Donald Kennedy 7-27-98 | Former President of Stanford University and author of
"Academic Duty", others.
Niles Eldredge 7-27-98 | Chief Curator of the American Museum of Natural
History's Hall of Biodiversity and
author of "Life in the Balance: Humanity and the
Biodiversity Crisis". |
Jack Cowan 7-20-98 | Professor of Applied Mathematics and Neurology
at the University of Chicago
Jerome Lettvin 7-20-98 | MIT's Professor of Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering,
Emeritus. |
Rodney Nichols 7-13-98 | President and CEO of the New York Academy of Sciences |
Ken Smith 7-13 -98 | Author of "Raw Deal:Horrible and Ironic Tales of Forgotten Americans",
"Ken's Guide to the Bible" and coauthor of "Roadside America" |
Richard Dawkins 7-6-98 | Oxford zoologist, holder of the Charles Simonyi Chair of Public
Understanding of Science and author of "The Selfish Gene," "The
Extended Phenotype," "Climbing Mount Improbable," and others. |
Samuel Barondes 7-6-98 | Jeanne and Sanford Robertson Professor of Neurobiology and
Psychiatry at the UCSF, author of "Mood Genes:
Hunting for the Origins of Mania and Depression".