David Kessler 5-7-01 |
Former Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, Dean of Yale
University Medical School, and author of "A Question of Intent: A Great
American Battle with a Deadly Industry".
William Schultz 5-7-01 |
Lawyer and Deputy Commissioner for Policy of the Food and Drug
Administration from 1994 to 1999.
Richard Zare 5-14-01 |
Renowned Stanford University laser chemist and former chair of the National
Research Council (NRC).
http://www.stanford.edu/group/Zarelab/ http://www-chem.stanford.edu/faculty/zare/ |
Robert Glaser 5-14-01 |
Professor Emeritus at Stanford Medical School, founding member of the
Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences, and medical
foundation executive. Authority on medical education, health care and
Maurice Hilleman 5-21-01 |
Director, Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research, who is credited with
developing more vaccines than any other person.
http://www.ihv.org/ihv%20htmls/hilleman.html |
No Green Room Show 5-28-01 | (Glen Jones Marathon Show)