Rhubarb Cake, 12/14/00, 9 AM-noon on WFMU hosted by Douglas metric this show is archived here--listen! background: Charles Curtis: Ultra White Violet Light reading: Ralph Waldo Emerson: Politics James Brown: People It's Bad (We Got To Get Over Before We Go Under) original version of "Funky President" The Work: I Hate America our long national throbbing headache begins Ulan Bator: Let Go Ego as with all demands, it goes on for a while Modern Lovers: Don't Let Our Youth Go To Waste as with all demands, it is a single shaky voice, quickly stilled The New Pornographers: The Body Says No I swear this is the best power-pop record in like 18 years Gram Parsons: Reputation young, tense and singing Tim Hardin The Cannanes: William "sometimes the drugs help and sometimes they don't" Low: Whore mere prettiness isn't even a memory any more DNA: Lying On The Sofa Of Life prettiness in general is an alien concept Muslimgause/Moondogg: This Gun Is Still Bleeding Loaded just like putting one's favorite knit pillow over the speaker Stilluppsteypa: Darling, I Know perfect prequel to Apsu's "don't ever doubt me" song DJ Pica Pica Pica: Planetary Natural Love Gas Webbin' 199999 (excerpt) kaBAMa kaBAMa kaBAMa kaBAMa kaBAMa kaBAMa kaBAMa kaBAMa kaBAMa Fat Day: Little Rachcles nanaNANAnanaNANAnanaNANAnaHEY YOU! HEY MISTER! Kimya Dawson: Great Crap a touching tribute to my second cousin, w/ TV on in background Son, Ambulance: Brown Park we're a happy family we're a happy family Nutley Brass: Teenage Lobotomy eventually everything gives you the fear Karen Mantler: Beware one of very few songs not about her mom or her cat; brilliant anyway Lee Fields: Wanna Dance "little J.B.," they call him Big Youth: Political Confusion ... Hrvatski: Bad Raum high-concept, low-tech, hi-tek, fabulous THE DELGADOS in session at WFMU 11/22/00 (engineered by Gil Shuster): Aye Today American Trilogy Accused of Stealing Don't Stop for this gorgeous "low-key acoustic session," the Delgados were: Alun Woodward: vocals, guitar Emma Pollack: vocals, guitar Stewart Henderson: bass Paul Savage: percussion Chloe Kent: violin Vuk Krakovic: violin Chrales Cross: viola Alan Barr: cello Samantha Kynaston: flute Colin McPherson: piano John Delf: additional engineering Pink Wally, Jeffy Lube, Dirty Louie, DJ Stinko: Yam Yam there are lots of things to do with yams Gary Byrd: Every Brother Ain't A Brother great irritable Black Power single from '68-ish Kartpaty Magiczne: Spiewajace Misy twingity-twangity M:I:5: Maßstab I:5 shlippity-pattitiy Sainkho Namtchylak: Let The Sunshine Tuvan improv weirdo goes trip-hop X-over News from Babel: Contraries brief, sly, dashed-off but formal Spike Jones: I Want The South To Win The War For Xmas seems to have happened, sigh Calvin Spears: Bugs In Your Head that explains a lot Kiki and Herb: People Die medley of "Rudolph the RNR," "Teen Spirit," "Suicide Is Painless" Dickbath: Space Hate inarticulacy says it all Brokeback: Running Scared so does leaving out the words questions? mail me! if you'd like to get these playlists (and upcoming session announcements) emailed to you every week, subscribe!