The Green Room

Mondays 6PM - 8PM, with Dorian

Guests from April 1997

Geoffrey O'Brian
author of "Hard-Boiled America" & others;
Fernanda Eberstadt
author of novel "When the Sons of Heaven Meet the Daughters of Earth";
Robert Park
of American Physical Society; author of "What's New" column;

Alan Hale
astronomer; co-discoverer of Hale-Bopp comet;
Charles Taylor
Prof of biology & Co-Director of Cognitive Science Research Project at UCLA; researcher in poulation genetics, evolution, & artificial life systems;
Linda Yablonsky
director of Nightlight series of readings and author of novel "The Story of Junk";
Alan Sokal
Prof. of physics NYU;physicist, SocialText hoakster;
Michael Dertouzos
Director of MIT 's Laboratory for Computer Science; author of "What Will Be";
David Sedaris
(4-14-97 & 96)
author of "Naked" & "Barrel Fever";
J. Anthony Tyson
physicist; member NAS; dark matter researcher
Albert Baez
physicist; educator; Joan's father;

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