the Rockabilly Bandits
Jerry Hansen
Jerry Hawkins
Jerry Irby
Jerry Irby and His Texas Ranchers
Jerry Irby and the Texas Ranchers
Jerry Jones
Jerry Lee Lewis
Jerry Lee Lewis and his Pumping Piano
Jerry Lee "Smoochy" Smith
Jerry Lee Trio
Jerry Lee Williams The Crowns
Jerry Lynn
Jerry Madison And The Space Men
Jerry McCain
Jerry McCain and His Upstarts
Jerry McCain & His Upstarts
Jerry McGill
Jerry McGill & The Topcoats
Jerry Mercer Trio
Jerry Morris
Jerry Mundo and The Galaxies
Jerry Mundo & The Galaxies
Jerry Naill
Jerry Neal
Jerry Noble & The Plantation Boys
Jerry Parsons and the Blue Jeans
Jerry Paul
Jerry Pitts & Rhythm Makers
Jerry Reed
Jerry Ross
Jerry Siefert
Jerry Smartt and The Knights
Jerry Thomas
Jerry Thomas and the Rhythm Rockers
Jerry Warren and the Tremblers
Jerry White
Jerry Woodard
Jerry Woodard and the Cavaleers
Jess Green
Jesse Allen
Jesse & Buzzy
Jesse and Buzzy
Jesse and James
Jesse Belvin and his Space Riders
Jesse Belvin with Three Dots and a Dash
Jesse Butler
Jesse Fortune
Jesse Hill
Jesse J. And The Bandits
Jesse James
The Jesse James Singers
Jesse Knight
Jesse Martinez & Famous Flames
Jesse Martinez and the Famous Flames
Jesse Pascuali
Jesse Perkins and the Bad Boys
Jesse Pipkin
Jesse Powell Orchestra with Fluffy Hunter
Jesse Price
Jesse Stevens and The Big Sandy Boys
Jesse Thomas
Jesse Thomas "The Blues Troubador"
Jessie and James
Jessie Hill
Jessie James
Jessie Knight and his Combo
Jessie Pasquali
Jessie Pipkin and Band
The Jesters
The Jet Streams
The Jet Tones
The Jets
Jett Powers
Jett Powers w/ Bumps Blackwell Orch
Jett Powers w/ Vince Parle & The Raunch Hands
Jeujene & The Jayhops
Jewel and the Rubies
Jewell & The Rubies
Jewell and the Rubies
The Jewels
The Jhamels
The Jiants
Jim Aldridge
Jim & Bill
Jim & Bob Harrison
Jim & Bob Harrison wJimmy Spruill's Band
Jim and Edith Young
Jim & Jesse and The Virginia Boys
Jim Backus
Jim Backus with Daws Butler
Jim Bakker and the Siestas
Jim Bogle and The Beaumen
Jim Boss and The Sundowners
Jim Boss & The Sundowners
Jim Boyd and his Men of the West
Jim Climber and the Merri-Macs
Jim Climer and his Merri-Macs
Jim Dale and The Comancheroes
The Jim Dandee's
Jim Dandy and the Sugar Beats
Jim Dickinson And The Catmando Quartet
Jim Doval and the Gauchos
Jim Doval & the Gauchos
Jim Ed Brown
Jim Edward Brown
Jim Fagan
Jim Fitzgerald
Jim Flaherty's Caravan
Jim Flaherty's Caravan vocal by Howie Stange
Jim Fleming and the Casuals
Jim Foster
Jim Foster and The Kountry Kut-Ups
Jim Foster & The Lountry Kut-Ups
Jim Gentry and the Gents
Jim Hadi and the Sidemen
Jim Hadley
Jim Hall
Jim Hall & The Radio Pals
Jim Harris & The Sidewinders
Jim Harris and the Sidewinders
Jim Henson
Jim Holder and the Chevells
Jim Hunter and The Princeton Tigers
Jim Jackson
Jim Jackson w/ Sandy Stanton's Panics
Jim Johnston and The Starlighters
Jim Jones And The Chaunteys
Jim McCall and the Country Gentlemen
Jim McDonald
Jim Minor
Jim Morrison
Jim Nesbitt
Jim Nesbitt with guitarist Bill Moore
Jim Oertling and The Bayou Boys
Jim Owen
Jim Parker
Jim Phillips
JIm Pierce and the Pistols
Jim Pipkins and The Tall Timber Boys
Jim Pipkins & The Tall Timber Boys
Jim Radi and The Sidemen
Jim Robey
Jim Tarbutton & The Memphis Sound
Jim Thaxter and The Travelers
Jim Wheeler and the Country Playboys
Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson and the Flares
Jimie Jay and the "Moon-Reyes"
Jimie Kay and the Moon-Reyes
Jimmie and Johnny
Jimmie & Johnny
Jimmie Ballard
Jimmie Click
Jimmie Coe and his Gay Cats of Rhythm
Jimmie Dale
JImmie Davis and the Madisons
Jimmie Dee
Jimmie Dee and the Offbeats with The Montclairs
Jimmie Diggs
Jimmie Hombs w/ The Twinkletoes
Jimmie James
Jimmie Knight w/ Buddy Starr & The Starliners
Jimmie Logsdon
Jimmie Maddin and the Party Makers
Jimmie Maddin & the Party Makers
Jimmie Martin Combo
Jimmie McCracklin
Jimmie Newsome
Jimmie "Playboy" Knight
Jimmie Raney and Slim Slaughter
Jimmie Raye
Jimmie Revard and his Oklahoma Playboys
Jimmie Skinner
Jimmie Widener
Jimmie Zack & The Blues Rockers
Jimmmie Davis and the Madisons
Jimmy & James
Jimmy & Johnny
Jimmy and Johnny
Jimmy and the Gems
Jimmy & Walter
Jimmy Anderson
Jimmy Anderson and The Joy Jumpers
Jimmy Ashby and the Treble-Tones
Jimmy "Baby Face" Lewis
Jimmy Ballard
Jimmy Bankston
Jimmy Beck & His Orchestra
Jimmy Bowmen
Jimmy Boyd
Jimmy Butler
Jimmy Carroll & Orchestra
Jimmy Carroll Orchestra
Jimmy Coe and his Cohorts
Jimmy Coe & His Gay Cats of Rhythm
Jimmy Cook and his Stringbusters
Jimmy Copeland & The J-Teens
Jimmy Cox
Jimmy Cox and the Blue Mountain Boys
Jimmy Crain
Jimmy Crawford
Jimmy Curry and the Jap Curry Blazers
Jimmy Dane and The Great Danes
Jimmy Dawson
Jimmy Dee & The Off-Beats
Jimmy Dee and the Offbeats with the Montclairs
Jimmy DeHoney with Carson Smith's Roadrangers
Jimmy Dickens
Jimmy Donley
Jimmy Dotson and The Blue Boys
Jimmy Dotson and The Blue Dots
Jimmy Duncan
Jimmy Dunn
Jimmy Dunn and the Rockin' Rock-Its
Jimmy Evans
Jimmy Feagans and the Jap Curry Blazers
Jimmy Fitch
Jimmy Ford
Jimmy Friis & The Valiants
Jimmy Futch
Jimmy Gately and Harold Morrison
Jimmy Graham
Jimmy Gray
Jimmy Griffin
Jimmy Griffin (w/ Beau Fairley)
Jimmy Grubbs and his Music Makers
Jimmy Grubbs and his Musik Makers
Jimmy Haggett
Jimmy Hanna & the Dynamics
Jimmy Heap
Jimmy Heap and The Melody Makers with Perk Williams
Jimmy Heap and The Melody Masters with Perk Williams
Jimmy Heap - Wm. Tell Taylor
Jimmy Huff
Jimmy Hughes
Jimmy Hurt and the Del Rios
Jimmy James Thomas
Jimmy Jeffers and the Jokers
Jimmy Johnson
Jimmy Johnson w/ Al Casey and the Arizona Hayriders
Jimmy Jones
Jimmy Jules
Jimmy Kelly & The Rock-A-Beats
Jimmy Keno
Jimmy King
Jimmy Knight
Jimmy Lane
JImmy Lawrence & The Bill Willis Family
Jimmy Lawson
Jimmy Lee
Jimmy Lee & Wayne Walker
Jimmy Lee and Wayne Walker
Jimmy Lee Fautheree
Jimmy Lee Prow
Jimmy Lewallen
Jimmy Lewis
Jimmy Leyden
Jimmy Liggins
Jimmy Liggins and His Drops Of Joy
Jimmy Liggins & His Drops of Joy
Jimmy Lloyd
Jimmy Logsdon
Jimmy Love
Jimmy Luke and the C-Riffs
Jimmy Martin
Jimmy Martin and The Montereys
Jimmy Martin and the Sunny Mountain Boys
Jimmy McConnville
Jimmy McCracklin
Jimmy McCracklin and his Blues Blasters
Jimmy Merchant
Jimmy Minor
Jimmy Moore
Jimmy Murphy
Jimmy Myers and his Happy Highway Gang
Jimmy Myers & His Happy Highway Gang
Jimmy Nelson
jimmy newsome
Jimmy Nolen
Jimmy Patton
Jimmy Peterson
JImmy Piper
Jimmy Pope
Jimmy Preston and His Prestonians
Jimmy Pritchett
Jimmy Ray Hunter and the Del Rays
Jimmy Ray Hunter with The Del Rays
Jimmy Reed
Jimmy Rhodes and the Shuffles
Jimmy Rivers Band
Jimmy Roby
Jimmy Rogers
Jimmy Rogers and his Rocking Four
Jimmy Seals
Jimmy Shaw
Jimmy Simpson & His Oil Field Boys
Jimmy Skinner
Jimmy Slayton
Jimmy Soul
Jimmy Spruill
Jimmy Stevens
Jimmy Stewart
Jimmy Stokely and the Exiles
Jimmy Sun and the Radiants
Jimmy Swan
jimmy thomason
Jimmy Trotter
jimmy ty
Jimmy Wages
Jimmy Wert and The Four Squirts
Jimmy White and the Relations
Jimmy Widener
Jimmy "Wildman" Spruill
Jimmy Williams
Jimmy Williams (Mr. Blues)
Jimmy Windrow
Jimmy Withersponn
Jimmy Witherspoon
Jimmy Witherspoon and Band
Jimmy Witherspoon and the Quintones
Jimmy Witter and the Shadows
Jimmy Wolford
Jimmy Work
Jimmy Work & His Tennessee Border Boys
Jimmy Wright & Orchestra
Jimmy Yancey
Jimmy Young
The Jiv-A-Tones
The Jive Five
Jive Five
Jive Five with Eugene Pitt (Happy B-Day!)
The Jive Five with Joe Rene
Jive Five with Joe Rene
The Jive Kings
JIvin' Gene and the Jokers
The Jiving Juniors
Jo Ann Smith
Jo Barbara
Jo-El Sonnier
Jo-El Sonnier "The Cajun Valentino"
Joby Baker
Jocko Henderson
Jody Daniel
Jody Daniels
Jody Levins and his Boys
Jody Reynolds
Jody Reynolds and the Storms
Jody Reyonlds
Jody Williams
Joe Allen & His Alley Cats
Joe Allen and His Alley Cats
Joe and Ann
Joe and Ursula
Joe Arnold, Davis Combo
Joe August
Joe Bennett & The Sparkletones
Joe Bennett and the Sparkletones
Joe Benson
Joe Boot
Joe Boots
Joe Brock
Joe "Cannonball" Lewis
Joe Cap and the Starfires
Joe Carl and The Dukes Of Rhythm
Joe Carson
Joe Clay
Joe Conwright and his Mighty Men
Joe Cook
Joe Cooke
Joe Cota
Joe Diamond
Joe Dodo And The Groovers
Joe E Ross
Joe E. Ross
Joe Erskine
Joe Frank and The Knights
Joe Gaines
Joe Gaines and the Original Hi-Lites
Joe Gene & The Cordells
Joe Griffith
Joe (Guitar) Tubbs
Joe Hall and The Corvettes
Joe Hall & The Corvettes
Joe Hill Louis
Joe Hill Louis & Albert Williams
Joe Hill Louis - The One Man Band
Joe Houston
Joe Houston and his Fabulous Tenor
Joe Houston & The Rockets
Joe Hudgins
Joe Hudson and His Rockin' Dukes
Joe Hughes
Joe Johnson
Joe Jones
Joe Liggins
Joe Lover
Joe Lover and the Gaylads
Joe Lutcher And His Orchestra
Joe Lyons & The Arrows
Joe Maphis and Larry Collins
Joe Mayfield
Joe McCoy and the Real McCoys
Joe Melvin
Joe Mondo & His Combo
Joe Nardone's All Stars
Joe Osborne
Joe P and the J's
Joe Padulo
Joe Perkins & The Rookies
Joe Pitts
Joe Poovey
Joe Powell & The Casinos
Joe Price
Joe Ramirez and The Jumping Jacks
Joe Ramirez & The Jumping Jacks
Joe, Ron & George
Joe, Ron and George
Joe Shepard
Joe Shinall & His Hy Tones
Joe Sloane and The Ramblers
Joe South
Joe Sterling and the Tune Twisters
Joe Subway
Joe Taylor and the Hitch-Hikers
Joe Taylor & The Hitch-Hikers
Joe Taylor and The Hitch Hikers
Joe Tex
Joe Tex "The Rock and Roll Cowboy"
Joe the Shaker
Joe Therrien, Jr. & His Rockets
Joe Therrien Jr. and the Sully Trio
Joe Turner
Joe Turner and his Band
Joe Turner and His Blues Kings (feat. Elmore james)
Joe Villa & The Royal Teens
Joe Walker and the Westerners
Joe Wallace
Joe Wallace and Al Woody's Owls
Joe Warfield and the Sixteens
Joe Weaver and his Blue-Notes
joe weaver and the don juans
Joe West and the Fifth Wheels
Joe Wyman
Joel Hill
Joel Sonnier
Joey and the Classics
Joey & The Classics
Joey & the Continentals
Joey Baker
Joey C and the Aspects
Joey Castle and the Daddy-O's
Joey Charles Drums
Joey Du'Ambra and His Mellow D's
Joey Gee and The Bluetones
Joey King
Joey Leal
Joey Mancuso
Joey Vee and the Raiders
Joey Warren
Joey Welz and the Kidd Bros
John Amory
John & David
John & Francis Reedy
John and Francis Reedy
John & Jackie
John and Marsha
John & Marsha
John Brim and His Gary Kings
John Broven and Red Kelly
John Cale
John Carter and The Twisters
John Doe
John Drew Barrymore
John Fallin
John Fred
John Garmon & The Shadows
John Greer
John Greer and The Rhythm Rockers
John Hammond
John Hampton
John Hampton and his Band
John Hill
John J Huhta
John J. Huhta
John J. Moses
John J Moses
John Lee Hooker
John McCormick and the Beach Continentals
John R
John Riggs
John Sowell
John Steel & The Del-Mates
The John Wagner Foundation
John Wagner Foundation
John Waters
John Watson
John Wirt Interview
John Worthan
John Zacherle
John Zacherley
Johnhy Jano
Johnn Amelio and the Downbeats
Johnnie Allan
Johnnie & Bill
Johnnie and Jack
Johnnie & Jack & The Tennessee Mountain Boys
Johnnie and the Cyclones
Johnnie & The Cyclones
Johnnie Cook
Johnnie Fuller w/ Candy Man McGuirt and Band
Johnnie Honeycutt
Johnnie Howard
Johnnie Lee Wills
Johnnie Lee Wills And His Boys
Johnnie Lee Wills & the Boys
Johnnie Mae Matthews
Johnnie Morisette
Johnnie Stills and the Country Gentlemen
Johnnny Fuller
Johnnny Watson
Johnny Ace
Johnny Acey
Johnny Acton
Johnny Adams
Johnny Alderson
Johnny Allan
Johnny Allan and the Krazy Kats
Johnny Amelio
Johnny Amelio and the Downbeats
Johnny Amory
Johnny & Jack
Johnny and Jack
Johnny and Jack and the Tennessee Mountain Boys
Johnny and Jackey
Johnny & Jackey
Johnny & Jonie
Johnny and Jonie
Johnny and Mack
Johnny & Ted
Johnny and the Baa Baas
Johnny and the Blue J's
Johnny & The Blue J's
Johnny & The Drifters
Johnny and The Drifters
Johnny and the Hurricanes
Johnny & The Jammers
Johnny and the Jammers
Johnny and The Jays
Johnny and the Nite Riders
Johnny and the Nite Ryders
Johnny & The Nite Ryders
Johnny and the Shadows
johnny & the thunderbirds
Johnny and the UNcalled Four
Johnny & The UNCalled Four
Johnny and the Velvetones
Johnny & The Velvetones
Johnny and the Vibratones
Johnny and the Volumes
Johnny and the Yellow Jackets
Johnny Anderson
Johnny Angel
Johnny Bachelor
Johnny Banjo
Johnny Barnette & The Vets
Johnny Barnette with Bob and The Vets
Johnny Bass
Johnny Bell
Johnny Belmondo
Johnny Bernero
Johnny Big Moose Walker
Johnny Bond
Johnny Bond and His Red River Valley Boys
Johnny Boni and His Triumphs
Johnny Bragg and the Marigolds
Johnny Bucket & His Cumberland River Boys
Johnny Buckett
Johnny Buckett and his Cumberland River Boys
Johnny Burnette
The Johnny Burnette Trio
The Johnny Burnette Trio (Johnny, Dorsey And Paul)
Johnny Burnette w/ Dorsey Burnette
Johnny C. & The Blazes
Johnny C and The Blazes
Johnny Caldwell
Johnny Cale
Johnny Cale Quintette
Johnny Carlton with The Escorts
Johnny Carroll and his Hot Rocks
Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash And Tennessee Two
Johnny Cash And The Tennessee Two
Johnny Cavalier & The Keynotes
Johnny Chef
Johnny Clark and the Four Playboys
Johnny Clef
Johnny Collier
Johnny Cook
Johnny Cook & The Hy-Lites
Johnny Cook and The Hy-Lites
Johnny Copeland
Johnny Credit
Johnny Cruise
Johnny Cymbal
Johnny Darcy
Johnny Davis
Johnny Dee
Johnny Dio and The Astranotes
Johnny Dollar
Johnny Donn
Johnny Duhon & the Yellowjackets
Johnny Durain and the Cyclones
Johnny Eager
Johnny Earl
Johnny Elmore
Johnny Faire
Johnny Fallin
Johnny Fay and The Blazers
Johnny Faye and the Blazers
Johnny Fever
Johnny Forrer
Johnny Fortune
Johnny Fraser
Johnny Fuller
Johnny Gamble
Johnny Garman and the Shadows
Johnny Garmon and the Shadows
Johnny "Guitar" Watson
Johnny Guitar Watson
Johnny Harris
Johnny Heartsman and The Gaylarks
Johnny Horton
Johnny Impala
Johnny Jano
Johnny Jones
Johnny Jones and the King Casuals
Johnny Jones & The King Casuals
Johnny Kidd & The Pirates
Johnny Knight
Johnny Lance
Johnny Lance with Al Casey
Johnny Lane and the Hot Rodders
Johnny Lee & Elroy Peace
Johnny Lee and The Roadrunners
Johnny Lewis and the Gents
Johnny Mac
Johnny MacRae
Johnny Mann and the Tornados
Johnny McCollum
Johnny Mitchell and The Majestics
Johnny Mitchell and The Majestocs
Johnny Morrisette
Johnny Morrisette w/The Mike Lewis Band
Johnny Niles
Johnny O'Neal
Johnny Olenn And The Extremes
Johnny Olenn & The Jokers
Johnny Olenn and The Jokers
Johnny Oliver
Johnny Osborne & His Mello-Jacks
Johnny Osborne and His Mello-Jacks
Johnny Otis
Johnny Otis & His Orchestra
Johnny Otis & The Jayos
Johnny Otis feat. Pete "Guitar" Lewis
Johnny Otis Orch feat. Goucho & His Jungle Drums
Johnny Otis Orchestra
Johnny Otis Orchestra feat. Goucho and his Jungle Drums!
The Johnny Otis Show
Johnny Otis with The Jayos
Johnny Parker & The Zircons
Johnny Paycheck
Johnny Powers
Johnny Preston
Johnny Price
Johnny Ray Gomez
Johnny Ray Gomez and the U-Neeks
Johnny Ray Harris
Johnny Rebb
Johnny Rebb and the Rebels
Johnny Roane
Johnny Robinette & The Music Mountain Boys
Johnny "Rockhouse" Green
Johnny (Rockhouse) Green
Johnny Royal
Johnny Sayles
Johnny "Scat" Brown
Johnny Scoggins
Johnny Sea
Johnny Seay
Johnny Sharp and the Yellow Jackets
Johnny Skiles
Johnny Spain and The Famous Flames
Johnny Stills
Johnny Stills and the Country Gentlemen
Johnny Taylor
johnny tedesco
Johnny Torrence
Johnny Two-Voice
Johnny Two-Voice and the Medallions
Johnny Twovoice And The Medallions
Johnny Tyler
Johnny Valor with Prince Valiant and The Knights
Johnny Victor
Johnny Waleen
Johnny White
Johnny Wilson
Johnny Winter
Johnny Winters
Johnny Wright
Johnny Wright w/ Ike Turner & His Kings Of Rhythm
Johnny Young
Johnny Zorro
Johny Reb
Joke Boy Bonner
The Joker
The Joker (Pete Myers)
The Jokers
Jolly Green Giants
The Jolly Green Giants
The Jolly Jacks
Jolly Jax
The Jolly Jax
Jon Abnor
Jon and Karen from Grade "A" Fancy Magazine!
Jon & Lee and The Checkmates
Jon Hammer
Jon Kennedy
Jon Thomas
Jon Thomas and Orchestra
Jonathan and Orchestra
Jonathan with Orchestra
Jonesy's Combo feat Fletcher Smith's Squares
Jonnie and the Cyclones
Jonnie and the Cylones
Jonnie McCullouch and The Four Sounds
Jonny Littrell
Jonsey's Combo featuring Fletcher Smith's Squares
The Jordan Brothers
The Jordon Brothers
Jose Mari and his Electro-Maniacs
Joyce Jameson
Joyce Jameson And Robert Vaughn
Joyce Lee
Joyce Paul
Joyce Sage
The Joylets
Joynny Heartsman, The Rhythm Rocker
JP Hammond
Jr & The Classics
Jr Wells
Jr Wesley
Juanita Nixon
Juanita Strong
Juantina Nixon
The Judge 'N Jury
Judge 'N the Jury
Judith Ho
Judy and Joyce
Judy & Joyce
Judy & Joyce [Harris]
Judy Capps w/ Pat Kingery and the Kentuckians
Judy Lynn
Juejene & The Jaybops
Juke Boy Bonner
Jules Blattner
Jules Blattner and "Bird Man" Danny Dark
Julian w/ Tasso & His Big Orch
Julian with the Tasso Kain Orch
Julie Stevens and the Premiers
Julie Young
Julien Nitzberg
Jumior and the Classics
Jumpin' Bill Carlisle
Jumpin' Gene Simmons
Jumpin' George Oxford w/ Leroy Felts and his Seven Sharps
Jumpin' Jay
Jumpin Jay
Jumping Gino Washington
The Jumping Jacks
June August
June Bateman/Noble Watts
June Bateman w/Noble Watts & His Band
June Bateman w/ Noble Watts & His Band
"June Bug" Bailey
June Carter
June Carter Cash
Junie & His Jivin' 5
Junior and the Classic
Junior and the Mondos
Junior & The Mondos
Junior and the Troyettes
Junior & The Troyettes
Junior Dean and the Avalons
Junior Gordon
Junior Jordan
Junior Jordan and The Rock-A-Boogie 7
Junior Parker
Junior Parker's Blue Flames
Junior Rogers Combo
Junior Shank & Jesters
Junior Shank and the Jesters
Junior Thompson & The Meteors
Junior Thompson with the Meteors
Junior Wells
Junior Wells and Earl Hooker
Junior Wells & Earl Hooker
The Juniors
Jupiter Jones
Just Us
The Just VI
Justin Tubb
Justin Tubb And Lorene Mann
The Juveniles
K.C. Mojo Watson
K-Doe Sermon
The Kac-Ties
Kae "Loudmouth" Williams
Kai Ray
the kan-dells
The Kan Dells
The Kandells
Kari Lynn
Karl Jay
The Kartunes
Kasandrea and the Midnight Riders
Katherine Holt
Kathy and Jimmie Lee
Kathy and Jimmy Lee
Kathy and Jimmy Zee
Kathy Lynn & The Playboys
Katie Lee
Katie Sweet (three years old)
Katie Webster
The Kavaliers
Kay Adams
Kay Adams with the Cliffie Stone Group
Kay Bell and The Spacemen
The Kay Brothers
The Kazuals
Kearney Williams
Ked Killen & His Western Stars
The Keenos
Keetie and The Kats
the kegstands
Keith Anderson
Keith Courvale
Keith Dennis
Keith Dorrough and the Thunderbirds
Keith Huggard and The Night Hawks
Keith Zeller
Keith Zeller and the Starliners
The Kellwoods
Kelly Rogers & Joyce Singo
Ken Cook
Ken Davis
Ken Galloway
Ken Kerr
Ken Kerr and The Idols
Ken Murray's Blackouts of 1959
Ken Myers
Ken Nordine
Ken Nordine and the Fred Katz Group
Ken Rogers
Ken Williams
Kenneth Banks
Kenneth Deal
Kenny and Mack
Kenny & Moe (The Blues Boys)
Kenny and Moe (The Blues Boys)
Kenny & The Be-Bops
Kenny and the Fiends
Kenny & the Fiends
Kenny and the Night Riders
Kenny and The Sultans
Kenny Baker
Kenny Gill and His Fascinating Guitar
Kenny Hamber & David Robertson's Combo
Kenny Huskey
Kenny Karen
Kenny Lee Martin
Kenny Loran
Kenny Loren
Kenny Lund with the Roller Coasters
Kenny Martin
Kenny Owen
Kenny Owens
Kenny Parchman
Kenny Parton and the Jones Boys
Kenny Price
Kenny Roberts
Ken's Friends
Kent Parry and The Rogues
Kent Westberry with The Chaperones
The Kents
The Key Notes
The Keytones
The Kid
Kid King's Combo
Kid Thomas
The Kidds
The Kids From Texas
The Kili Jacks
Kim Fowley
King Alex & The Untouchables
The King Bees
King Carl
King Carl and Guitar Gable
King Charles
King Charles and his Orchestra
The King Cobras
King Coleman
King Coleman - RIP!!
King Curtis
King Curtis & the Kingpins
King Flash
King Flash and Calypso Carnival
King Ivory Lee
King James
The King Jesters
King Karl
King Krusher & The Turkeynecks
King Krusher and the Turkeynecks
King Louie's Court
King Perry
King Perry and his Orchestra
King Rock and the Knights
King Sid and the Four Princes
King Size Taylor and the Dominos
King Soloman
King Solomon
The King Twisters
King Usniewicz & His Usniewicztones
King Uszniewicz & the Uszniewictones
"King" Zbornick Jr
The Kingbees
The Kings
The Kings Five
The King's Henchman
The Kings Jetsters
The Kingsmen
The Kinks
Kip Anderson
Kip Tyler
Kip Tyler and His Flips
Kip Tyler & The Flips
Kipper and the Exciters
Kipper & The Exciters
Kirby Lee
Kirby St. Romain
Kitty Love
Klark Kentt
The Knaves
The Knight Kaps
The Knights
The Knights Of The Round Table
The Knockouts
Kookie Kat
Korners of Time
The Kornerstones
The Krack Potts
Krazy Kris and the Swingin Gentlemen
Krazy Kris and the Swinging Gentlemen
The Kuf-Linx feat John Jenkins
Kurt and the Kapers
The Kustoms
L.C. Angel
L.C. Cooke
L.C. McKinley
L.C. Osborne
L.C. Smith and the Southern Playboys
L.Roy Baimes
L. Roy Baimes
La Chords
La Rene La-Rue
La Sabres
The La Salles
The Lady Bugs
Lafayette Thomas
Lalo Guerrero
Lalo Guerrero y Los Satellites
Lalo Guerrero y Sus Cinco Lobos
Lalo "Pancho Claus" Guerrero
Lamar Morris
Lamont Anthony
The Lamplighters
Lana Roush
The Lancasters
The Lancers
The Landays
Landon Budd
Lanny Minna
Lanny Minns
Lanz Miles
The Lapels
Larry and the Downbeats
Larry & The Loafers
Larry and the Loafers
Larry & The Sting Rays
Larry Barton and the Freebees
Larry Birdsong
Larry Bright
Larry Brinkley
Larry Bryant
Larry Dale
Larry Dale and the Houserockers
Larry Darnell
Larry Davis
Larry De Rieux
Larry DeRieux
Larry Diamond
Larry Doig
Larry Donn
Larry Ellison and The Mark IV
Larry French & The Geisha Girls
Larry Halloway
Larry Harrison
Larry Heaberlin
Larry Hurst and the Keys
Larry LaPole and the Polecats
Larry Lewis
Larry Liggett
Larry McKinley
Larry McKinley and Frank Frank Show
Larry McKinley Show
Larry McKinley Show aircheck
Larry "Mojo" Bright
Larry Phillipson and the Larry Lee Trio
Larry Purnell and the Kings Of Rhythm
Larry Reynolds and the Echoes
Larry Simon & John Broven
Larry Steele
Larry Storch
Larry Verne
Larry Waters
Larry Wheeler
Larry Williams
Larry Williams And His Band
Laryy Reynolds and the Echoes
The Last Word
The Last Words
Latimore Brown
Lattie Moore
Lattie Moore and the Emperors
Lattimore Brown
Lauderdale Special
Launa Burroughs
Laura Lee Perkins
Laurel Hanson
The Lavendars
The Lavenders
Lavern Baker
LaVerne Baker
Laverne Ray & the Raytones
Lawrence Flippo and the Futuras
Lawrence Shaul and The Aristocats
Lawrence Shaul and The Aristocrats
Lawrence Walker
Lawrence Walker & His Wandering Aces
Lawson Rudd
Lawson Rudd and the Tippecanoe Valley Boys
Layton Redell Zbornik Jr
Lazy Lester
The Leaders
The Leap Frogs
Leappo (the Frog)
Leappo the Frog
The Leather Boy
The Leaves Of Grass
Leaves Of Grass
Leb Brinson
Lee Adrian with the Rochester Collegiates
Lee & Helen Tussy w/ The Golden Hill Boys
Lee Castle
Lee Castle and the Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra
Lee Cole and the Beau Jesters
Lee Collins and the Orbits
Lee Diamond
Lee Dorsey
Lee Emerson
Lee Finn and his Rhythm Men
Lee George
Lee (Hoss) Moss
Lee Jackson
Lee Maye
Lee McBride
Lee Mitchell
Lee Moses
Lee Slaughters and the Cumberland Playboys
Lee Smith
Lee Storm
Lee "The Big Masher" Lilly
Lee Tillman
Lee Tillman & Buddy Stewart's Top Notches
The Leeds
Left Hand Charlie
Lefty and The Leadsmen
Lefty & The Leadsmen
Lefty Frizzell
Lefty King and his Rangers
Lefty Pritchett
Legendary Stardust Cowboy
The Legendary Stardust Cowboy
The Legends
the legion of super-heroes
Leigh Howell and the Uniques
Lelan Rogers and Friends
Len & Judy
Len Jones and the Jades
Lennie LaCour
Lennis Guess
Lenny and the Thundertones
Lenny Capello
Lenny Capello & the Dots
Lenny Capello and the Dots
Lenny Dean and the Rockin' Chairs
Lenny Randle and the Ballplayers
Leo Baxter
Leo Baxter and Orchestra
Leo Gosnell
Leo Price & Band
Leo Quica and the Earl Hagen Orchestra
Leo Senay
Leo Teel and his Teel Billies
Leo Wright
leon & carlos
Leon and the Dreamers
Leon Barnett
Leon Benson and the Rhythm Ramblers
Leon Gardner
Leon Hart
Leon Lynch
Leon Martin
Leon McAuliff
Leon Post
Leon Rausch
Leon Smith
Leon Starr
Leon Tarver & The Cordones
Leona Williams
Leonard Carbo
Leonard Clark and Land of Sky Boys
Leonard Johnson
Leonard Lee
The Leopards
Leroy & The Continentals
Leroy and the Continentals
Leroy Bowman
Leroy Bowman and the Arrows
Leroy Bowman ane the Arrows
LeRoy Hamilton
Leroy James
Leroy James & Combo
Leroy Jones
Leroy Washington
Les & Helen Tussey
Les & The Jokers
Les "Barney" Gugel
Les Celibataires
Les Guitares De L'Enfer
Les Jaguars
Les Monstres
Les Rats
Les Rythmos
Les Thomas & May Hawks
Les Vendo "Keyboards"r
LeSabres Combo
Leslie Harris
Lester Lanin & His Orchestra
Lester Laundree & His Society Four
Lester Roberston
Lester Robertson
Lester Robertson and the Upsetters
Lester Robinson and the Upsetters
Lester Rose and the Tennessee Road Runners
Lester Williams
Lester Young
The Lettermen
Lettie and Junior
Levi Mann
Levi Mann and his Guitar
Levi Seabury and his Band
Levinsky Allen
Lewis Dervis
Lewis/Johnson Combo
Lewis Lindsey
Lewis Weber
The Lidos
Light Crust Doughboys
The Light Crust Doughboys
Lightin' Hopkins
Lightin Hopkins
Lightin' Slim
Lighting Hopkins
Lightnin' Hopkins
Liitle Richard
Lil' Ray & the Premiers
Linc Jeffries
Linc Jeffries with the Missings Links
Lincoln Chase
Lincoln Firmin
Lincoln Rand with The Reveliers
The Lincolns
Linda and The Epics
Linda Carr and The Impossibles
Linda Gray
Linda Hayes
Linda Hayes and Tony Williams
Linda Laine & The Sinners
Linda Laurie
Linda Lee
Linda Webb
lindsey brothers
Lindsey Powers
Lindsey Powers And His Combo
Lindy Blaskey and the Lavells
Link Davis
Link Wray
Link Wray and his Ray Man
Link Wray and his Wray Men
Link Wray and His Wraymen
Link Wray and the Ray Men
Link Wray and the Ray-Men
Link Wray and the Raymen
Link Wray and The Wraymen
The Linkster!!
Lionel Torrence
The Lions
lisa anders with the victory five
Little Alfred
Little Alfred and the Berry Cups
Little Arthur Mathews
Little Arthur Matthews
Little Artie and teh Pharoahs
Little Artie and the Pharoahs
Little Becky Cook and the Rag Mops
Little Ben and the Cheers
Little Ben & the Cheers
Little Benny
Little Bernie and the Cavaliers
Little Bill and the Adventurers and the Shalimars
Little Bill with The Adventurers and Shalimars
Little Billy Earl
Little Bo
Little Bo Peep
Little Bob
Little Bob & The Lollipops
Little Bob and The Lollipops
Little Bobby Foster & The Premiers
"Little" Bobby Gilbert
Little Bobby Roach and his Combo
Little Booker
The Little Boppers
Little Butchie Saunders
Little "Butchie" Saunders And His Buddies
Little Caesar
Little Cameron
Little Carolyn Sue
Little Charles and the Gents
Little Chico and The Corondolays
Little Chico & The Corondolays
Little Cooper and the Drifters
Little Daddy Walton & Sons
Little David and His Harps
Little David and the Harps
Little Denny and the Torkeys
Little Donna Hightower
Little Donnie Bowshier with The Radio Ranch Boys
Little Dooley
Little "E" and The Mello-Tone Three
Little Eddie
Little Eddie & His Starlites
Little Eddie and the Dollars
Little Eddie Love
Little Eddie Woods
Little Ellis
Little Emmett Sutton
Little Ernest Tucker
Little Esther
Little Esther Phillips
Little Florene
Little Frankie
Little Frankie Edwards and The House Wreckers
Little Frankie Edwards & The House Wreckers
Little Freddie & Ripcords
Little Freddie & The Gents
Little Freddie and the Ripcords
Little Freddie & The Ripcords
Little Freddy and Don with The Rockets
Little Genie Brooks
Little Grier
Little "Guitar" Pickett and his Fabulous Rockin' Fenders
Little Henry & The Laveers
Little Herbie Mayes and the Twisters
Little Herman
Little Hooks and The Kings
Little Ike
Little Ike with Jimmy Beck Orchestra
Little Jerry Williams
Little Jesse
Little Jessie
Little Jimmie Arceneaux
Little Jimmie Merritt
Little Jimmy and The Sparrows
Little Jimmy & The Sparrows
Little Jimmy Dickens
"Little" Jimmy Dickens
Little Jimmy Griffin
Little Jimmy Merritt w/ The Cuba Sanchez Orch
Little Joe
Little Joe and The Latinaires
Little Joe and The Morrocos
Little Joe and the Mustangs
Little Joe and the Thrillers
Little Joe & The Thrillers
Little Joe Cook and the Thrillers
Little Joey
Little Joey Farr
Little Johhny and the Rumblers
Little John
Little Johnny and The Rumblers
Little Johnny & The Rumblers
Little Johnny and the Silvertones
Little Johnny Burton
Little Johnny Burton (feat. Ike Turner on guitar)
Little Johnny Clark
Little Johnny Jones & The Chicago Hound Dogs
Little Johnny Taylor
Little Julian Herrera And The Tigers
Little June & The Januarys
Little Junior Parker
Little Junior's Blue Flames
Little Lambsie Penn
Little "Lambsie" Penn
Little LaTour's Sulphur Playboys
Little Lawrence And The Suspenders
Little Lee and the Streetlighters
Little Leo
Little Louie and the Lovers
Little Louie & The Lovers
Little Luther
Little Mac and The Bravados
Little Mac & The Bravados
Little Manny w/ The Ricky Aguary Band
Little Many with Ricky Aguary Band
Little Marcus and the Devotions
Little Marie Allen with Chuck Booker's band
Little Melvin
Little Melvin Underwood
Little Miss Jessie
Little Miss Jessie w/Benny Sharp and his Orch
Little Mojo
Little Montie Jones
Little Moose and the Hunters
Little Mr. Blues
Little Mummy
Little Nat
Little Papa Joe
Little Pete
Little Ralphie Molina
Little Red and his Rocking Hoods
Little Red and the Rockin Hoods
Little Red Ryders
The Little Red Ryders
Little Richard
Little Richard Moreland and the Pyramids
Little Richie Moreland and the Pyramids
Little Rita Laraine
Little Ronnie and the Chromatics
Little Ronnie Sessions (12 years old)
Little Roy and the Long Johns
Little Sammy
Little Sammy & The El Dorados
Little Sammy Jones
Little Sammy Jones and the El-Dorados
Little Sammy Swinger
Little Scooter Bill
Little Shy Guy and the Hot Rods
Little Sonny
Little Stanley and The Soulettes
Little Terry
Little Victor
Little Vincent
Little "Walkin'" Willie and his Swingin' Blues Men
Little Walkin' Willie and the Swingin' Blues Men
Little Walter
Little Walter & His Jukes
Little Walter and His Jukes
Little Walter Jr
Little Wayne Anthony
Little Wille John
Little Willie Brown
Little Willie John
Little Woo Woo & the Moroccos
The Live Five
Live from the WFMU Record Fair
Lloyd & Glen
Lloyd and Willie
Lloyd Arnold
Lloyd Baker
Lloyd Fatman
Lloyd "Fatman"
Lloyd "Fatman" Smith w/Leroy Kirkland Orch.
Lloyd Gent
Lloyd George
Lloyd Lambert
Lloyd Lambert And His Band
Lloyd Lambert And His Band featuring the Sax of Joe Tillman
Lloyd McCollough
Lloyd Nolen
Lloyd Price
LLoyd Price!!!
Lloyd Price and his Orchestra
Lloyd Sims
Lloyd Thompson
The Loafers!
The Loafers
The Logics
Lois & Louis
Lois Williams
Lola Dee and Rusty Draper
The Lonely Knights
The Lonesome Drifter
Lonesome Johnny
Lonesome Lee
Lonesome Sundown
Long Gone Miles
The Long Hairs
The Long-Hairs
The Long Island Sound
Long John Hunter
Long Man Binder and His Thin Men
Long Tall Marvin
The Lonhghorns
Lonnie Brooks
Lonnie Brooks (Guitar Jr)
Lonnie Lillie
Lonnie Lord
Lonnie Mae
Lonnie Mae with Gene and his Satellites
Lonnie Smith and The Generation
Lonnie The Cat
Lonnie "The Cat"
Lonnie Wright
Lonzo and Oscar
Lord Crazy
Lord Dent and His Invaders
Lord Dent And His Invaders ‎
Lord Douglas Byron
Lord Fauntleroy
Lord Fauntleroy Aircheck ca.'66
Lord Fauntleroy Aircheck on WIKI, Richmond (ca.'66)
Lord Lebby
Lord Luther
Lord Luther & The Kingsmen
Lord Rockingham's XI
Lord Sundance
Lord Tennyson
The Lords
Lorene Mann
Lorenzo Holden
Lorenzo Smith
Lorenzo The Hat
Loretta Lynn
Loretta Thompson and her Rockers
Lorin Dean
Lorrie and Larry Collins
Lorrie Collins
Los Apson
Los Crazy Boys
Los Crazy Kings
Los Darts
Los Freneticos
Los Hombres
Los Jokers
Los Joristers
Los Locos Del Ritmo
Los Lunaticos
Los Mosquitos
Los Rockers
Los Rockets
Los Rockin’ Devils
Los Rockin Devils
Los Rockin' Devils
Los Saicos
Los Shains
Los Silver Rockets
Los Sirex
Los Sleepers
Los Solitarios
Los Steivos
Los Tartaros
Los Teen Tops
Los Vampiranos
Los Viking Boys
Los Vikings
Los Vips
Los Virreyes
Los Yogis
Los Yorks
Los Zodiac
The Losers
The Losers feat. The Vulcanes
The Lost Boys
Lou Josie
Lou Josie and the Spinners
Lou McCoy
Lou Menchell and the Mamboniks
Louie And The Fat Men
Louie Bluie & Ted Bogan
Louie Palmer
Louie Wright & Tommy Crabtree music by The Tri-Tones
Louis & Frosty
Louis Brooks and His Hi-Toppers
Louis Carpenter's All-Stars
Louis Carpenter's All-Stars feat. Mad Man Jones
Louis Gray
Louis Howard and The Red Hearts
Louis Jackson
Louis Jones
Louis Myers & His Aces
Louis Myers And The Aces
Louis Nye
Louis Nye as Gordon Hathaway
Louis Pa
Louis Payne Orchestra
Louis Prima
Louis Prima With Sam Butera And The Witnesses
Louisiana Lannis
The Louvin Brothers
The Lovers
The Lovetones
The Loving Machines
Low Rocks
Lowell Fulson
Lowell McGuire
Lowell Thomas and the Country Taters
Loy Clingman
Loyd Howell
Loyd Howell and The Brite Stars
Lucky Boggs
Lucky Carmichael
Lucky Laws
Lucky Lee "America's Most Colorful Hillbilly Indian"
The Lucky Legionnaires
"Lucky" Leon Davis
Lucky Millinder & His Orchestra
Lucky Millinder And His Orchestra
Lucky Millinder Orchestra with Annisteen Allen
Lucky Wray with Link and Doug Wray
Lue Cazz
Lue Renney
Luetta Johnston
Luis & The Wildfires
Luke Askew
Luke Gibbons - Rhythm Rangers
Luke Gordon
Luke McDaniel
Lula Reed
Lulu Belle and Scotty
Lulu Reed
Lum Hatcher
The Lumberjack
The Lumberjack With The Northwood Singers
Luther & Little Eva
Luther Thomas
Lydia Marcelle
Lynn Abney Trio
Lynn Billingsley
Lynn Bryson
Lynn Gibson
Lynn Kelley
Lynn Kelly
Lynn Pratt
Lynn Pratt and his Rhythm Cats
The Lyrics
The M.M.'s and the Peanuts
The M-M's and the Peanuts
Mabel Franklin
Mac Burney and The Four Jacks
Mac Davis
Mac Rebbenack
Mac Rebbenack and Band
Mac Rebennack
Mac Sims
Macey Ross
Mack Banks and His Drifting Troubadours
Mack Fields
Mack McCray with Rosa's String Band
Mack Rice
Mack Self
Mack Simmon & His Boys
Mack Stevens
Mack Vickery
Mackey Beers and The Rockitts
Mackey Beers & The Rockitts
Macy (Skip) Skipper
Macy "Skip" Skipper
Macy Skipper
Mad Daddy
Mad Daddy Aircheck
Mad Daddy Obituary
Mad Daddy Open
Mad Dog Sheffield
Mad Dog Sheffield with Bon Ton Garlow Orch.
The Mad Hatters
Mad Man Michaels
Mad Man Sebastian
Mad Man Taylor
The Mad Men
Mad Mike and The Maniacs
The Mad Plaids
Madame Nellie Robinson
Maddox Bros. And Rose
Maddox Bros. & Rose
The Maddox Brothers & Rose
The Maddox Brothers and Rose
Maddox Brothers and Rose
Maddox Brothers & Rose
Maddox Brothers and Rose "The Most Colorful Hillbilly Band In America"
The Madhatters
The Madisons
The Madmen
Mae West
Maggie Owens
The Magic Mustangs
Magic Sam
Magic Sam & Shakey Jake
Magic Slim
The Magics
The Magnetics
The Magnets
Magnificent Monta-Gue
The Magnificent Montague
The Magnificent Seven
Magnificent Seven
The Majestics
Mal 3-D's starring Arnie "Woo Woo" Ginsberg
malcolm miller
Malcolm Yelvington
Malcolm Yelvington and the Star Rhythm Boys
Malcom Miller
Malcom Yelvington
Malcom Yelvington and the Star Rhythm Boys
Mama Lou - Rabbit Contest
Mamie "Miss Good Blues" Thomas
Mamie (MIss Good Blues) Thomas
Mamie (MIss Good Blues) Thompson
Mamie Ree w/Jake Porter
Mamie Van Doren
Mamie Van Doren and June "Boom Boom" Wilkerson
Mamie Van Doren & June "Boom Boom" Wilkerson
Mamie Van Doren & June Wilkerson
The Mandels
Mann Drake
Manuel and the Renegades
The Marathons
The Marauders
The Marbles
The Marc IV
Marc Raven
Marcel St-Jean
The Marcels
Marcus Brothers
The Mardi Gras Loungers
Mardi Gras Loungers
The Mardi Gras Loungers with Sam Butera
The Mards
Marga Benitez & The Mello Tones
Margie Day
Margie Dee and the Ramblers
Margie Lee
Marie Knight
Marie Williams
The Mariners
The Mark 4's
Mark Alamo
Mark Anthony
Mark Cleary and his Bob-Cats
Mark Damon
Mark Evans
The Mark Four
Mark IV Wilson
The Mark IV's
Mark Lee Allen
Mark Lee Allen & Bloodshot Bill
Mark Markham and His Jesters
Mark Robinson
Mark Shannon
Mark Summers
The ? Marks
Marlene & The Debonettes
The Marlins
Marlon "Madman" Mitchell and The Rockateers
Marlon Ramey
The Marquees
Marrell's Marauders
The Marrs Five
Marshall Hannah with his Drifting Deputizes
Marshall Page
The Marshalls
The Martells
The Martels
The Martians
Marty and the Monks
Marty Gino
Marty Lewis
Marty Nevers
Marty Robbins
Marty Roberts & His Nightriders
Marty Roberts and His Nightriders
The Marveliers
The Marvellos
The Marvels
Marveluss Mickey and The Rock-A-Sonics
Marvin & Johhny
Marvin and Johnny
Marvin & Johnny
Marvin & Johnny and "The Marsmen"
Marvin and Johnny and The Marsmen
Marvin Dawson
Marvin Phillips
Marvin Phillips and his Men From Mars
Marvin Phillips and the Men From Mars
Marvin Rainwater
Marvin Ramey & The Cama Rockers
Mary Ann Fisher
mary ann thomas
Mary Hankins
Mary Jane Hooper
The Mask
Mask Man & The Agents
The Mask Man and The Agents
The Mask Man And The Cap-Tans
The Masked Man And The Agents
The Masked Man and the Cap-Tans
Maskman (Harmon Bethea)
Maston's Music Makers
Mat Cockrell
The Matadors
Matthew Childs and his Chillun
Matthew Childs & His Chillun
Matthew Chllds and the Warblers
Mattie Jackson and The Blues Nighthawks Orchestra
Maurice and the Radiants
Maurice White
Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs
The Mavericks
Max Brown
Max Merritt & The Meteors
Mayf Nutter and the Castaways
Maylon Humphries
Maynie and Howie
Maynie and Howie with Freddy Haefner & The Jokers
Maynie & Howie with Freddyv Haefner & The Jokers
The McCarver Sisters
The McCoys
McKinley Mitchell
Me & Dem Guys
Me And The Other Guys
The Medallions
The Megatons
Mel Calvin and the Kokonuts
Mel Cavin and the Kokonuts
Mel Dorsey
Mel Dorsey with Chuck Wayne and The Heart Beats
Mel Douglas and the Nu-Notes
Mel Jackson
Mel Kimbrough
Mel McGonnigle
Mel Robbins
Mel Shaw
Mel Smith
Mel Smith & The Night Riders
Mel Street
Mel Tillis
Mel Williams
Melba Montgomery
The Mello Gents
The Mello-Harps
The Mello-Tones
The Melloharps
The Mellow Jacks
The Melo Gents
The Melodeers
Melody Heirs
Melvin Blake
Melvin Daniels
Melvin Davis
Melvin Davis with The Nite Sounds
Melvin Endsley
Melvin Morris
Melvin Nash
Melvin Shiner
Melvin Smith
The Memories
The Memos
Memphis Slim
Memphis Slim and His House Rockers
Memphis Slim & His House Rockers
Memphis Slim w/ Matt "Guitar" Murphy
Menard Rogers
Menster Phip and the Phipsters
The Merced Blue Notes
Merced Blue Notes
Mercy Babe
Mercy Baby
Mercy Dee
Mercy Dee and Lady Fox
Merdell Floyd
Merle Kilgore
Merlin Andrews & His Chaporrals
Merlin Andrews and His Chaporrals
Merlin Bee
Merrill Moore
Merv Griffin
Mervin Shiner
The Messengers
The Metallics
The Metronomes
The Metropolitans
Michael and the Jesters
Michael & The Jesters
Michael & The Majestics
Michael D. Perkins
Michael Hurtt, co-author of Mind Over Matter
Michael Monte
Mickey & Sylvia
Mickey and the Clean Cuts
Mickey & The Clean Cuts
Mickey Baker
Mickey Denton
Mickey Farrell & The Dynamics
Mickey Fortune
Mickey Gilley
Mickey Gilley (Mr Excitement)
Mickey (Guitar ) Baker
Mickey "Guitar" Baker and His House Rockers
Mickey "Guitar" Baker & His House Rockers
Mickey Hawks & The Night Raiders
Mickey Hawks with Moon Mullins & His Night Raiders
Mickey Hawks with Moon Mullins and His Night Raiders
Mickey Lane
Mickey Lee Lane
Mickey Schoor & The Sure Shots
Mickey Shorr and the Sure Shots
The Midnighters
The Midnights
The Mighty El Dukes
The Mighty Hannibal
Mighty Men
Mike Adams and the Red Coats
Mike Adkins
Mike and Dimensions
Mike & Luke Price
Mike and Nancy
Mike and the Bel-Aires
Mike and the Dimensions
Mike & The Dimensions
Mike and the Ravens
Mike & The Ravens
Mike & Tony
Mike and Tony
Mike Deal and the Regenerations
Mike Deasy
Mike Dona and The Donaires
Mike Dona & The Donaires
Mike Duna & The Donaires
Mike Evans
Mike Fern and The Del Royals
Mike Fernandez and the Del Royals Orch
Mike Gilden and the Rhythm Kings
Mike Gliden and the Rhythm Kings
Mike Glieden & The Rhythm Kings
Mike Gordon and the El Tempos
Mike Lawing
Mike Lawing and the Fabulous Keys
Mike Miller and Jack Casey
Mike Moore
Mike Olszewski
Mike Patterson and the Rhythm Rockers
Mike Petit and The Stags
Mike Petit & The Stags
Mike Post
Mike Robinson
Mike Roger and his Machine Guns
Mike Sanchez
Mike Waggoner & the Bops
Mike Waggoner and the Bops
milan brown
Mildred Jones
Mildred Jones with Pluma Davis and his Rockets
Miller-Olsen Combo
Miller-Olson Combo
The Miller Sisters
The Millionaires
Milt Jackson Sextet with Joe E. Ross
Milt Trenier
Milt Trenier and and his Solid Six
Milt Trenier and his Solid Six
Milton Brown & His Musical Brownies
Milton Brown and the Musical Brownies
Milton Trenier and his Solid Six
Minor Chords
The Miracle-Tones
The Miracles
Miriam & Nobody's Babies
The Misfits
Miss Delois and The Music Men
Miss Johni Naylor
Miss Jonni Naylor
Miss L.L. Louise Lewis
Miss La-Vell
Miss LaVell
Miss LL Louise Lewis
Miss Nikki and the No Names
Miss X
The Missfits
Mississippi and the Lower Depth
Mississippi & The Lower Depth
The Mistakes
Mister Ruffin
The Misterions
Misty Bonner
The Misty Knights
Mitch Wayne and the United Sounds
Mitchell Torok
Mitzi Mars
The Mixtures
Mo Klein and the Sargents
Model "T" Slim
Modern Mountaineers
Modern Royals
The Modern's Royal
Modest "Show Stopper" Cifton and Andrew McPherson's Band
Modest "Show Stopper" Clifton
The Mods
The Mogambo's
The Moguls
Mohawk and the Red Hawks
Mohawk and the Red Necks
The Mohawks
Mojave Playboys
Mojo Watson
Momus Alexander Morgus
The Monarchs
The Monarcs
Monday's Mondos
The Monitors
The Monkeymen
The Monorays
The Monotones
The Monstrosities
The Mont-Vales
The Montagues
The Montclairs
The Montels
The Monterays
The Montereys
The Monterreys
Montie Jones
Monty Johnson
Monty Lee
The Monzells
The Monzels
The Moods
The Moon Men
Moon Mullican
The Moon Stones
The Moonbillies
The Moonglows
The Moonlighters
The Moonlighters vocal by Lee Shaw
Moose Jackson
Moose John
The Mor-Locks
The Mor-Loks
Morgus and The Daringers
Morgus & The Ghouls
Morgus and the Ghouls
Morgus with The Daringers
The Moroccos
Morrie Williams
Morris Fountain
Morris Pejoe
Morris Taylor & His Sierra Melody Gang
The Morrocos
Morry Williams and the Kids
The Mortician UHF
The Morticians
Morty Marker and The Impalas
Morty Shann & The Morticians
Mother's Patriotic Apple Pie
The Motions
The Motivations
Mr Bear and his Bear Cats
Mr. Bear and His Bearcats
Mr Charles Berry
Mr Clean
Mr. Clean
Mr. Freddy Jack
Mr Google Eyes
Mr. Google Eyes
Mr. Lee
Mr Lee
Mr. Lee & The Frank Andrade Five
Mr. Lee & The Frank Andrate Five
Mr. Luckey and the Gamblers
Mr Lucky and the Gamblers
Mr P.T. and The Party Timers
Mr. P.T. and the Party-Timers
Mr Rays Hair Salon
Mr Sad Head
Mr. Sad Head
Mr. T and The Undertakers
Mr Undertaker
Mr. Undertaker
Mr. Wiggles
Mr. Wiggles!!
Mr Wiggles
Mr, Wiggles
Mr. Zulu and The Warriors
Muddy Waters
The Mule-Skinners
The Muleskiners
The Muleskinners
The Mur-E-Chords
Murray Cohen with The Cohencidentals
Murray Dee and the Crescendos
Murry Kaufman
Murv Shiner
The Musical Buddies
The Musical Linn Twins
The Musical Linn Twins !!
The Mustangs
Muvva (Guitar) Hubbard and the Stompers
Myles Connor
Myron Cohen
Myron Lee
Myron Lee & The Caddies
Myron Lee and The Caddies
Myrtle Marie and her Country Comers
The Mysterians
The Mysterions
Mystery Artist
Mystery Japanese Group
Mystery Spins
Mystery Trio
The Mystery Trio
The Mystics
Nancy Dupont
Nanny Miller
Nappy Brown
Narvel Felts
Nashville Swingers
Nat Kendrick and The Swans
Nat Robertson
Nat Stuckey
Nate Edmonds
Nathan Abshire & The Pine Grove Boys
Nathan Abshire and The Pinegrove Boys
Nathaniel Mayer
Nathaniel Mayer and His Fabulous Twilights
Nathaniel Mayer & The Dynamics
Nathaniel Mayer and the Dynamics
Nathaniel Mayer and the Fabulous Twilights
Nathaniel Mayer & The Fabulous Twilights
The Nation Rockin' Shadows
National Lampoon Radio Hour
Natural Bridge Bunch
The Naturals
The Navarros
Neal E Hemphill
Neal Jones
Neal Scott and The Fortunes
The Neanderthals
Ned & Gary
Nedra Price and The Moonglows
Neil Alan
Neil Alan and The Combos
Neil Coffin and the Pall Barers
Neil Coffin and The Pallbearers
Neil Darrow and the Quarter Notes
Neil Darrow with the Quarter Notes
Neil Parker
Neil Ray
The Neons
Nervous Norvus
Nervous Norvus and Red Blanchard and the Smogrollers
The Nettles Sisters
The Nettles Sisters With The Rodeo Tune Wranglers
The New Bangs
The New Delights
The New Mason Dixons
New Spazzco Artist!!
The New Surfsiders
The New Surfsiders!!
New Surfsiders
The "New" WFMU
The Newbeats
The Newport Nomads
Nick & The Jaguars
Nick and The Jaguars
Nick Anthony
Nick Catucci and the Novas
Nick Tosches Interview
Nick Toshes
Nickie Lee
Nicky Brazell
Nicky Harris and the Sound Barriers
Nicky Lee
The Night Beats
Night Hawks
The Night Hawks
The Night Owls
Night Owls
Night People
The Night Raiders
The Night Raiders featuring Mickey Hawks
Night Riders
The Night Riders
The Night-Riders
The Night Riders featuring Mickey Hawks
The Night Riders present Melvin Smith
The Night Rockers
The Night Trains
The Nightcaps
The Nightengales
The Nightingales
The Nightmares
The Nights Owls
Nina Howell
Nita Howell
The Nite-Caps
The Nite Caps
The Nite Cats
The Nite Hawks
Nite Owls
The Nite Owls
The Nite Riders
The Nite Riders Present Melvin Smith
The Nite Rockers
Nite Rockers
The Nite Sounds
The Nitecaps
No Artist
Noble "Thin Man" Watts & His Rhythm Sparks
The Noblemen
The Nobles
Nobles C. Darby
The Nobletones
Nobody's Children
The Noc-A-Bouts
The Nocturnals
Noel Oriphahs
the noise makers
Nolan Pitts
Nolan Strong
Nolan Strong and the Diablos
The Nomads
Nookie Boy
Norb Kamin
Norm "Arab" Sands & The Valiants
Norm Kamin
Norma Jean
Norman (Arab) Sands and The Valiants
Norman Kara
Norman Phelps and his Virginia Ramblers
Norman West
Norman Witcher
Norman Wood
The Notations
Nothing And The No Names
The Notions
The Novas
The Nu-Trends
Nugrape Twins
The Nutmegs
The Nutones
O.V. Wright
Obie Plenty
The Oblivians Live!!!
The Obvious
Ocie Stockard and His Wanderers
The Oddballs
The Off-Beats
The Off Beats
Officer Don
The Ohio Untouchables
Ole Miss Down Beats
Ole Miss Downbeats
Ole Moon Daddy
Oliver Cool
Oliver Morgan
Ollie Whatnot
The Olympians
The Olympics
The One Way Streets
The One-Way Streets
Oneda Harding & The Chuck Harding Combo
Onie Wheeler!!
Onie Wheeler
Onie Wheeler and his Ozark Boys
The Ontarios
The Opposite Six
Opposite Six
Orangie Hubbard
The Orbit Rockers
The Orbits
Orch: Ellis
The Orchids
The Orginal Soundtracks
The Original Hustlers
The Original Mustangs
The Original Playboys
The Original Rockets
The Original Soundtracks
The Original Starfires
The Original Surfaris
The Originals
The Originals feat. Tony Allan
Orlie And The Saints
Orville Couch
Orville Fox and the Harmony Masters
Orville Newby and the Saddle Serenaders
Orvin Yoes
Oscar and The Majestics
Oscar Boyd
Oscar Hamod And The Majestics
Oscar Hamod & The Majestics
Oscar Martinez
Oscar McLollie & His Honey Jumpers
Oscar McLollie and His Honey Jumpers
Oscar Moore's Combo
Oscar Moore's Combo feat Frankie Ervin
Otis Blackwell
Otis Parker
Otis Read
Otis Redding
Otis Rush
Otis Rush & His Band
Otis Scott
Otis Williams and His Charms
Otis Williams & The Charms
Ougie and the Ouguts
The Outcasts
The Outlaws
The Outsiders
The Oxfords
The Ozarks
P.T. and the Party-Timers
The Pace-Setters
The Pacers
The Pacers featuring Bobby Crawford
The Pageants
The Pagents
The Paladins
The Pals
Pan Handlers
Pancho Villa & Bandits
Pancho Villa & the Bandits
Pancho Villa and the Bandits
Pancho Villa Orch.
The Panicks
The Panics
The Paniks
The Panting Panther
Papa Cairo and His Boys
Papa Cat
Papa Lightfoot
Pappy Tipton
The Paradons
The Paragons
The Paramounts
The Paramours
Paris Brothers
the paris brothers
The Parisians
The Parker Family
The Parker Family featuring Gail Parker
The Parker Family featuring Ken Davis
The Party Boys
Pasquale & The Lunar-Tics
Pasquale and the Lunar-Tiks
The Pastel Six
The Pastels
Pasteurized Ashtray
Pastuerized Ashtray
Pat & Darrell
Pat & The Californians
Pat and the Californians
Pat and the Satellites
Pat and the Wildcats
Pat Auburn Hare
Pat Davis
Pat Ferguson
Pat Hunt
Pat Patrick
Pat Patterson
:Pat Patterson
Pat Stanley and the Lancers
Pat the Cat and his Kittens
Pat Thomas
Pat Wallace
The Patents
Patey Bros. (Eddie and Lee)
Patience and Prudence
Patsy Raye and The Beatniks
Patsy Raye & the Beatniks
Patsy Raye & The Beatnks
Patsy Sexton
The Pattens
The Patterns
Paul and the Foremost
Paul and the Four-Most
paul & the four-most
Paul Ballenger and The Flairs
Paul Brown
Paul Chaplain
Paul Chaplain and his Emeralds
Paul Click
Paul Davis
Paul Evans
Paul Frees and the Poster People
Paul Gayten
Paul Gayten and His Orchestra
Paul Gayten Band
Paul "Georgia Boy" Kimble
Paul Hampton
Paul Holden
Paul "Hucklebuck" Williams featuring Noble Watts
Paul Humphrey
Paul Kirk
Paul Marvin
Paul Ott
Paul Peek
Paul Perry
Paul Perryman
Paul Revere & The Raiders
Paul Revere and The Raiders
Paul "Sir Raggedy" Flagg
Paul Tate
Paul Thornton
Paul (Tiney) Welman and the Raindrops
paul westmoreland
Paul Wheatley
Paul White
Paul Williams
Paul Williams Orch. w/ Bobby Parks
Paula Grimes
Paulette &The Cupids
Paulette & the Cupids
The Payments
Peanut Wilson
Peanuts Wilson
Pearl Edwards
The Pearlescent's
The Pearls
The Pedestrians
Pee Wee & The Prophets
Pee Wee Broussard
Pee Wee Crayton
Pee Wee Crayton and his Guitar
Pee Wee Kershaw
Pee Wee King
Pee Wee Kingsley
Pee Wee Kingsley featuring Sugar Pie Desanto
Pee Wee Kingsly
Pee Wee Trahan
Peg Leg Martin and the Clowns
Peg Leg Moffett
Peggi Griffith
Peggy Little
The Pendeltons
The Pendletons
The Penetrators
The Penguins
The Penmar Stompers
Penne Main
Penny Jay
The Pentagons
Pepe and The Astros
Pepe Parra
Peppermint Harris
Peppermint Nelson
Percy Dodge
Percy Dovetonsils
Percy Mayfield
Percy Welch
Percy Welch and the Noblemen
Percy Welch with The Hornets
The Peridots
The Periscopes
The Persians
The Personals
The Persuaders
The Persuaders (In Person)
Pete & Jimmy
Pete and Jimmy and the Rhythm Knights
Pete & Repeat
Pete And Repeat
Pete Beavers and the Westernairs
Pete Bennett And The Embers
Pete Cook And The Baby Dolls
Pete Cooke and the Baby Dolls
Pete Cooke & the Baby Dolls
Pete Cummings and the Redeemers Four
Pete Falcone & The Centuries
Pete Graves and his Bunkhouse Buddies
Pete "Guitar" Lewis
Pete "Guitar" Lewis w/ Little Esther Phillips
Pete Harcourt and the Subjects
Pete Hartfield
Pete Holden
Pete "Mad Daddy" Myers
Pete Martin And The Features
Pete Martinez
Pete Peters and the Rhythmakers
Pete Roberts
Pete Roberts and the Rhythmaires
Peter And The Wolves
Peter & The Wolves
Peter Harcourt and The Subjects
Peter Kelch & The Pharoahs
Peter Kelch with The Pharoahs
Peter Pete & The Lovers
Peter Roberts
Peto Marlow and the Rhythm Kings
The Phaetons
The Phantom
The Phantom!
The Phantom Five
The Phantom Rider Trio
The Pharaohs
The Pharoahs
The Pharoahs featuring Rickey
The Pharotones
Phil and Bea Bop
Phil & Marie
Phil and the Catalinas
Phil & The Catalinas
Phil Barclay and The Sliders
Phil Baugh
Phil Baugh & Vern Stovall
Phil Bo and the Vikings
Phil Cammarata
Phil Campos
Phil Carter
Phil DeMarco and The Valiants
Phil Flowers and the Bat Men
Phil Flowers with The Bat Men
Phil Flowers with the TNT Tribble Combo
Phil Foster
Phil Foster!
Phil Gordon with Beale's Big Wheels
Phil Gray and His Go Boys
Phil Humphrey (The Fendermen)
Phil Irwin
Phil Johns & the Lonely Ones
Phil Johns and the Lonely Ones
Phil Moore
Phil Moore & His Orchestra
Phil Phillips
The Philharmonics
Philip Jones
Phill Phillips
Phillip Jones w/ Johnny "Spider" Martin Orch
Phillip Walker
Phillip Walker Band
Phillip Walker Band (feat. Lindy Lou)
Phillipa Fallon
Piano Red
Piano Slim
Piano Slim and his Rockin' Boys
Piano Slim and his Rockin' Four
Pico Pete
The Piermen
Pierre Maheu w/ Ron and his Rattletones
Pig Meat Markham
The Piggies
Pigmeat Markham
The Pilt Down Five
Pilt Down Five
The Piltdown Men
Piney Brown
pinky and jim jenkins
Pinky and Jim Jenkins with The Cliches
Pinky Pinkston
Pinnochio & the Puppets
Pinocchio & The Puppets
The Pips
The Pirates
Pit Men
The Pitmen
The Pitter
The Pitter Pats
The Plagues
The Plaids
Plas Johnson
The Plastic Rhino Band
The Platters
The Play-Mates
Playboy Fuller
The Playboys
The Playmates
Pleasant Valley Tune Jammers
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The Pledges
The Pledges feat. Jerry & Gloria
The Pllay-Mates
"Plookie" McCline
Po Joe Williams
The Poets
Pok A-A- Dot Slim
Pok A-A-Dot Slim
Poka-a-Dot Slim
The Polaras
The Polk Brothers
Polka Dot Slim
Polly Possum & Joe Wolverton with the Dog Patch Boys
The Ponies
Poontang Perkins
The Poor Boys
Pop Corn & The Mohawks
Poppy and the Savoys
The Populairs
Pork Chops
Porkey Harris and his Fantabulous Five
Porkey Harris & The Sophisti-Cats
Porky Freeman
Porky Harris and his Fabulous 5
Porter & The Bell Hops
Porter Wagoner
The Portraits
Portuguese Joe with the Tennessee Rockabillys
The Powder Puffs
Prarie Ramblers
The Prarie Ramblers
The Preachers
The Prells
The Prem Airs
The Premiers
The Premiers with LeRoy
The Premiers with Sonny
Prentice Moreland
Preston Love
Preston Love and His Band
Preston Love and his Orchestra
Preston Love and his Orchestra featuring Roy "Happy" Easter
Preston Love and his Orchestra w/Sugar Pie!!!
Pretty Boy
Pretty Boy aka Don Covay
Pretty Boy & the Upsetters
Prime Mates
Prince and the Paupers
Prince Buster Allstars with The Maytals
Prince Buster & The All-Stars
Prince Jesse
Prince Jessie
Prince La La
The Princetones Five
The Princetons Five
Prison Farm Radio Spot
Pro McClam
Professor Hamilton & The School Boys
Professor Hamilton and The School Boys
Professor Hamilton & The Schoolboys
Professor Longhair
Professor Longhair and His Blues Scholars
The Progressives
The Prophets
The Pros and Cons
The Prowlers
The Puddle Jumpers
Punk Carson and the Chucklers
The Pygmies
The Pyramids
The Quaddells
The Quadells
The Quads
The Quails
Quarter Notes
The Quarter Notes
Que Martin
Que Martin w/ Dell Graham
The Quinns
Quinton Kimble
The Quintones
R.C. & Joanne Holmes
R. Crumb And His Cheap Suit Serenaders
R.D. Spruell
R.J. and The Carvels
R.L. Griffin
R. Porter
R.T. & The Pot Lickers
Rabon Saunders
Race Marbles
Rachel and the Revolvers
The Rackets
The Raiders
The Rainbow Twins
The Rainbows
The Raindrops
The Rally-Packs
The Rally Packs
Ralph Emery
Ralph Jerome
Ralph Nielsen & The Chancellors
Ralph Nielsen Interview
Ralph Nielson & The Chancellors
Ralph Prescott
Ralph Smedley And The Breathers
Ralph Smedley and the Bubbles
Ralph Willis
The Ramblers
Ramblin' Jimmie Dolan
The Ramblin' Rebels
Ramblin Red Bailey
Ramblin' Red Bailey
Ramon Jacinto & the Riots
Ramon Maupin
Ramon Maupin Interview
The Rampages
The Ramrocks
The Ramrods
The Rams
Randall Hall
Randy and the Rockets
Randy Atcher
Randy Fox - Interview Pt..1
Randy Fox - Interview Pt. 2
Randy Fuller
Randy Fuller/Mirima Linna
Randy Hobbs
Randy King
Randy Lee
Randy Luck
Randy McKee
Randy Proffitt and The Beachcombers
Randy Randolph
Randy Ruller
Randy Tedder and the Mishikawa Rhythmaires
The Rangers
Rapid Robert
Rapid Robert and the Astronauts
The Rats
The Rats ( aka The Decades)
The Rav'Ons
The Ravens
The Ravens featuring John Belushi
The Ravens Rock Group
The Raves
Ravon Darnell
Ravon Darnell & The Voices
The Ravons
Ray Agee
Ray and Lindy
Ray & Lindy
Ray Anderson & The Home Folks
Ray Anderson And The Home Folks
Ray Batts
Ray Bell and the Dixie Rhythm Ramblers
Ray Burden with Wayne Johnson on Guitar
Ray Campbell
Ray Campi
Ray Charles
The Ray Charles Singers
Ray Clark and The Demons
Ray Coleman
Ray Doggett
Ray Ethier
Ray Fabus and The Strikes
Ray Fournia and the Rocking Rebels
Ray Garden
Ray Garnett
Ray Gerdsen and the Yello-Jakets
Ray Greff
Ray Harris
Ray Hildebrand
Ray Holland
Ray Johnson
Ray Johnson & The Bystanders
Ray Johnson and the Hi-Liters
Ray Kannon and the Corals
Ray King
Ray Liberto
Ray McCoy
Ray Melton
The Ray Men
Ray Michelsen and the Vikings
The Ray-Nears
Ray Phillips
Ray Sanders & Friend
Ray Sanders and Friend
Ray Sanders and Friends
Ray Scott
Ray Scott and the Demens
Ray Scott and the Four Recorders
Ray Scott & The Shades
Ray Scott And The Shades
Ray Sharpe
Ray Sharpe and the Blues Whalers
Ray Sharpe with the King Curtis Orchestra
Ray Smith
Ray Stanley
Ray Stone
Ray Vernon
Ray Vernon with Link Wray and the Raymen
Ray Vict and his Bop Rockers
Ray Williams
Raydell Reese
Raymon' Taylor
Raymond Hill
Raymond Washington
The Rays
Rayvon Darnell
The Reactors
The Readymen
The Real Don Steele
The Rebbels
The Rebel Rousers
Rebel Wright and The Cimmarons
The Rebelaires featuring Sammy Smith
The Rebels
Reble and the Jaguars
The Recalls
Red & Blue
Red and The Flames
The Red Barons
Red Berry and The Bel Raves
The Red Coats
Red Coats
red coffee
Red Foley
Red Foley and Sister Rosetta Tharpe
"Red" Hadley's Wranglers
Red Hewitt and The Bucaneers
Red Hewitt & The Bucaneers
Red (Hot) Russell
Red Johnson
Red Killen & His Western Band
Red Kirk
Red Martin
Red McAllister
Red McAllister and his Orchestra
Red Pierce
Red Prycosk
Red River Dave
Red Rose Tea
Red Rose Tea Ad
The Red Ryders
Red Saunders
Red Simpson
Red Smiley and the Vel-Tones
Red Smiley & the Vel-Tones
Red Smith
Red Sovine
Red Tuck
Red West
Red West Combo
Red Wilson
Redd Foxx
The Reddlemen
The Redwoods
The Ree-Gents
Reece Shipley and The Rainbow Valley Boys
The Reed Brothers
The Reekers
Reese Shipley
Reg Perkins & His Rockin' Maniacs
The Regal-Aires
Regal Beer Radio Spot
Regal Brewing Company
The Regents
Reggie (Guitar) Boyd
Reggie Hall
Reggie Perkins
Reggie Perkins & His Rockin' Maniacs
Reggie Perkins and His Rockin' Maniacs
Reggie Powell
Reggie Young Hits Montage
Reginald Hall
The Reid Brothers
The Rel Yea's
The Rel-Yeas
The Rel Yeas
The Relations
The Relics
The Renaults
The Rendell's
The Rendells
Rene Hall
René Hall And His Band
Rene Hall Orchestra
René Hall's Orchestra Featuring Willie Joe
Rene Waters
The Renegade Five
The Renegades
Renie Hicks
The Renowns
The Resonics
Reva Bunch
The Revelairs
The Reveliers
The Revels
Reverend A. Johnson
Reverend Billy H. Grady
Rex Amburgey and the Apaches
Rex Garvin
Rex Johnson
Rex North
Rex North & Family
The Rey-Dels
Reycard Duet
Reyncard Duet
Rhythm Aces
The Rhythm-Addicts
The Rhythm Addicts
Rhythm Cadets
The Rhythm Cadets
Rhythm Casters
The Rhythm Casters
The Rhythm Cats
Rhythm Kings
The Rhythm Kings
Rhythm Rebels
The Rhythm Riders
The Rhythm Rockers
Rhythm Rockers
The Rhythm Rockers featuring Hardrock Gunter
Rhythm Rockers vocal: Hardrock Gunter
Rhythm Rockers w /Hardrock Gunter
Rhythm Rockers w/Hardrock Gunter
The Rhythm Rockets
Rhythm Royals
The Rhythm Surfers
The Rhythm Tones
The Rhythmaires
The Rialtos Featuring Freddie Thomas
Ric Cartey
Ric Cartey and the Jiva-Tones
Ric Gary
Ric Gary With Ron Wray Light Show
Ric Masten
Rich Clayton and The Rumbles
Rich McQueen and the Rhythm Rockers
Rich Miller
Rich Roman
Richard And The Bad Men
Richard Berry
Richard Berry and the Dreamers
Richard Berry and the Lockettes
Richard Berry and the Pharaohs
Richard Berry and the Soul Searchers
Richard Bros
Richard Brothers
Richard Lewis
Richard Peters Hagen
Richard Pine
Richard Starr
Richard Ward and the Hustlers
Richard Wylie
Richie Allen
Richie & The Saxons
Richie and the Saxons
Richie Mayo and the Paramours
Richie Ray
Richie Richardson
Richie Richardson w/ Charlie Cuevas and the Jaguars
Richie Richardson with Charlie Cuevas And The Jaguars
Richie Valens
The Richochets
Rick Allen
Rick and The Fairlanes
Rick and The Riots
Rick Bartel's Rebels
Rick Bragg
Rick Emerson & The Sidewinders
Rick Kay and his Shades Of Today
Rick West and the Red Hots
Rickey Layne and Vel-Vel
Ricki Starr and teh All-Stars
Ricki Starr and the All-Stars
Rickie Layne and Velvel
Ricky Allen
Ricky Allen & the Allen Dolls
Ricky & The Lexingtons
Ricky and the Stompers
Ricky Coyne and His Guitar Rockers
Ricky Coyne and the Five Sins
Ricky Jones
Ricky Layne & Velvel
Ricky Rene and The Fabulous Desires
Ricky Ricardo
Ricky Riddle
Ricky Roy
Ricky Tino
Ricky Vance and the Ramrods
Rico and the Ravens
Riff Ruffin
Riff Ruffin Combo
Riff Ruffin's Combo
The Riffs
Riki and the Rikatones
Riki & The Rikatones
Riki & The Rikitones
Riley Walker and His Rockin-R-Rangers
The Rimfires
The Ring A Dings
Ring A Dings
The Ring-A-Dings
The Rio Rockers
The Riptides
Ritchie and The Squires
Ritchie Hart
Ritchie Valens
The Rivals
The Riverias
The Riviares
The Rivieras
The Rivieres
The Rivies
The Rivingtons
The Riviriares
The Road Runners
The Road Runners feat. Jim Edgar
The Roadsters
The Roamers
Rob & The Rhythm Aces
Rob Bernard
Rob Townsend
Robbie and the Drifters
Robbie Crabbe
Robbie Robens
Robbie Robinson Orchestra
Robbin Ray
Robby and the Troubadours
Robby Rhines and The Rogues
Robert A Irvine
Robert A. Irvine and the Kentucky Colonels
Robert A. Levine
Robert and Geno and the Louisiana Ramblers
Robert & Jimmy
Robert & Johnny
Robert and Johnny
Robert and the Rockin Robins
Robert Armstrong Interview
Robert Bertrand and his Louisiana Ramblers
Robert Betrand
Robert Brown
Robert Gill
Robert Gill and Band
Robert Gordon
Robert Kagan
Robert Keel and The Operators
Robert McKirby
Robert Parker
Robert Parker & Band
Robert Smith
Robert Smith w/ Bailey's Nervous Kats
Robert Williams and the Groovers
Roberto Stagi
Robin and the Batmen
Robin Dale
The Robins
Robyn & Crystal Bernard
Rochell & The Candles
Rochelle and the Candles
The Rock-A-Bouts
The Rock-Ettes
The Rock-Etts
The Rock-Fellers
The Rock'n Wedges
The Rock 'N Wedges
Rock Rogers
The Rockateers
The Rockaways
The Rockbusters
Rocker Roberts
The Rockers
Rocket Morgan
The Rocket-Tones
The Rocketeers
The Rockets
The Rockets Combo
The Rockets Combo vocal by Buddy Smith
Rockin' Charlie
The Rockin Continentals
The Rockin' Continentals
Rockin' Davey Allen and Thunderbirds
The Rockin' Kids
The Rockin Ramrods
Rockin' Ramrods
The Rockin' Ramrods
Rockin Robin Roberts
Rockin' Roy Thomas
Rockin Roy Thomas
The Rockin Royals
The Rockin' Royals
The Rockin' R's
The Rockin R's
Rockin' Saints
Rockin' Sidney and his All-Stars
The Rockin' Wedges
The Rocking Capris
The Rocking Ghosts
Rocking Richard
The Rocks
Rocky & His Friends
Rocky and His Riddlers
Rocky & The Border Kings
Rocky and The Riddlers
Rocky & The Riddlers
Rocky Bill Ford
Rocky Davis and his Sky Rockets
The Rocky Fellers
Rocky Foster
Rocky Holman
Rocky Holman With Mort Wise And The Wisemen
Rocky Holman with Morty Wise and the Wiseman
Rocky Jones
Rod Bernard
Rod Bernard with Mike Genovese and The Twisters
Rod Bernard with Mike Genovese & the Twisters
Rod Brown
Rod Willis
Roddy Jackson!!
Roddy Jackson
Roddy Jackson And His Band
Rodeo Jim Peters and his Western Ramblers
Rodger Collins
Rodney & The Blazers
Rodney and The Blazers
Rodney Scott
The Roemans
Roger & The Markees
Roger Calkins
Roger Christian
Roger Guitar
Roger Sherman
Rogers Collins
The Rogues
Roland Bennett and the Rockin Whalers
Roland Cook
Roland Stone
Rolf Harris
The Rollers
Rolling Crew
The Rolling Crew
Rollo and Bolliver
Rolls Royce & The Wheels
Rolls Royce and the Wheels
Romaine Brown
The Romaines
The Romancers
Romeo Sullivan and the Serenaders
Ron & Ellie Jaye
Ron and Joe and the Crew
Ron Berry
Ron Berry and the Dreamers
The Ron-De-Voo's
The Ron -De -Voos
The Ron-Dels
Ron Hargrave
Ron Haydock
Ron Haydock and The Boppers
Ron Holden and the Thunderbirds
Ron Holden with The Thunderbirds
Ron Jordan and The Volcanoes
The Ron Scott Combo
Ron Strawn and the Bucks
Ron Sutherland
Ron Thompson & His Rowdy Guitar
Ron Thompson his Rowdy Guitar and The Broughams
Ron Williams & The Customs
Ron Williams and the Customs
The Rondells
The Rondels
Ronnie Allen
Ronnie & The Del-Aires
Ronnie and the Delinquents
Ronnie & The Delinquents
Ronnie and the Pomona Casuals
Ronnie & The Premiers
Ronnie and the Premiers
Ronnie And The SInsashuns
Ronnie Angel
Ronnie Brent
Ronnie Cells and the Continentals
Ronnie Cook
Ronnie Cook and the Gaylads
Ronnie Coyne and The Sinners
Ronnie D. Alan
Ronnie D Alan
Ronnie D. and the Valiants
Ronnie D and the Valiants
Ronnie Dawson
Ronnie Dee
Ronnie Ellis and the Originals
Ronnie Fuller
Ronnie Haig
Ronnie Hart and The Dynamics
Ronnie Hawkins
Ronnie Hawkins and the Hawks
Ronnie Isle
Ronnie Isle and the Blisters
Ronnie Isle & The Yo-Yo's
Ronnie Jones and The Classmates
Ronnie Jones & The Classmates
Ronnie Kae
Ronnie Lyn
Ronnie Michaels
Ronnie Molleen
Ronnie Morrison
Ronnie Murray
Ronnie Robens and the Mai-Kais
Ronnie Savoy
Ronnie Self
Ronnie Sessions
Ronnie Toth
Ronnie Wilson
Ronnie Wolfe
Ronnnie Wilson
Ronny and Johnny
Ronny & Johnny
Ronny And The Daytonas
Ronny Hart and the Dynamic Encores
Ronny Kae
Ronny Williams!
Roosevelt Grier
Roosevelt Marks
Roosevelt Sykes
Roosvelt Sykes
Rory & Wine
Rosalie Long
Rosco Gordon
Roscoe & His Little Green Men ( The Green Haired Cyclones)
Roscoe and the Green Men
Roscoe and the Little Green Men
Roscoe Gordon
Roscoe Scully
Rose Maddox
Rose Maddox and the Maddox Brothers
Rosko/Jimmy Reed
The Rotten Kids
Roulettes Orchestra
The Roulettes Orchestra
Round Robin
The Rovers
The Rovin' Gamblers Vocal: Ray Gentry
Roxie Williams w/ Buddy Ray and the Shamrocks
Roy Acuff and His Smoky Mountain Boys
Roy & The Royals
Roy Baham
Roy "Bald Head" Byrd
Roy Brown
Roy Brown And His Mighty-Mighty Men
Roy Brown & His Mighty-Mighty Men
Roy Brown with His Mighty-Mighty Men
Roy Buchanan
Roy "C"
Roy Clark
Roy Duke
Roy Estrada and The Rockateers
Roy Estrada and the Rocketeers
Roy Gaines
Roy Hall
Roy Hall and his Jumping Cats
Roy Hall's Alley Cats
Roy Hammond & The Genies
Roy Hays and Orchestra
Roy Head
Roy Head and the Traits
Roy Hogsed
Roy Hollaway
Roy Kelly
Roy Lee Christian
Roy Lee Johnson
Roy Loney
Roy Loney & The A-Bones
Roy Loney and the A-Bones
Roy Loney & The Phantom Movers
Roy Loney with the A-Bones
Roy McArthur's Hill Stoppers
Roy McCaslin and The Caravans
Roy Milton & His Band
Roy Milton And His Solid Senders
Roy Montrell
Roy Montrell And His Band
Roy Moss
Roy Moss with Cliff Allen's Band
Roy "Mr. Guitar" Gaines
Roy Newman and His Boys
Roy Orbison
Roy Perkins
Roy-Sarah & The Traits
Roy - Sarah and The Traits
Roy Singer
Roy Smith and the Cardinals
Roy Stevens
Roy Steward and the Melotones
Roy Stingley
Roy Tan and Combo
Roy Tann
The Royal Coachmen
The Royal Drifters
The Royal Dukes Of Rhythm
Royal Earl & The Swinging Kools
Royal Earl and The Swinging Kools
The Royal Entertainers
Royal Entertainers
The Royal Flairs
Royal Flairs
The Royal Halos
The Royal Holidays
Royal J. Abbit Interview
The Royal Jokers
Royal Jokers
The Royal Kings
The Royal Knights
Royal Notes
The Royal Notes featuring Pat Logsdon
The Royal Playboys
The Royal Rebels
Royal Rockers
The Royal Rockers
The Royal Shandels
Royal Spades
The Royal Spades
The Royal Teens
Royal Teens
The Royalites
The Royals
The Royals Holidays
The Royals Teens
The Royaltones
Royaltones Dance Band
Royce Clark
Ruben Fort
Ruby Johnson
Ruby Wright
The Ruby's
Rucy Green
Rude Awakening
The Rude Awakenings
Rudi and the Rain Dearz
Rudy Gaddis & His Lone Star Rangers
Rudy Grayzell and his Thunderbirds
Rudy Green
Rudy Greene
Rudy Jackson
Rudy Medina
Rudy Moore
Rudy Owen and the Ravens
Rudy Preston
Rudy Ray Moore
Rudy Ray Moore and his Raytones
Rudy Tee & the Reno Bops
Rudy "Tutti" Grayzell
Rudy "Tutti" Grazell
Rudy Wesley & The Palace Aides
The Rue-Lets
Rufino Zapata
Rufino Zapata's Los Tejanitos
Rufus Beacham
Rufus Brown with Billy Driscoll's Orch
Rufus Culver
Rufus Gordon
Rufus Shoffner
Rufus Shofner and Joyce Songer
Rufus Thomas
The Rumblers
The Run-A-Bouts
The Runabouts
The Runabouts with Johnny Hammer
The Runabouts with Johnny (not Jon) Hammer
The Runaways
Russ & The Sting-Rays
Russ and the Stingrays
Russ "Big Daddy" Blackwell
Russ (Big Daddy) Blackwell
Russ Garner
Russ Mann
Russ Minimi
Russ Parks & The Versitones
Russ Thompson
Russ Veers
Russell Lee and the Southern Wonders
Russell Lee and the Tempos
Rusty Adams
Rusty and Doug
Rusty & Doug
Rusty Bryant
Rusty McDonald
Rusty Stegall
Ruth Brown
Ruth Durand
The Rythm Rockers Vocal: Hardrock Gunter
The Sabers
The Sabres
The Sabres vocal by Louis Gittens
The Saddle Tramps
The Sadists
The Saharas
The Saints
Sal & The Watchers
Sal and the Watchmen
Sal Masi's Untouchables
Sal Mure
The Salas Brothers
The Salas Brothers with The Jaguars
The Salesmen
Sally Marcum
Salty and Mattie
Salty Holmes
Sam and Annie Taylor
Sam and Bill
Sam and the Saxtones
Sam & The Twisters
Sam and The Twisters
Sam Butera
Sam Kimble
Sam Kimble and his Orchestra
Sam Little
Sam Phillips
Sam Price
Sam the Sham
Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs
Sam Ulano ("Mr. Rhythm") and His Drums
Sammi Smith
Sammy & The Five Notes
Sammy and The Five Notes
Sammy Cotton
Sammy Fitzhugh
Sammy Fitzhugh & His Moroccans
Sammy Gowans
Sammy Julian
Sammy Lara and The Skytones
Sammy Masters
Sammy Price and his Texas Bluesicians
Sammy Tanner
San Diego Marauders
The San Diego Nomads
The Sanchers
The Sandabs
Sandi Scott
The Sandmen
Sandra Grimes
Sandra Grimms
Sandy Baron
Sandy Ford
Sandy Kay
Sandy Lee
Sandy Nelson
Sandy Scott
Sanford Clark
Sanford Clark (Al Casey, Guitar)
The Sanshers
Santa Claus
Santa Claus (Sam Ulano)
The Sants
Satan and Deciples
Satan & Satan's Roses
Satan And Satan's Roses
Satan and The Disciples
Satch Arnold
The Satellites
The Satintones
The Saturday Knights
saturday nights
The Saucers
The Savoy
The Savoys
Sax Kari and his Ballin' The Blues Band
Sax Kari Orchestra
Saxie Russell
The Saxons
The Scarlets
"Scat Man" Crothers
Scat-Man Patin
Scatman Crothers
The Scavengers
The Scholars
The Schooners
The Scooters
The Scorpians
The Scorpions
Scot High and the Highlanders
The Scotchtones
The Scotsmen
Scott Garrett
Scott Miller
Scott Wood
Scott Wood and his Band
Scottie Stewart
Scottie Stuart
Scotty Macgregor And His Spooks
Scotty Mann and the Masters
Scotty McKay
Scotty Stuart
Scoty McKay
The Scouts
The Scramblers
Scrapper Pratt's Falcons
The Screamers
Screamin' Jay Hawkins
Screamin Jay Hawkins
Screamin' Jay Hawkins (with Little James)
Screamin Joe Neal
Screamin' Joe Neal
Screaming Jay Hawkins
Screaming Joe Neal
(Screaming) Lord Jim and the Picadilly Squares
Screaming Lord Sutch
Screaming :"Lord" Sutch
Screaming "Lord" Sutch
Screaming Lord Sutch & The Savages
The Scuzzies
The Searchers
Sears Has Everything
Sears Roebuck
Sebastian and The House Rockers
Section 36
The Seeburg Band
The Seeds
The Seminoles
The Seminoles with the Low-Rocks
The Senators
The Senders
The Seniors
Senor Jimenez y Los Taquitos
The Senors
The Sensation-Ivies
The Sensations
The Sentinals
The Sentinels
The Serenaders
The Seven Blends
The Seven Souls
The Sevilles
The Sha-Dels
Shad and Mike
The Shades
Shades McRay and The Invictas
Shades of Rhythm
The Shades with Gerry Hamel
Shadow Lake 8 Orchestra
The Shadows
The Shadows Five
Shady Stevens
The Shaggs
The Shaghais
The Shags
Shake what your mama gave you!!
The Shakers
Shakey Horton
Shakey Jake
Shalimar and Friends
The Shallows
The Sham-Ettes
The Shamans
The Shamrocks
The Shan-Tones
The Shandells
The Shandels
The Shanghais
Sharkey Hall
Sharkey Todd and his Monsters
Sharkey Todd and the Monsters
The Sharks
Sharlet Sexton
Sharlet Sexton and the Tennesse Valleys Boys
(Sharon) and the Black Hollow Ramblers
Sharon Higgins
Sharon Lee
Sharon Mason
Sharon Peel
The Sharps
The Shattoes
Shawkey Se Au and The Muffins
Shawkey Se-Au and the Muffins
The Shaynes
Sheb Wooley
The Sheiks
Shelby Cooper
shelby martin
Shelby R. Smith
Shelby R Smith
Sheldon Allman
Sheldon Dunaway and Cookie's Cup Cakes
Sheldon Dunaway and the Cup Cakes
Shelley Lee Alley and his Alley Cats
The Shells
The Shelton Brothers
Shelton Dunaway & The Cupcakes
Shelton Dunaway with Cookie's Cup Cakes
The Shenandoah Break-Ups
Shep and the Limelites
The Sheppards
Sheppy King
Sheriff and The Ravels
Sheriff & The Ravels
Sheriff and the Revels
Sherman and the Darts
Sherman Evans
Sherman Evans with Cruz Ortiz an The Flames
Sherman Evans with Cruz Ortiz and The Flames
Sherman Hunter
Sherry Lee (Jackie DeShannon)
Sherwin Linton
The Sherwoods
The Sherwooods
Sheryl Crowley
Sheryl Crowley with Lorenzo Holden's Orchestra
Shewry Stamper and the Virginians
The Shilos
Shimmy Shelly!!
Shin-Dig Smith and The Soul Shakers
Shindig Smith & The Soulshakers
Shindig Smith and the Soulshakers
The Shindigs
The Shing-Digs
The Shirelles
Shirkee Samford
Shirley Ann Lee
Shirley Bergeron and the Veteran Playboys
Shirley Ellis
Shirley Foley
"Shirley Jean" Wiley
The Shoelaces
The Shoeslaces
The Shondells
Shortie Billups
Shorty Ashford
Shorty Billups
Shorty Long
Shorty Miller
Shorty Miller and his Sloppers
Shorty Sergent
Shorty Warren & His Western Rangers
Shorty Warren and the Western Rangers
Shoun Brothers
Shreveport Home Wreckers
The Shufflers
The Shuffles
Shy Guy Douglas
Shy Guy Douglas and the Hot Rods
Shy Guy Doulas
Sid King and The Five Strings
Sid Starr and Escorts
Sid Starr and The Escorts
Sidney & The Chimps
Sidney and the Chimps
Sidney Barnes
Sidney Ester
Sidney Jo Lewis (Hardrock Gunter)
Sidney Maiden
Sidney Simien and his All-Stars
The Sierras
Sil Austin
Silas Hogan
The Silhouettes
Silky & The Shantungs
The Silly Surfers
The Silouettes
The Silver Tones
The Silvertones
Silvio Silvera
Simi 'N' Hair
Simon and The Piemen
Simon Scott
The Sims Twins
The Sin-Say-Shuns
the singing bodies
The Singing Dogs
The Singing Jones Family
"Singing" Sammy Ward
The Singing Wrestler
The Sinners
Sir David and The Knights
Sir Douglas Quintet
Sir Frog & The Toads
Sir Guy
Sir Guy and the Rocking Cavaliers
Sir Henry & His Butlers
Sir Henry and His Butlers
Sir John Lee Hooker
Sir Lord Comic
Sir Lord Fauntleroy
Sir Royal Da Count & The Parliaments
Skeeter Davis
Skeeter Davis duet with Skeeter Davis
Skeets McDonald
The Skeptics
Skid Row Joe
Skinny Dynamo
Skip And Flip
Skip & Johnny
Skip and the Hustlers
Skip & The Hustlers
Skip Battyn
Skip Cody
Skip Cole and his Fabulous Hi-Spots
Skip Cunningham
Skip Manning
Skip Morris w/ Doug Charles and the Boogie Kings
Skip Poulsen and The Beach Continentals
Skip Stanley
Skip Stanley and The Satellites
Skipper and the Wrecking Crew
Skipper Hunt Combo
Skipper Ryle
Skippy Brook's Combo
Skippy Roberts and the Four Jacks
The Skopes
Sleepy La Beef
Sleepy LaBeef
Sleepy LaBeef and his Versatiles
Slick Slavin
The Sliders
Slim Edwards
Slim Gaillard
Slim Gaillard And His Bakers Dozen
Slim Gaillard And His Orchestra
Slim Gaillard Quartette
Slim Harpo
Slim Harris & His Sterophonix
Slim Jim
Slim Maguire
Slim Marbles
Slim Rhodes
"Slim" Sanders
Slim Sanders
"Slim" Saunders
Slim Saunders
slim watts
Slim Willet
The Slough Boys
Sly Dell
The Sly Fox
Sly Williams
The Smiley Brother
Smiley Lewis
Smiley Moon and The Moontunes
Smilin' Jack Belveal
Smilin' Joe
Smilin' Smokey Lynn
The Smith Brothers
Smitty and the Afterthoughts
Smitty and The Viscounts
Smokey and the Flames
Smokey Harless
"Smokey" Jimmy Saunders
Smokey Smothers
Smokey Stover
Smokey Wood and the Wood Chips
Smoky Wood and his Wood Chips
Sneeze and Breeze
Snookum Russell Orchestra
The Social Outcasts
The Socialites
The Society
The Sole Soul of Don Hagen & The Country Soul Express
The Solitaires
Solomon Burke
The Solotones
The Sonics
Sonnny Flaharty
Sonnny Terry
Sonny Ace & The Twisters
Sonny and Jaycee
Sonny and Premiers
Sonny & The Premiers
Sonny and the Premiers
Sonny Bloch's Elephants
Sonny Boy Williamson
Sonny Brooks
Sonny Burgess
Sonny Burgess & Kings IV
Sonny Burgess (w/ Billy Lee Riley)
Sonny Burns
Sonny Cole
Sonny Day
Sonny Day and the Rare Breed
Sonny Day And The Tony Ray Combo
sonny daye
Sonny Daye & The Rare Breed
Sonny Fishback
Sonny Fisher
Sonny Flaharty
Sonny Flaharty & The Young Americans
Sonny Freeze
Sonny Gee
sonny gee & the standels
sonny gee with the standells
Sonny Gee with The Standels
Sonny Hall
Sonny Harper
Sonny Hart and the Dynamic Encores
Sonny Hodges
Sonny Jackson
Sonny Joe Ivy
Sonny Knight
Sonny Lane and The Downbeats
Sonny Leonard
Sonny Martin
Sonny Mayes
Sonny Oliver and The Statics
Sonny Parker
Sonny Parker w/ Gladys Hampton's Bluesboys
Sonny Patterson w/ Rhythm Rockers
Sonny Raye
Sonny Raye and Fancy
Sonny Roberts and The Echoes
Sonny Sheather and the Stardusters
Sonny Sheets With Floyd Terry, The Pirates And The Frantics
Sonny Starns
Sonny Stevenson
Sonny Terry
Sonny Walker
Sons of the Pioneers
Sons Of The West
The Sotos Brothers
Soul Brothers Six
Soul, Inc.
Soul Inc.
Soul Inc
Soul, Inc
The Soul Survivors
The Sounds
Soupy Sales
South Bay Surfers
The Southern Gospel Band
The Southlanders
The Souvenirs
The Space Walkers
The Spacemen
The Spades
The Spaniels
The Spark Plugs
Sparkle Moore
The Sparklers
The Sparklers Four
The Sparkles
The Sparks
The Sparks Of Rhythm
The Sparktones
The Sparrows
The Spartans
The Speckulations
Spence Spencer
Spencer Wiggins
Spic & Span
The Spidels
The Spiders
The Spiders featuring Link Wray
Spike Jones
The Spindels
The Spindrifts
The Spindrifts featuring Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon
The Spinners
The Spirals
The Splendors
The Splinters
The Sportsmen
The Sprints
The Sprouts
Spyder Turner
Squatty and The Bottys
The Squires
The Stags
Stan and the Marauders
Stan & The Marauders
Stan Beaver
Stan Beaver and the Everglades
Stan Boreson - Doug Setterberg
Stan Farlow
Stan Robinson
Stan Ross
Stan Vincent and the Dwains
The Stanley Brothers
The Stanley Brothers And The Clinch Mountain Boys
Stanley Kimball
Stanley Mitchell & The Tornadoes
The Star Combo
The Star Fires
The Starfires
The Starks
The Starlets
The Starlettes
The Starlighters
The Starlighters featuring Leo Feathers
The Starlights
The Starliners
The Starlites
The Starr Brothers
Starr Sisters
The Statesman
The Statesmen
The Statics
Stella Johnson
The Stereos
Sterling Blythe
Sterling Harrison
Sterling Kelly
Steve Alaimo and the Red Coats
Steve Allen
Steve & Janie Wagoner
Steve And The Board
Steve And The Emperors
Steve and The Holidays
Steve Bergsman
Steve Carl and the Jags
Steve Cooper and the Avanties
Steve Cooper and the Avantis
Steve Davis
Steve Douglas
Steve France and the Hornets
Steve France & The Varatones
Steve Gibson & The Original Redcaps
Steve Gibson & The Red Caps
Steve King
Steve King and the Kings Row
Steve Purdy and The Studs
Steve Reynolds
Steve Rowe and the Furys
Steve Rowe & the Furys
Steve Scott and his Cousins
Steve Stephens And The Stevedores
Steve Wooten
Steve Wright and the Lin-Airs
Steven Wright
Steven Wright and the Lin-Aires
The Stevios
Stew McTaggart
Stewart Brothers
The Stewart Brothers
Stick Legs and the Flying Persians
Stick McGhee
Stick McGhee and His Buddies
Sticks Evans and his House Rockers
Sticks Herman
Sticks Herman w/ Marcelle Dugas Combo
Sticks McGee
Sticks McGhee
The Sting-Rays
The Sting Rays
Sting Rays
The Stingrays
Stinson Bros.
Stomp Gordon
Stomp Gordon & His Orch.
The Stompers
The Stompin' Riff Raffs!!
The Stompin' Riffraffs
The Stompin' Riffraffs !!!!
Stompin' Riffraffs
The Stone-Agers
Stonewall Jackson
The Storms
The Storms (w/ Carl Groves)
The Strangers
The Stratacats Combo
The Street Cleaners
Street Girls Radio Ad
The Street Singers
The String Kings
String Rays
The String Rays
The String Shifters
The Stringbeans
The Stringshifters
Stuart Owen
The Stylers
Sue Golden and the Illusions
Sue WaKenzie
The Suedes
Sugar and Pee Wee
Sugar Boy
Sugar Boy and his Cane Cutters
Sugar Boy Crawford
Sugar Boy Williams
Sugar Pie Desanto
Sugar Ray Robinson
Sugar - Ree
Sugarboy and his Cane Cutters
Sugarboy Crawford
Sugarpie DeSanto
The Sultans
The Summits
The Sundowners
The Sunliners
Sunny and the 4 Shades
Sunny and the Sunglows
Sunny and the Sunliners
Sunny Blair
Sunny Gale
Sunny George
Sunnyland Slim
The Sunsets
The Sunshine Boys
The Sunshine Boys featuring Moon Mullican
The Superbs
The Supremes
Sur Royal Da Count and The Parliaments
The Surf Boys
The Surf Family
The Surf Men
The Surf Riders
The Surfaris
The Surfer Girls
The Surfers
The Surfmen
The Surrounders
Susan Barrett
Susan Lynne
Susquehanna Industrial Tool and Die Co.
susy rose
Suzanne Mullins and the Diplomats
Suzie Lawrence with Jack Costanzo
Suzie Southworth
The Swallows
The Swanks
Sweet Pea Walker
The Sweet Sick-Teens
Sweet William
Sweetie Jones
The Swing Kings
Swing Kings
The Swing Tones
The Swingin' Sounds
The Swingin' Sting Rays
The "Swingin" Sting-Rays
The "Swinging" Sting Rays
The Swingsters
The Swingtones
Sy Linder and The Cams
Syd Dale
The Syd Dale Orchestra
Sylvia and the Saddle-Lites
Sylvia Jean and the Moon Glows
The Symbols
The Symphonics
The Syndicate
The Syndicates
T-Baby Green
T-Baby Green on the Bon-Ton Show
The T-Birds
T-Bone Walker
The T-Bones
T.C. Atlantic
T.C. Jones
T. Carl Adams
T.J. & The Jay Walkers
T.J. Fowler
T.J. Timber
T.K. Hulin
T.K. Hulin and the Lonely Knights
T.N.T. Tribble & The King Bees
T.R. Four
T-V Slim and his Bluesman
T.V. Slim and his Bluesmen
T.V. Slim and his Heartbreakers
T.V. Slim and the Soul Bros.
T. Valentine
T Valentine
T. Valentine Revealed!!!
Tabby Thomas
The Tabby's
The Tabbys
The Table Toppers
The Table Toppers featuring Little Enis
The Tabs
Tad & The Small Fry
Tai Et Ses Tahitians
The Takers
Tal Miller
Tal Miller & Combo
Tal Watts
Tall Paul
Tall Tonio and the Mello-Dees
Tami Lynn
Tampa Red
The Tampellas
The Tamrons
Tandoori Knights
Tarantuala Ghoul and the Gravediggers
Tarantula Ghoul and her Grave Diggers
Tarantula Ghoul & Her Gravediggers
The Targets
Tarheel Slim
Tarheel Slim with Wild Jimmy Spruill!
The Techniques
Ted Brooks
Ted Daigle
Ted Harris
Ted Jarrett
Ted Jarrett & Band
Ted Newton
Ted Newton and the Tennessee Rhythm Boys
Ted Randal
Ted Russell (and his) Rhythm Rockers
Ted Taylor
Teddy and Darrell (Two Sweet Guys?)
Teddy and the Continentals
Teddy and the Rough Riders
The Teddy Boys
Teddy Boys
Teddy Durant
Teddy Flores and the Regimentals
Teddy Humphries
Teddy (Mr Bear) McCrae
Teddy (Mr. Bear) McRae
Teddy "Mr. Bear" McRae
Teddy Reynolds
The Teem-Sters
The Teemates
The Teen Beats
Teen Beats
The Teen-Beats
The Teen Kings
Teen Queens
The Teen Queens
Teen Rockers
The Teen Rockers
The Teen Tones
Teen Tones
The Teen Tops
Teen Tops
The Teeners
The Teentones
Telli W. Mills (The Fat Cat)
The Tempest
The Tempests
The Temples
The Tempo Tones
The Tempo Toppers
The Tempo-Toppers
The Tempo Toppers feat. "Little Richard"
The Tempomen
The Tempos
The Temptations
The Temptations feat. Roy Buchanan
The Tenderfoots
The Tennesee Bee
The Tennessee Chocolate Drops
The Tennessee Drifters
Tennessee Ernie Ford
The Tennessee Guitars
Tennessee Jim & His Tennessee Playboys
Terminators of Endearment
The Terri-Tones
The Terrible Teens
The Terrifcs
The Terrifics
The Terrigan Brothers
Terry and Jerry
Terry and the Flippers
Terry and The Pirates
Terry & The Renegades
Terry and the Tags
Terry Ann & Lafferty-Furth Gang
Terry Clark
Terry Clement
Terry Clement and The Tune Tones
Terry Clement & The Tune Tones
Terry Corin and Her Boy Friends
Terry Daly and The Nu-Tones
Terry Dee and the Road Runners
Terry Dunavan
Terry Dunavan and the Earthquakes
Terry Fell
Terry Fell and the Fellers
Terry Foster, Jim Jenson & Jeff Foster
Terry Hensely
Terry Hensey
Terry Lee
Terry Lee and the Poor Boys
Terry Lee and the Revelers
Terry Miller
Terry Miller and the Rockin' Robbins
Terry Mullin
The Terry Sisters
Terry Teen
Terry Timmons
Terry Tyler
Terry Wayne
Terry Zwigoff
Teryy and Jerry
Tex Carman
Tex Cherry and Band W/ Jim Ross
Tex Cherry and Band With Jim Ross
"Tex" Jenks Carman
Tex Melton
Tex Neighbors
Tex Roe and the Ramblers
Tex Williams
Texas Bill Strength
The Texas Matadors
Texas Ray
The Texas Troubadours
Th Fugitives
Tha Chandeliers
Tha Lavenders
Tha Tampellas
Tha Valiants
Thee Impalas
Thee Midnighters
Thee Midniters
Their Singing Bodies
Thelma Baxter and the Durham Bros. All Stars
Ther Gardenias
Thomas and the Tomcats
Thomas and Tomcats
Thomas "Little Jr." Cannaday & his Midnite Flyers
Thomas Wayne
The Thor-Ables
The Thorndike Pickledish Choir
Those Four Eldorados
The Thrashers
Three Aces And A Joker
The Three Clicks
Three D's
The Three D's
The Three Haircuts
The Three Jokers
Three Ramblers
The Three Shif'less Skonks
Three Shif'less Skonks
The Three Strangers
The Three Tuffs
The Thrillers
Thumper Jones
The Thundemen
The Thunder Rocks
Thunder Rocks
The Thunderbeats
The Thunderbirds
The Thunderbirds with The Valvedeers
The Thunderbolts
The Thunderman
The Thundermen
The Thunders
The Thunderstorms
The Thunderswords
The Thundertones
The Thunderwords
Thurston Harris and The Masters
Tibbby Edwards
The Tibbs Brothers
Tibby Edwards
Tic & Toc
Tic and Toc
The Tic Tocs
Tick Tocks
The Tickler
The Ticklers
Tico and the Triumphs
Tico & The Triumphs
The Tidal Waves
The Tides
Tielman Brothers
The Tifanos
The Tigers
The Tikis
Tim Tam and the Turn-Ons
Tim Wilkins
The Time Masheen (and Friend)
Timi Yuro
Timmie Rogers
Timmy Rogers
Timmy Shaw
Tina Dixon
Tino & The Revlons
Tino and the Revlons
Tiny Bradshaw
Tiny Bradshaw and His Orchestra
Tiny Fuller and his Combo
Tiny Grimes And His Rockin' Highlanders
Tiny Grimes And His Rocking Highlanders
Tiny Grimes & His Rocking Highlanders (w/ Screamin' Jay Hawkins)
Tiny Grimes His Guitar and The Rockin Highlanders
Tiny Lewis
Tiny Morrie
Tiny Murphy and the Bar 69 Boys
Tiny Tim
Tiny Tim and his Tornadoes
Tiny Tim & His Tornadoes
Tiny Tim and the Tornadoes
Tiny Tim w/The Saxie Russell Orch
Tiny Tony & The Statics
Tiny Topsy
Tip Tops
The Tip Tops
Tippo Lite's All Star Band
The Titans
Tito Mambo & the Men of Chantz
Tito Mambo and the Voodoo Men
Titus Turner
TNT Tribble
TNT Tribble and his Crew
TNT Tribble featuring Johnny Stewart
Todd and Devin
Todd-o-phonic Todd Filled-in
Todd Rhodes
Todd Rhodes Orchestra
The Toddy Rockers
The Tokens
Tom and the Tornadoes
Tom Blair
Tom Blair and The West Coasters
Tom Brown
Tom Carter and the Ramrods
Tom Dorsam
Tom Harvey
Tom Hyatt and the Black Mountain Boys
Tom James
Tom Kerry And The Rembrandts
Tom Kerry featuring The Rembrandts
Tom King & The Starfires
Tom King and The Starfires
Tom (Red) Wilson
Tom (Red) Wilson and his Country Music
Tom Reeves
Tom Scott and the Men Of The Long Journeye
Tom Shannon with Russ Hallet Trio
Tom Shannon with Russ Hallet's Rocket
Tom T. Hall
Tom Tall & His Tom Kats
Tom Tolbert
Tom Wight
The Tomko's
Tommie Lee
Tommie Pearce and the Country Gentlemen
Tommie Tolleson
Tommy and the Hustlers
Tommy Angel
Tommy Bee and the Juareztones
Tommy Bell
Tommy Blake
Tommy Blake and The Rhythm Rebels
Tommy Boyer
Tommy Bruce and The Blisters
Tommy Cassel
Tommy Castle
Tommy Cherry and his Nitetriders
Tommy Collins
Tommy Danton and The Echoes
Tommy Dee & Gene Moles
Tommy Dee & The Mello-Tones
Tommy Durden
Tommy Facenda
Tommy Falcone and The Centuries
Tommy Falcone & The Centuries
Tommy Genova
Tommy Hancock
Tommy Hancock and the Connoisseur
Tommy Hawk
Tommy Hester
Tommy Hill
Tommy Hudson and the Savoys
Tommy Jackson
Tommy "Jim" Beam and the Four Fifths
Tommy King and the Starlites
Tommy King & the Starlites
Tommy Knackin and The Four Jets
Tommy Knacklin and The Four Jets
Tommy Lampkin
Tommy Latham
Tommy Law
Tommy Lomonte
Tommy Long
Tommy Long and the Varatones
Tommy Louis (Kid Thomas)
Tommy Louis (Kid Thomas) with Marshall & the Versatiles
Tommy Louis with Marshall & the Versatiles
Tommy Louis with Marshall and The Versatiles
Tommy Martin & the XL's
Tommy McClennan
Tommy Mercer and the McBrides
tommy mooney with bobby mooney and his automobile babies
Tommy Moreland and the Tennessee Drifters
Tommy Moreland and theTennessee Drifters
Tommy Peairce and The Ciuntry Gentlemen
Tommy Peairce and The Country Gentlemen
Tommy Ridgely
Tommy Ridgley
Tommy Roe
Tommy Roe and the Satins
Tommy Scot & The Men Of The Long Journey
Tommy Scott
Tommy Scott and Gaines (Jr.) Blevins
Tommy Scott & His Ramblers
Tommy Scott & Tommy Lee
Tommy Sosebee
Tommy Steele
Tommy Swanson
Tommy Taylor and the Five Knights
Tommy Tedesco
Tommy Todd
Tommy Tolleson
Tommy Uhr
Tommy "Weepin' And Cryin'" Brown
Tommy Wills (The Man With The Horn)
Tonni Kalash
Tonny Agbay and the Continentals
Tony Agbay & The Continentals
Tony Allan
Tony Allen
Tony Allen and The Chimes
Tony Allen and the Wonders
Tony Allen and Wonders
Tony and Jackie Lamie with The Swing Kings
Tony and The Knights
Tony & The Knights
Tony And The Monstrosities
Tony Andreason of The Trashmen
Tony Casanova
Tony Chick w/ Rocky Chirchiglia & his Orchestra
Tony Fabbri and The Continantals
Tony Fabbri & The Continentals
Tony Fresca
Tony Garo
Tony Gee
Tony Gideon
Tony Greco
Tony Harris
Tony Larson
Tony Moon and the Aktones
Tony Price
Tony (Robot) Alamo
Tony Rodelle Larson
Tony Rodelle Larson and The Saints
Tony Sams
Tony Sams and LaLa Wilson and His Band
Tony Scott
Tony Shepard
Tony Sheppard
Tony Shepperd
Tony Spade
Tony Valentino
Tony Valetta
Tony Valla and the Alamos
Tony Valletta Trio
Tony, Vic and Manuel
Tony Young
Tony Young and the Hippies
Too busy talking to Greg...sorry!
The Topps
The Topsy Turbys
The Torches
The Tornadoes
The Tornados
The Torquays
The Torques
The Torquettes
The Torquetts
Tot Randolph
The Town Three featuring Wes Voight
The Tra-Velles
The Trackers
The Tradewinds
The Traditions
The Trail Blazers
The Traits
The Tramps
The Trashmen!!!
The Trashmen
Trashmen Report
The Trashmen Report
The Travelaires
The Travelers
Travelin' Texans
Travis Pritchett
Travis Ricks
Travis Rogers & The Continentals
Travis Wammack
Travis Wammick
The Treasures
The Treble Tones
The Trebletones
The Tren-Dells
The Trends
The Treniers
The Trespassers
The Trey Tones
The Treytones
Trez Trezo
The Tri-Counts
The Tri-Tones
The Triads
The Triffids
The Triffits
Trig Richards
Trini Lopez
The ? Trio
The Triumphs
trooper jim foster
The Trophies
The Troubadour Kings featuring Freddie Thomas
The Troup
Troy Dodds
Troy Hess
Troy Scott and the Newport Quartet
Troyce Key
The Truants
"Truckdriver" Joe West
Truitt Cunningham
Truman Langford
Truman Mulkey
The Tu-Tones
Tuesday Weld
The Tumblers
The Tune Masters
The Tune Rockers
The Tune Tones
The Turbans
Turbine Oxcart
The Turks
Turner Moore
The Turtles
The Tuttle Sisters
TV Slim
The Twilghts
The Twilighters
The Twilights
The Twiliters
The Twisters
The Twisters (Bobby Smith Combo)
The Twisters (The Original)
"The Twisters" (The Original)
Two Crows and The Diggers
Ty B. and Johnny
Ty Terrell
Ty Tyrell
Ty Wagner with "The Scotchmen"
Tye Tonge Hanley
Tye Tongue Hanley
Tyrone A'Saurus And His Cro-Magnons
Tyrone Bracken
Tyrone Schmidling
U.B.'s Group
The U.S. Rockers
The U.S. Rockets
The Uglies
The Ultra-Tones
The Unbelievable Chuck Gregg
Uncle Floyd
Uncle Floyd "Cowboy Charlie"
Uncle Hix and The Happy Six
The Underbeats
The Undertakers
The Unique Echoes
The Uniques
The Unitones
The Universals
The Unknown
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artiste!
Unknown Bloke
Unknown Gospel Group
Unknown Group
Unknown Mental Case
Unknown Vocal Group
The Unluv'd
The Untamed Youth
The Upfronts
The Upsetters
The Uptones
The Uptown Boys
The Uptowners
The Uptowners featurin' Barney Barnacle
The Uptowns
Usual Lee Wong & Granny
The Utopias
The V Cashmeres
The Vails
Val Perry Trio
The Val-Tones
The Valaquans
The Valaquons
The Valiants
The Valiants with Jim Bing
The Vallians
The Vals
The Valvederes
Van and the Kidnappers
Van & Titus
Van and Titus
Van Brothers
the van brothers
Van Broussard
Van Clayton
The Van Dykes
Van Preston & The Nite Rockers
Van Preston and The Nite Rockers
The Van-Tells and Jerry Tredeau
Van Trevor and the Saturday Knights
Van Trevor & The Saturday Knights
Van Walls and The Rockets
Vance Barrett & The Col-Lee-Jets
Vancie Flowers
The Vandals
The Vandels
The Vanguards
The Vaqueros
The Varatones
Various blues 45s!!
The Varnells
The Varnels
The Vectors
The Velaires
The Velairs
The Vels
The Velvelettes
The Velveteens
The Velveteers
The Velvetiers
The Velvetones
The Velvetones-Five
.The Velvets
The Velvets
the velvietiers
The Vendells featuring Mr Soul
The Venetian Blinds
The Venturas
The Verdicts
Verlin Mayers
Verlin Mayes
Vern Clark
Vern Stovall
Vernon & Cliff
Vernon and Cliff
Vernon Anders
Vernon Core Jr
Vernon Derrick
Vernon Green and The Medallions
Vernon Green and the Phantoms
Vernon Harrel
Vernon Harrell
The Versatiles
The Versatones
The Versitiles
The Vestells
The Vets
The Vi-Counts
The Vi Dells
The Vi Dels
The Vi-Kings
The Vi-Kings with Nils King
Vi-Kings with Nils King
The Vi-Tones
The Vibes
The Vibra-Sonics
The Vibra Tones
The Vibraharps
The Vibrations
The Vibrators
The Vibrato's
The Vibratos
Vibratos LTD.
The Vibrents
Vic Cornish
Vice President Hubert Humphrey
The Vice-Roys
The Viceroys
Vicki Leah
The Victors
Vigor Fisher
The Vikings
The Vilados
Vilas Craig
Vilas Craig and The Vi-Counts
Vilas Craig & The Vi-Counts
The Villians
Vince Anthony and the Blue Notes
Vince Anthony with The Blue Notes
Vince Malloy
Vince Monroe
Vince Murphy & The Catalinas
Vince Roberts
Vincent & Pesci
Vinni Vincent
Vinnie Rogers
Virgil Holmes
Virgil Pittman
Virginia Dannow
The Virginia Wolves
The Viscounts
The Visions
The Vistas
The Vistas With Tee Tommy
The Vitells
Vito and the Salutations
The Viva Tones
The Vivatones
Vivian Collins
Vlad and the Impalers
Vladimir and the Grave Diggers
The Vocaleers
The Voices
The Volare Brothers
The Volcanoes
the volk brothers
Von Clayton
Von Streeter and his Wig Poppers
The Vondells
Voni Morrison
Vonnie Fritchie
Voodoo Men
The Voodoos
Wade and Dick (The College Kids)
Wade & Dick (The College Kids)
Wade Curtiss & the Rhythm Rockers
Wade Curtiss and the Rhythm Rockers
Wade Jackson
The Waikers
The Wailers
Wailin' Bethea and the Captans
Wailin' Bill Dell and the Bachelors
Wailing Bethea & The Cap-Tans
Wailing Bethea and the Captans
WAKR Radio Akron, OH
Walden Brothers
Walden Brothers with Frank, Charlie and Jack
Walker Brothers
Walkin' Charlie Aldrich and the Way -Outers
Walkin Charlie Aldrich and The Way Outers
Walkin' Charlie Aldrich & The Wayouters
Walkin' Willie
Walkin' Willie and his Orch.
Wall Bryson
Wallis Lake and the Surfin Guitars
Wally and the Knights
Wally Black
Wally Hughes
Wally Mercer
Wally Willette and his Globe Rockers
Walt and the Silvertones
Walt Benton and the Snappers
Walt Boatner Aircheck
Walter Bolen
Walter "Mumbles' Scott
walter "papoose" nelson
Walter Perkins
Walter Populist
Walter Populist and the TruTones
Walter Populist with the TrueTones
walter "sandman" howard
Walter Spriggs
Walter Stone (The Maniac)
Walter Vaughn
Walter Washington
The Walter Williams Show
Walton and the Silver Lake Boys
Wanda Allred
Wanda Jackson
Wanda Wayne
Waney Raney
Ward and Charley
Ward Darby
Ward Darby And The Raves
Wardell and the Sultans
The Warlocks
The Warner Bros Combo
Warner Bros Combo
Warner Bros. Combo
Warner Brothers
Warner Brothers Combo
Warner Mack
Warren Lee
Warren Miller
Warren Smith
Warren Storm
The Warriors
Washboard Sam
Watsie Lumbard & The East Men
The Way-Lites
Waylites feat. Little Joe
Waylon Chandler
Waylon Jennings
Waymon Brown
Wayne & Ray
Wayne (Bob) Roberts
Wayne Buchanan
Wayne Cochran
Wayne Cross with Porter Fender and The Rhythm Kings
Wayne Haas
Wayne Handy and the Melody Masters
Wayne Hefner
Wayne Johnston & The Bluebonnet Playboys
Wayne Pav & The Orphans
Wayne Raney
Wayne "Red" Cobb
Wayne Rogers
Wayne Satkamp
Wayne Thomas
Wayne Walker
Wayne Williams and the Sure Shots
Wayne Worley and his Worley Birds
Wayner Walker
The Weavils
Webb Dixon
Webb Robbins
The Webs
Webster Dunn, Jr
Webster Dunn Jr.
Wee Willie
Wee Willie & The Pals
Wee Willie and the Soulettes
Wee Willie Wayne
The Weird Beard & Crazy Cajun
The Weirdos
The Weirdos with Mr Gasser
Weldon Rogers
Wendell Austin and the Country Swings
Wendell "Duane" Stewart and the Downbeats
Wendell Smith
Wendy Rene
Werly Fairburn
Wes Buchanan
Wes Dakus and The Rebels
Wes Reynolds
Wesley Reynolds
Weyman Parham
WGRT Weather
The Whips
Whispering Pigg
Whispering Smith
White Bucks
The Whyte Boots
Wiggle and Waggles
Wiggles And Waggles
The Wigs
The Wil-Sones
Wilbert Harrison
Wilbert Harrison and his Kansas City Playboys
The Wilburn Brothers
The Wilburn Brothers (Teddy And Doyle)
Wild Bill Cookson
Wild Child Gipson
Wild Jimmy Spruill
The Wild Ones
The Wild Tones
Wilda Humphrey
The Wildebeests
The Wildmen
The Wildtones
The Wildwood Trio
Wiley Jeffers
Wiley Terry
Will Cherry and the Arrows
Willaim Spross
Willard Chamberlain
Wille Egan
Wille Ward
Willei Egans
William Tell Taylor w/ Jimmy Heap and the Melody Masters
William The Wild One
The Williams Sisters
Willie B
Willie B.
Willie B.(Darrell McCall)
Willie Bailey
Willie C Cobbs
Willie C. Echols
Willie C Echols
Willie Dixon
Willie Dixon and the All Stars
Willie Egan
Willie Egans
Willie Hamilton
Willie Hayden
Willie Headen
Willie Joe and His Unitar
Willie Johnson
Willie Johnson and Thelma
Willie Johnson with Thelma
Willie Jones
Willie King and The Ike Turner Band
Willie Mabon
Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton
Willie Mae (Big Mama) Thornton
Willie Mae Thornton and Elroy Peace
Willie Mitchell
Willie Mitchell Orch
Willie Mitchell Orchestra
Willie Nelson
Willie Restum
Willie Spencer
Willie "The Moon Man" Echols
Willie Tomlin
Willie Tremain's Thunderbirds
Willie Walker and the Alpacas
Willie Ward and the Warblers
Willie Ward & the Warblers
Willie Weems and the Outlaws
Willie Weems & the Outlaws
Willie West
Willie White and The Bleu Matts
Willie White & The Bleu Matts
Willie Wright and His Sparklers
Willie Wright & His Sparklers
Willie Wrights & The Sparkles
The Willis Brothers
Willis "Gator Tail" Jackson
Willis Jackson & His Orchestra
Willis Meyers
Willis Wade
Willum Fowler
Willy Monti y Los Tiburones
willy tremain's thunderbirds
Wilma Lee Cooper and Stoney Cooper
Wilma Lee with Stoney Cooper and his Clinch Mountain Clan
Wilmar Walker
Wilson Pickett
Win El Loco Rock and Roll
Win Humdingers Vol 2
Win Mad Mike Monsters!
Win Norton 6-Pack of 45s and patches!
Win RnB Humdingers!
Win Rockabilly Hoodlums!
Win Sonny Hopson!!!!!!
Win Strummin' Mental
Win Wavy Gravy
Wingy Manone Orchestra
The Wise Guys
The Wise Men
The Wolfman
Wolfman & The Wolf Pack
Wolfman Jack
Wolfman Jack and the Wolf Pack
Wolfman Jack & The Wolf Pack
Wolfman Jack Live at the Peppermint Lounge in Bossier City, LA
Wolfman Jack with the Boogie Kings
Wonder Boy Travis
"Woo Woo" Moore
The Woodpeckers
Woody & Dave
Woody and Dave
Woody Bridge
Woody Bridges
Woody Martin
The Woolies
World Famous Blue Jays
The World Famous Upsetters
The Wray Brothers
The WVON Good Guys
Wynona Carr
Wynonie Harris
Wynonie Harris w/ Sun Ra
The X-L's
The X-Terminators
The XL's
Yetti Men
Yo Yo Hashi
Yochanan (The Spage Age Vocalist)
York Bros.
The York Bros
The York Bros.
York Bros
The York Brothers
York Brothers
York Brothers (Leslie and George)
The York Brothers (Leslie & George)
Young Jesse
.Young Jessie
Young Jessie
The Youngsters
The Youngsters feat. Danny Zella
The Youngsters feat. Danny Zella's Rockers
Your DJ Speaks
Your Ole Hillbilly Buddy Dave Farley
Yvonne Fair
The Zakons
The Zaks
Zane Ashton and The Irresistibles
The Zanies
Ze Majestiks
The Zebras
Zeke and Red
Zeke & Red
Zeke Clements
The Zeke Jackson Show
Zeke Sheppard
Zelwood and Thornton
Zen Fuller
Zero Jones
Zilla Mays
Zip and the Zippers
Zip & The Zippers
The Zircons
The Zodiacs
Zodiacs (formerly Gladiolas)
Zookie and the Potentates
The Zu Zu Blues Band
Zu Zu Blues Band
The ZuZu Blues Band (Jessie Hill and Mac Rebennack)
ZZ and de Maskers
ZZ en de Maskers

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