The Green Room

Mondays 6PM - 8PM, with Dorian

Guests from March, 1998

Bruce Alberts
- President of the National Academy of Sciences, cell biologist, co-author of "molecular Biology of the Cell" and "Essential Cell Biology".
Guy Maddin
- filmmaker ("Twilight of the Ice Nymph", "Careful", "Tales from Gimli Hospital", others).
John Seabrook
- New Yorker staff writer; author of "Deeper:Adventures on the Net".
Richard Dawkins
- zoologist; holder of the Charles Simonyi Chair for the Public Understanding of Science, author of "The Selfish Gene", "The Extended Phenotype","Climbing Mount Improbable", and others.
Marc Abrahams
- founder of the Ig-nobel Prizes; Editor of the Annals of Improbable Research.
John A. Wheeler
Princeton University's Professor of Physics Emeritus, nuclear physicist and black hole theorist
George Plimpton
editor of the Paris Review and author ("Truman", "Edie". others)
Bob Helms
human research subject and editor of "Guinea Pig Zero"
Martin Perl
group leader at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and Nobel Prize-winning experimental physicist (for discovery of the tau lepton)
John Sayles
director of films "Men with Guns", "Matewan", "Brother from Another Planet" and others
Donald Wise
geologist, creationist-battler and former NASA manned spaceflight section director

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